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Test E vs Test P


New member
Feb 12, 2020
Test E vs Test P?

Which will be better for cutting?

and what is **EDIT** - No Asking For Cycles! Suggest One and Others Can Comment On It.

IMO both has same effect.

Please share your suggestions.
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test p is a little more potent than test e because of ester weight.

they're both great for cutting while running.

GH helps if you're cutting.

I don't like anavar or winstrol because they hurt my joints, which becomes more pronounced while calories are restricted.
Test E vs Test P?

Which will be better for cutting?

and what is **EDIT**

IMO both has same effect.

Please share your suggestions.
Prop is strong and suppose to hold less water. Var and winny combine is an awesome stack. May destroy your lipids some lol
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Test E vs Test P?
Depends on your preferences. Prop ideally should be pinned daily (EOD at bare minimum). Enanthate 2x a week. Prop has 14% more actual testosterone per mg due the enanthate ester comprising more of each mg. Some people complain of pip from prop (I never experienced it personally), but test e is probably the least pip inducing aas around. Unless you get one that is very high concentration (400+ mg/ml).

Personally, if I can stay diligent with the ED pinning (and work and life cooperate), I much prefer prop. For whatever reason, it just feels better.

Which will be better for cutting?
No difference. Some feel prop holds less water. There's some evidence to that but it's not substantial, and in the end it's only water.

and what is **EDIT**

IMO both has same effect.

Please share your suggestions.
Both are DHT orals so they'll provide similar benefit. Anavar, for the most part is tolerated much better by many but is also much more expensive. For cutting, you would not need a significant dose. So that would help offset cost.
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Test is test , if taking 200mg a week of test Enanthate brings your level to 1200 , 200mg a week of prop may bring you to 1300.
The water retention you get from it is dependent on how your body responds to test , not the ester.

As for a stack for cutting , personally I prefer adding Masteron
Test is test , if taking 200mg a week of test Enanthate brings your level to 1200 , 200mg a week of prop may bring you to 1300.
The water retention you get from it is dependent on how your body responds to test , not the ester.

As for a stack for cutting , personally I prefer adding Masteron

Yep , masteron or primo imo
Test is test , if taking 200mg a week of test Enanthate brings your level to 1200 , 200mg a week of prop may bring you to 1300.
The water retention you get from it is dependent on how your body responds to test , not the ester.

As for a stack for cutting , personally I prefer adding Masteron

i think not exaclty true especially if you look at how some ppl think if prop ester vs en ester.

ppl continue to look at en as a longer ester when it really isnt, due to the rapid peak.
if you were gona do 600mg test wk and did 2x300mg admin of en vs 6 admin of 100mg of prop you are prob gona get more estro related sides from the en because of higher peaks and vallies. some ppl also seem to have issue with prop ester.

i generally agree test is test, some is left to user error and then again there are some small nuances you can note after years trial.
Test is test. I personally have never noticed any considerable difference between running the two other than shot volume and frequency.
i think not exaclty true especially if you look at how some ppl think if prop ester vs en ester.

ppl continue to look at en as a longer ester when it really isnt, due to the rapid peak.
if you were gona do 600mg test wk and did 2x300mg admin of en vs 6 admin of 100mg of prop you are prob gona get more estro related sides from the en because of higher peaks and vallies. some ppl also seem to have issue with prop ester.

i generally agree test is test, some is left to user error and then again there are some small nuances you can note after years trial.

I’ve been considering trying prop against my Enanthate since I micro dose daily to see in there would be any difference. Prop always gave me a monster knot and discomfort no matter what brand I used.
I’ve been considering trying prop against my Enanthate since I micro dose daily to see in there would be any difference. Prop always gave me a monster knot and discomfort no matter what brand I used.
What Bout trying testosterone PHENYLPROPIONATE? Its similar to prop, slightly longer life and less pip
Test is test , if taking 200mg a week of test Enanthate brings your level to 1200 , 200mg a week of prop may bring you to 1300.
The water retention you get from it is dependent on how your body responds to test , not the ester.

As for a stack for cutting , personally I prefer adding Masteron
this !
I’ve been considering trying prop against my Enanthate since I micro dose daily to see in there would be any difference. Prop always gave me a monster knot and discomfort no matter what brand I used.

i have always like prop, i never liked en until i used it ed/eod. i think if you compare en vs prop same dose ed you might find prop smoother sort of if any difference. actual blood levels at same dose very little difference.

what i am using i made myself and it has no feeling, pain or knotts.

i have a tendancy to think if you get a bad reation to gear it may result in lower blood levels and while maybe you just need to try different gear some people do get a reaction to prop ester more so on test then other stuff.
What Bout trying testosterone PHENYLPROPIONATE? Its similar to prop, slightly longer life and less pip

i cant say blood test results but i have used all three for years in each case and if dosed the same i would do 50mgs more tpp wk then the other two, all the rest being equal. it seems smooth to the extent of being less noticeable.

there is no real reason for pip in any case with any of the three, accept for that potential ester sensitivity. one can make that all with 15%bb and 1-2% ba which is not high or feely solvent doses.
Im convinced ed pinning is the way.
Test P and winny is a great combo for cutting provided your diet is on point.

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