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Surgery advice


Sponsor / Kilo Club
Kilo Klub Member
Jan 20, 2003
So I went in today to get was projected to be a lipoma on my back removed. Was supposed to be derma bond on top with 2 cork screwed anchors sub dermis on either side. Once opened he said “this is actually a large sebaceous gland clogged, oddly not infected but I have to cut around it and not open it so more tissue will be coming out than we thought”. 2 hours later he’s removed a pretty fucking big (to my eyes) what looks like a massive deer testicle. Bout 6 cm cut with 2 anchors and 15 stitches I believe. Dermabond on top. It looks in the pic like he got some muscle tissue but maybe y’all know better. First surgery and they did it local only so he was talking a bit but I was kinda whiteknuckling it to stay calm and not move. The pain is insane. He gave me hydromorphone which at 4 mg is doing nothing so I’ll get some norco tomorrow. Plan on taking TB500 daily maybe twice. Hammering collagen and GH. Any opinions or thoughts on pain management and speeding recovery are appreciated.


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If hydromorphone isn't handling your pain Norcos are going to be worse. I'd ask about stronger options, which sucks as sometimes they make you take them to realize they're shit. I'd definitely talk to the Dr if you have concerns still tomorrow. Anyway you prolly got it covered but good luck on recovery. Also don't get addicted before someone grandstands a tangent.... Lol
If hydromorphone isn't handling your pain Norcos are going to be worse. I'd ask about stronger options, which sucks as sometimes they make you take them to realize they're shit. I'd definitely talk to the Dr if you have concerns still tomorrow. Anyway you prolly got it covered but good luck on recovery. Also don't get addicted before someone grandstands a tangent.... Lol
lol I won’t only gonna take 3 days maybe 4 been down that road a ways back and have taken pain meds prescribed and stopped since then. No it’s really strange the hydromorphone isn’t giving me pinned pulpits, sense of well being, etc. I keep 2 norco in my hunting dirt aid /trauma kit. I broke down and took some at 244 and 30 minutes later I felt better drastically I know it should be weaker by far but it’s always hit me hard, course my ex wife was a nurse and would bring hydro pushes home and they hit like a school bus so maybe it’s absorption. Either way trading hydro for norco is easy I’m sure I’ll be good by days end and yes I tried adding Tylenol to the hydro and it helped a tad but according to the equivalency chart 1 4mg hydro is 4-6 norco. Thought I was gonna half after initial night but nah they don’t do shit for me. I was in a bit of shock first few hours well past the local’s efficacy which the doc said I would be in a bit of shock bc he cut so much on me which I don’t understand that either shock is usually major trauma but fuck me come 10 pm this thing lit up I’ve been sitting all night. Even my edibles were just enough to help a few hours sleep but I micro dose it, I don’t like being stoned maybe that’s my reserve chute if I gotta. Dont know if legal psyliscibin in micro would help too also legally obtained so the quality is on point but dunno, I know it’ll pass it’s just basic surgery but it definitely blows so if I can speed it, relax it, or reduce the pain I will. Went ahead and took a big dose of salmon oil and tumeric to help with inflammation but the effect is negligible on pain perception.
Yea that was weird looking whatever that was they got out but at least its out, they check it for cancer already? And yea if norcos work better go for it and if all you got to do is sit around...might as well enjoy yourself a little bit. I'm not a fan of thc either, I get a hangover from it that's not bad but its just not worth the squeeze for me. My sleeping pills work better for me! Now psyliscibin I haven't done a lot of but always have enjoyed myself. It will be interesting to see how legalizing them works out for depression which is why I would be interested in taking them. Though in you're case,...like I said might as well enjoy it if you can.
When I had my shoulder surgery they gave me Percocet. Within 2 days I was onto advil/tylenol. The pain will drop off for you very quickly.

Have you tried CBN? I find it works better than THC for sleeping at least, nothing as far as pain management though.
Yea that was weird looking whatever that was they got out but at least its out, they check it for cancer already? And yea if norcos work better go for it and if all you got to do is sit around...might as well enjoy yourself a little bit. I'm not a fan of thc either, I get a hangover from it that's not bad but its just not worth the squeeze for me. My sleeping pills work better for me! Now psyliscibin I haven't done a lot of but always have enjoyed myself. It will be interesting to see how legalizing them works out for depression which is why I would be interested in taking them. Though in you're case,...like I said might as well enjoy it if you can.
They sent it to the lab the surgery was literally yesterday afternoon but the doc said it’s protocol he said in his opinion 0% chance it’s cancer. If had glands get clogged before and they popped with or without the help of an 18 gauge needle. This one like the others I’m sure was fueled by my higher than normal test levels and also Ho it grew so crazy fast, it was a marble like 3 months ago and well big af yesterday. If I hadn’t had to new babies in the house I prolly would have gotten a friend to handle it sooner but by the time I realized it was an issue it was too big and the wife insisted on a doc. Appreciate the positivity but I hate sitting around especially since I’ve been on fire with diet and training for the first time consistently since fertility started a few years back so days off 2 are great 5-6 is murder. In the mushroom depression note: I have a friend who fought ufc about 15 years, not a superstar but on ufc cards no les and he is from a generational wealth family. His daughter had gone off to a big name college in CA and had depression was taking meds and had an utter meltdown down. He grabbed the family jet flew out grabbed her and at the advice of someone connected to ufc stopped somewhere and bought like a pallet of these bars. She takes one square am and pm is on no other meds and has all her mental health issues managed. If she gets anexiety she micro doses some thc (no idea amount) but she is pharma free and doing great. I got the bar on dumb luck bc he was coaching my buddy and they were talking after party and B said he won’t fucking drink, ol boy said you like mushrooms I said yea he said follow me and there in the spare room were boxes stacked he said grab some I foolishly grabbed 1 bar and then the explanation as to why he had so many followed. I dunno about depression personally but micro dose on that makes me feel great and taking 2-3 is a great ride but not too much by any means.
When I had my shoulder surgery they gave me Percocet. Within 2 days I was onto advil/tylenol. The pain will drop off for you very quickly.

Have you tried CBN? I find it works better than THC for sleeping at least, nothing as far as pain management though.
Never tried cbn outside whole flower you get it at head shops like CBD or is it controlled like thc?
Never tried cbn outside whole flower you get it at head shops like CBD or is it controlled like thc?

I am in Canada, so I have a multitude of options. Shit, I figure I have 12 stores within a 10 minute drive. Although I buy 'grey' market, online, as it is 25% of the cost since the guvment does not play middle man.

CBN, the way is was explained to me, is like degraded THC. It loses a great deal of the "high" compared to THC, but the sedative properties remain the same.
Just to give you an example this is my goto online store.

I am in Canada, so I have a multitude of options. Shit, I figure I have 12 stores within a 10 minute drive. Although I buy 'grey' market, online, as it is 25% of the cost since the guvment does not play middle man.

CBN, the way is was explained to me, is like degraded THC. It loses a great deal of the "high" compared to THC, but the sedative properties remain the same.
I researched a little found the same info AND it’s a big part of ingested of the mild hallucinogenic part of marijuana. Extremely mild but it’s there but must be digested. Again I’m researching not first hand intel.
How you doing?
Finally slept last night like 10 hours. Hurts like hell still but it is or appears to be healing fast. First dressing change will be tonight or tomorrow I guess we’ll know more then. It has destroyed my appetite which the doc said would happen so I guess it’s normal. I upped the GH and tb500 i assume that’ll help.
So I went in today to get was projected to be a lipoma on my back removed. Was supposed to be derma bond on top with 2 cork screwed anchors sub dermis on either side. Once opened he said “this is actually a large sebaceous gland clogged, oddly not infected but I have to cut around it and not open it so more tissue will be coming out than we thought”. 2 hours later he’s removed a pretty fucking big (to my eyes) what looks like a massive deer testicle. Bout 6 cm cut with 2 anchors and 15 stitches I believe. Dermabond on top. It looks in the pic like he got some muscle tissue but maybe y’all know better. First surgery and they did it local only so he was talking a bit but I was kinda whiteknuckling it to stay calm and not move. The pain is insane. He gave me hydromorphone which at 4 mg is doing nothing so I’ll get some norco tomorrow. Plan on taking TB500 daily maybe twice. Hammering collagen and GH. Any opinions or thoughts on pain management and speeding recovery are appreciated.
Yo..they let you keep that shit?
Wow that is crazy!!! Can’t believe that the hydromorphone isn’t working. I do not some people don’t respond to some pain meds. I didn’t feel shit from ER OxyContin but ER morphine at 30mg worked great even though the oxy is stronger mg for mg. I hope you get something better to manage the pain and heal up soon bro!!💪🏽
Yo..they let you keep that shit?
No they just let me take pics post op. Apparently even though the doc knows what it is it all still goes to the lab for testing, for what I don’t know.
No they just let me take pics post op. Apparently even though the doc knows what it is it all still goes to the lab for testing, for what I don’t know.
I got to keep some shrapnel removed from a ninja charge..we were fucken around in training..nothing cool..we all got in trouble for it lol
Wow that is crazy!!! Can’t believe that the hydromorphone isn’t working. I do not some people don’t respond to some pain meds. I didn’t feel shit from ER OxyContin but ER morphine at 30mg worked great even though the oxy is stronger mg for mg. I hope you get something better to manage the pain and heal up soon bro!!💪🏽
Thanks bro I got some norco and they are working. I think I can feel the hydromorphone now better too. The doc said I would have some “shock symptoms “ from being open and having something cut out plus I bleed a good bit so I’m thinking that first 18 hours or so it wasn
Get some bromelain and take 2500 gdu a day
It worked miracles on swelling and inflammation and bruising from surgery.

i actually just bought a pineapple and the whole ass core for this very reason.
So we redressed it tonight, my wife is shit at blood but we got it done. Seems to be weeping just a lil and aside from the dried blood looks about like it did surgery day which is good. He wanted me to just start on 875 amox/clav but I hate taking antibiotics jic. And it seems so far that was the smart call.


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Dressing looks good, seems like the pain is being controlled better. Do you by chance consume THC regularly? That will absolutely blunt your body’s response to opioids. Otherwise you may just be one of the strange ones.

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