It's not that simple. Tribestan is the precision EXTRACT (concentrate) of Tribulus terrestris herb with the proper ratio of protodioscin to protogracillin. This is critcal for TT to be effective.
Really? Why's it critical. Because, to me, its just marketing bullshit. The studies above used high protodioscin contents and specific ratios of various saponins.
The herb in capsule form is a bad move also due to the rapid degradation it will go through being exposed to the oxygen in the air every time you open the bottle. It also doesn't like being mixed with ingredients of differing moisture content, etc. Like I said it's a very fragile herb.
Dont you think hundreds of published medical studies done on TT know that. Here's one study. Titled: [Determination of furostanol saponins in the preparation Tribestan]. Dated 1982.
In light of the research carried out on TT. It does not raise testosterone levels, imporve performance, LBM, FFM or imporve strength.
No doubt there are other herbs out there that work also. To say Tribestan does not raise test levels is just ignorant, unless you are for some reason resistant to it. That's highly unlikely. You're most likely just not using it properly.
Where's Emeric when ya need him?
Tribestan (Tribulus terrestris)
**broken link removed**
Here's recent research (Jan 2008) on TT on 2 women, measuring endogenous T and DHEA aswell as other androgens. I'm 99% sure they used Tribestan. I skimmed the full paper a while ago and dont have a copy of it on this computer.
Forensic Sci Int. 2008 Jun 10;178(1):e7-10. Epub 2008 Feb 20.
Short term impact of Tribulus terrestris intake on doping control analysis of endogenous steroids.
Saudan C, Baume N, Emery C, Strahm E, Saugy M.
Swiss Laboratory for Doping Analyses, Institut Universitaire de Médecine Légale, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Chemin des Croisettes 22, 1066 Epalinges, Switzerland.
Tribulus terrestris is a nutritional supplement highly debated regarding its physiological and actual effects on the organism. The main claimed effect is an increase of testosterone anabolic and androgenic action through the activation of endogenous testosterone production. Even if this biological pathway is not entirely proven, T. terrestris is regularly used by athletes. Recently, the analysis of two female urine samples by GC/C/IRMS (gas chromatography/combustion/isotope-ratio-mass-spectrometry) conclusively revealed the administration of exogenous testosterone or its precursors, even if the testosterone glucuronide/epitestosterone glucuronide (T/E) ratio and steroid marker concentrations were below the cut-off values defined by World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). To argue against this adverse analytical finding, the athletes recognized having used T. terrestris in their diet. In order to test this hypothesis, two female volunteers ingested 500 mg of T. terrestris, three times a day and for two consecutive days. All spot urines were collected during 48 h after the first intake. The (13)C/(12)C ratio of ketosteroids was determined by GC/C/IRMS, the T/E ratio and DHEA concentrations were measured by GC/MS and LH concentrations by radioimmunoassay. None of these parameters revealed a significant variation or increased above the WADA cut-off limits. Hence, the short-term treatment with T. terrestris showed no impact on the endogenous testosterone metabolism of the two subjects.
PMID: 18282674 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
The only research done on Tribestan is by Sopharma. The company who produces it and conducted the research on it, which is an immediate conflict of intrest.
Again, Ashwagandha RE has recently been proven to improve endogneous T by 40% and improve sperm production/mobility.
Ashwagandha and Testosterone - Anabolic Steroids - / Anabolic Review Forums