Your work capacity can be made larger just like your muscles can. If you're hard core about this lifestyle then you're hardcore about diet sleep and recovery too. Get those in line and then add in more and more work and you can raise your total work capacity just like how you build your muscles over time.
I find that i only have a certain amount of recovery ability. I find it is limited by the amount of food i can digest/absorb how much rest i get, amount of gear etc.
I guess you are more hard core then me and can just keep raising those things mentioned above indefinity to cover the increased workload you continue to put on your body forever
Where did i write that a person can't recover from what you wrote. I wrote that it just takes more recovery ability as the workload is increased. As Stress can be from physical, financial, work, arguing all the time with other and the list goes on. Are all factors that can increase stress and will need to be recovered from.The body can surely handle more than a brisk walk alongside intense training. If you can’t handle 20-40 mins of bike/elliptical etc in a nearly daily basis in the offseason, you have a serious recovery issue going on.