What would be the benefit of supersetting a muscle group with an exercise that's working the same muscle but a different angle? for example, Flat Db bench ss with flat db flyes?
Super-setting is usually doing 2 muscle groups at once, let's say BIs then TRIs. The benefit is more intense training sessions and usually more growth as you're training to near-failure most of the time.
Yep, very intense work out, plus pumps more blood to the upper arm
same goes to the other muscle groups. Only thing is , can leed to
overtraining real quick. OMO...
in a compound movement such as bench pressing the triceps being the smaller muscle tire before the larger chest muscles have been fully worked. By doing dumbell flyes followed immediately by bench presses the pecs are already half fatigued so the set is overall more productive when the triceps tire. I remember seeing an article on chest training by Ed Corney where he did 3 sets flat flyes supersetted with 3 of flat bench, follwed by 3 sets incline flyes supersetted with incline presses and finally 3 sets of decline flyes supersetted with decline presses. A killer workout but the results speak for themselves.
Pre exhaust gives excellent results if used properly.
If you want to discuss this or any other aspect of High Intensity Training in more detail, drop me a PM and we'll talk more.