my .02
"light Weight!" -Ronnnie. J/k.
I love quotes..
"Even the longest journey begins with a single step" - chinese proverb
"It's better to light a candle than curse the darkness"
Rocky III Rocky " I'll do it tomorrow...tomorrow"
Rocky III Apollo Creed "There is NO TOMORROW"
God I wish I could remember where this was posted at, but a LONG time ago someone on one of the forums typed out this long paragraph about what being hardcore was..... I have a printed copy of it in my gym bag.
in fact, here it is...
There is a difference between being a Bodybuilder and Being a Musclehead. Use the same discipline and motivation that you have learned in the gym and use it in other aspects of your life. Work on your mental strength as well as your physical. Someday… it all comes to an end…and if you don’t have a degree or some type of skill..what are you going to do then? If you get injured and don’t have any friends and family…who is going to help? You should always go balls to the wall to reach your goals…don’t be one-dimensional and have your entire life revolve around bodybuilding. I went to college, held a 40 hour a week job, competed in bodybuilding, and had relationships all at the same time. There are many top level athletes that have educations and other interests. Hardcore is Facing all challenges in front of you and kicking their dicks in the dirt no matter how hard it might be. Never getting discouraged and staying on your path no matter what. Training until you feel like the grim reaper is coming for you, and then doing the same thing the next day. It doesn’t mean selling yourself out, or sacrifing everything good in your life just to try and get big. Harcore is going to work all day, attending classes, eating your puny serving of rice and then going to the gym and training like a possessed Pitbull. It’s not taking it up the ass, selling fake drugs, and screwing people over just so you can live easy while you train. That’s not Hardcore..thats taking the easy way out. Dorian Yates is HARDCORE. He isn’t living with some homo, selling roids to get by. He owns a couple gyms and worked hard everyday. Then, he went to the gym and trained like a demon! Ronnie Coleman has a four year degree, graduated with honors, and was a cop the entire time he competed. He worked…got educated..and became a champion. Use the fact that you want to be so big that mothers pull their children inside when you walk down the street be enough motivation for you to train hard.
I have NO clue who wrote it. But I look at it everday.