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whos been in this position?


New member
Kilo Klub Member
Nov 19, 2009
so im thinking about getting out of a relationship, and i mean just leaving everything, fit what i can in the car and split while shes at work, give her the shock of her life..........all i have is a bmw and $600.............need to start from scratch i think..........anyway, this psycho says, that if i leave and dont work things out, shell call the cops for what im carrying, i find this immature but, most women arent very sane..................anyone had a bish tell them this? if so what did you do?
Hmmm... doesn't sound like a healthy relationship. Pack your things up and get the hell out while you still can. I'd take the threat seriously. Stash your goods in a safe place for a while.
Good luck
eh, i tried , stupid me, i was with this girl for 15 yrs and broke up with her, we did our own thing for 2 yrs and she said she wanted to get back together and work it i quit a 65k a year job, tried to sell my house which i havent had much luck and spent all i had landscaping and fixing up hers, now shes starting her shit again........................its never enuff, i dont call enuff, i dont go out enuff, my stuff is on the table, i have to vaccuum go downstairs..............not too mention i bought her a 12k ring, and she sits there and says im living in her house out of convenience.told her if she couldnt let the past go wed never be able to move forward................its obvious she i havent been able to find work since sept cuz i moved, my house is either gonna be a short sale or foreclosure................i really cant stand women right now.............its never fin enuff, your always the bad guy, even if your home being good, somehow, something is wrong...............its really incredible
so im thinking about getting out of a relationship, and i mean just leaving everything, fit what i can in the car and split while shes at work, give her the shock of her life..........all i have is a bmw and $600.............need to start from scratch i think..........anyway, this psycho says, that if i leave and dont work things out, shell call the cops for what im carrying, i find this immature but, most women arent very sane..................anyone had a bish tell them this? if so what did you do?

Do yourself a favor and get the hell out of there. Doesnt sound like a healthy relationship if u want out that bad. Let her call the cops it all speculation. Hell i could call the police dept. today and say Joe Blow down the street has a house full of blow. They cant do shit sbou it with no proof. How can she prove u have gear.....she can't and i doubt the cops with attempt and unauthorized search and serisure over a personal stash
eh, i tried , stupid me, i was with this girl for 15 yrs and broke up with her, we did our own thing for 2 yrs and she said she wanted to get back together and work it i quit a 65k a year job, tried to sell my house which i havent had much luck and spent all i had landscaping and fixing up hers, now shes starting her shit again........................its never enuff, i dont call enuff, i dont go out enuff, my stuff is on the table, i have to vaccuum go downstairs..............not too mention i bought her a 12k ring, and she sits there and says im living in her house out of convenience.told her if she couldnt let the past go wed never be able to move forward................its obvious she i havent been able to find work since sept cuz i moved, my house is either gonna be a short sale or foreclosure................i really cant stand women right now.............its never fin enuff, your always the bad guy, even if your home being good, somehow, something is wrong...............its really incredible

This may or may not apply, but I have found with women it is sometimes necessary to allow them to have their moments of emotional irrationality. Just roll-on smoothly until they come back to reality. Women often need to be heard, acknowledged and made to feel important. Once you’ve accomplished this part they will smile and treat you like you would expect.
Admittedly it is not always easy to smile and nod your way through the sideways remarks and antagonistic tones. But if you mentally prepare yourself to weather the storm calmly with a positive attitude most often they will admire your strength and resiliency. And soon they want you sexually.
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Rick **broken link removed**

**broken link removed**
I've been with my wife for 16 years and married for 11 years, today is our anniversy :D But I would not stay with a women that is taking advantage of the situation you are in, she's trying to back you in a corner. And the gear treat.....I would haul ass.
This may or may not apply, but I have found with women it is sometimes necessary to allow them to have their moments of emotional irrationality. Just roll-on smoothly until they come back to reality. Women often need to be heard, acknowledged and made to feel important. Once you’ve accomplished this part they will smile and treat you like you would expect.
Admittedly it is not always easy to smile and nod your way through the sideways remarks and antagonistic tones. But if you mentally prepare yourself to weather the storm calmly with a positive attitude most often they will admire your strength and resiliency. And soon they want you sexually.
Good luck

How does doing that make you strong and resilient? That just makes you a weak man who is afraid of standing up to a woman.

You shouldn't tolerate that kind of shitty behavior just because she's a female. Why are you making excuses for an entire gender? Women aren't any more emotionally unstable or crazy than men; they just act that way sometimes because they know they can get away with it....because of guys like you that tolerate that behavior and smile and nod your way through it.
How does doing that make you strong and resilient? That just makes you a weak man who is afraid of standing up to a woman.

You shouldn't tolerate that kind of shitty behavior just because she's a female. Why are you making excuses for an entire gender? Women aren't any more emotionally unstable or crazy than men; they just act that way sometimes because they know they can get away with it....because of guys like you that tolerate that behavior and smile and nod your way through it.

You're not married are you? I'm not saying you should just let women treat you like shit and walk all over you, be emotional, crazy, etc. It WILL HAPPEN THOUGH. Women are crazy.

Try dealing with your wife when she's pregnant. They will be crazy for absolutely no reason and will not make sense. 99% of the time they might be normal, but that 1% of the time when they're crazy it's better to just let them get it out of their system. They are human, just like you need to vent at times as well.
believe me, i am psychologically adept, i try, but i do everything around the house, and thats fine, shes working and im not, but dont come home and throw a fin shit fit cuz i wont go hang out with your dirt bag biker friends after i just got done doing my things and all of your things around the house...............there is something wrong when shes out riding her bike and im clipping flowers i planted.................i wont be treated like a dog, i dont give a fuck what gender is dishing it...............there is right and wrong, coming home and telling your fiance to get out of the room so you can vaccuum, then making a comment when hes coming back upstairs is about a fucking conversation ? a kiss? i must be the dumb ass...............then it goes right into my gear use, my family issues etc etc...............some women think you exist to kiss their ass 24/7..................not happening

every other woman is gardening and buying groceries, except mine................i spend a fortune and do all the work myself making the outside look nice and she tells me that doesnt mean anything to her.she needs support.................and in same breathe she says she wont support my gear use .................baffling
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Do yourself a favor and get the hell out of there. Doesnt sound like a healthy relationship if u want out that bad. Let her call the cops it all speculation. Hell i could call the police dept. today and say Joe Blow down the street has a house full of blow. They cant do shit sbou it with no proof. How can she prove u have gear.....she can't and i doubt the cops with attempt and unauthorized search and serisure over a personal stash

well, if i left , it would be in my car, then all she has to do is report me missing and they pull me over

If they threaten you like that man its unhealthy, theyre trying to keep you in something you dont want to be in by holding that over youre head. Get out and hide that somewhere where she wont know, as long as you dont have it on you youll be good.
thats a problem, seeing as i just moved here and havent worked, i know noone
OP...good luck, but I just wana say I'm glad I'm* not the only one who date crazy women. lol
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How does doing that make you strong and resilient? That just makes you a weak man who is afraid of standing up to a woman.

You shouldn't tolerate that kind of shitty behavior just because she's a female. Why are you making excuses for an entire gender? Women aren't any more emotionally unstable or crazy than men; they just act that way sometimes because they know they can get away with it....because of guys like you that tolerate that behavior and smile and nod your way through it.

I am already very strong and resilient. Standing up to a woman who is feeling/acting irrational will make you appear weak and insecure. –always true. When you are strong and secure you don’t need to argue about what you know to be right. You let them argue and you stand strong and silent. Trust me on this….

Believe me, I understand your position. And again this does not apply in every situation. I have many times been sucked in to pointless battles, and as you called it ”stood up to a woman”. I have argued and proven beyond a doubt that I am correct. For what? I am always right anyway…
It has been my experience that being right doesn’t fix anything or have a better result. And in the end I don’t think women are getting away with anything other than a little self-humiliation. The smarter ones realize this and usually apologize later.
I am in a healthy marriage. We've been together for 18 years, and well, I am happy
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everything i say thats right she just ignores and moves onto something else, there is no winning, they only hear what they wana here, there is no rationalizing...........
stash your stuff somewhere else then break up with her face to face. It seems really sleazy to leave without notice...even if she is a bitch I wouldnt do that to another person.

Be a man.
Man I have been going out with this girl for 3.5 years and I never wanted a single minute of it.

She has lied and manipulated $5000 of debt under my name and refuses to take no for an answer in the relationship. I've been trying to get out the entire time. I have no resources to relocate with and she threatens me with the debt (which I just found out about) and with calling the cops as well. My own mother says I need to have her killed or i will never get away.

When women are off in the head it can really mess up your life bad. I feel like once I met this one my life was ruined by a parasite and I will never get away.
stash your stuff somewhere else then break up with her face to face. It seems really sleazy to leave without notice...even if she is a bitch I wouldnt do that to another person.

Be a man.

I have to agree with this. If you think she might go ape-shit on you, then take her to a public place to break the news. Be prepared, be strong and confident and totally in charge.

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