I have a personal Doctor who has been by Doc for years. He is a fitness "guru" of sorts but let me tell you OldFella, he is NOT a fan of gear in any way shape or form, however he calls me in for regular check ups more often than usual to make sure the checkable levels are in order and especially post cycle to make sure things are regulating.
On the other hand, I was hospitalized twice last year. The first time was for constipation. Yes constipation (a side effect of abusing opiates like Oxycotin/Heroin/Vicoden etc...). I took about every concevable test and they all came up as though everything was ok. So I asked the nurse to leave and with my wife in the room for support, I told the doctor everything I took. Same thing when I was in for the abscess. I told them everything I took and at what amounts. Both times, they were absolutelly cool as hell bro. they just checked it off as not related to any of the problems I was afflicted with and NEVER brought it up again. Keep in mind my wife works at this same hospital.
They never even bothered to tell me of the risks or even to suggest I stop taking them. They were far more concerned with keeping me alive.
My personal family physician that I mentioned before is another story all together, and If I go to him even just to pick up a prescription, He takes a blood sample. He knows when I am "on cycle" and he chews my ass for about an hour or so. But I know its because he cares for me a lot.
As for his confidentiality, well I have my late grandfather to thank for that. In the last five years of his life, he made sure said doctor was third row goalpost endzone for every home Cornhusker game. This is why I kind of get the ass chewing.....but complete confidentiality.