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Xcel's Arm Development Program


The "Elder" Mod
Kilo Klub Member
Jun 5, 2002
First I need a short intro about myself to put this post in perspective. My frame is relatively small as indicated by my wrist circumference of only 6-1/8". My heritage : mother was born in Japan, both of father's parents were born in England. My genetics "appear" to be dominated by the Asian side :( . So - in other words, I consider myself a "hardgainer" - not to the extent of a Stevie Erckle but have always had to work and eat smart to put any muscle on.

I started "regularly" working out with weights in 1978 primarily to increase my strength for cross-country motorcycle (off-road) racing. Over time, I started spending more time in the gym and was showing the results. In the mid 80's, I switched my priority from racing to bodybuilding. The first year or two in this bodybuilding period was natural. Then I went over to the dark side.

I was fortunate to have a mentor/trainer/friend (I use that long description because he never charged me anything - said that I was the "only" person that did "everything" they were told) who was a protoge of Bill Pearl and a former Mr "state." He engrained some principles that were passed down to him that I'm sharing here.

Workouts are early morning. Testosterone is highest at this time-of-day (as evidenced by the morning woody :) ). Bill Pearl does this to this day, my friend does it, and I do it. Unless you are genetically gifted, doing all those "specialized" arm exercises like curls, extensions, pushdowns will not develop large arms. Doing HEAVY compound movements will give you size to your arms. Those "specialized" arm exercises only refine the arms. He never said don't do arm exercises or you can get away with less - just that mass is put on by the heavy compound movements.

I use to do deadlilfts once a week. Everyone in the gym would comment on my impeccable form. But - my lower back would ache from workout to workout. It would only start to feel OK then it would be time to do deads again. I switched to HEAVY bent-over-rows (barbell) as my back staple/compound movement. After reading on this board a while back, I've also started to do rack deadlifts and these really don't bother my lower back. homonunculus' keen observation about what exercises I did was spot on :)

Years ago I worked with a state champion (held records in several weight divisions) in bench press. He taught me a technique that emphasizes triceps and lats. Without going into detail, I incorporated this elbows-in style, lowering bar to lower chest as this really forces you to use more triceps (and also puts far less stress on shoulders!).

Forget what you saw in my recent pictures. On gear, the largest my arms ever got was 17-1/8". My BF was not high but they were rather smooth. I've NEVER HAD nor HAVE a real biceps "peak." At this point my arms were primarily triceps, which really made my biceps look that much smaller. Shoulder development also made biceps look smaller (funny how one can turn things around :) )

OK - now here's how I broke the barrier. After reading and exchanging e-mails with Big A, I got a couple bottles of Syntherol. It was a bit disappointing for me. I would not say that I'm a "Non-Responder" but I didn't get a lot of size. It really seemed to improve the bicep's shape. I also started converting over to mainly ester-free gear and put it ALL in my biceps. I jumped up to 3ml per site in less than 2 weeks. From what I've read, most guys arms would be ready to explode by doing this - not xcel's. In fact, I was doing 3ml in each head, two times ED - plus the gear shot made 9 pokes in the biceps ED. Now this is how I responded. I am definately not suggesting this is what you should do!

I've tried to read everthing I could about people's experiences with SEO. I know this is contrary to what Big A describes but here's how and why I inject the way I do. You can look at your arm and there is an inner and outer head. I would divide each head into three sections - middle, lower and upper. Each injection was rotated around these sites. I always buried a one-inch 25g pin for all injections. My reason is that you want to force the muscle up. By going shallow, like 0.5-inch you tend to create a lump rather than force the muscle up. I read an extensive post about how one bro would never use anything shorter than a 1.5-inch pin for SEO :eek:

I've done weekly "maintainance" SEO shots up until a couple of months ago. Total time period of SEO use was about 10 months. But biceps have been the most pain-free injections (other than glutes but they're much easier to reach :) ). I was pretty estatic when the "split" developed during my dropping body fat.


I am 1/4 Japanese and 1/4 Irish, and the rest is like HEINZ 57

I hear you on the hard gaining...keep it up, we have to work that much harder for what some people take for granted
I am reading this and its funny, you and I do things very similar. However I am not doing this daily but rotate each third of the bicep per day.
I have a few questions for you:
1) You haven't had any problems with scar tissue with this injection frequency? This is a very individualized answer but just wondering.
2) How long did you utilize this frequency? I may have missed this in the thread but its hard to read when excited
3) What is your arm training protocol while doing this? Volume, sets?

I have read a lot of different schools of thought on training during SEO administration.
1. Lifting very light as the stimuli for growth is greatly diminished because you don't have to stretch the fascia surrounding the muscle
2. Lifting regularly.

I personally lift just as intense but drop the volume down greatly and it seems to be working.

I will look around for the article on facial stretching its very interesting and from personal experimentation it seems work well on certain muscle groups. However is very very painful. (its basically weighted stretching while the muscles are fully pumped)
You asked some good questions and it reminded of some important things that I unintentionaly left out. I always inject biceps no faster than 1ml per minute. Always vigorously massage the site. And never use a pin larger than 25g.

Answers within quoted section below:
Hypertrophyguy said:
1) You haven't had any problems with scar tissue with this injection frequency? This is a very individualized answer but just wondering.
If you read "how" I inject above, it really minimizes scar tissue. I do have a couple of spots on my biceps that will not take any gear. I can literally stand on the plunger and it will just "barely" go in - takes about 15 minute to inject 2ml!!! I really don't think it's scar tissue - but?!?
2) How long did you utilize this frequency? I may have missed this in the thread but its hard to read when excited
Don't remember the length of time, but it was about 3 bottles worth of time at the heavy frequency.
3) What is your arm training protocol while doing this? Volume, sets?
Mainly a variation of HIT with super-sets mixed in (during different cycles). HIT: Three successive sets, performed very slow and concise, no rest, increase weight, 5 reps per set, first set is super easy and third set is "difficult." Rest. The load up bar to where 5 reps can be done, perform three successive sets, normal rep speed, no rest, drop weight so you can still do 5 reps for 2nd set, drop weight for third set and do all you can - at least 5 reps when I get up to 8 it's time to reset "all" weight on all 3 sets.

I have read a lot of different schools of thought on training during SEO administration.
1. Lifting very light as the stimuli for growth is greatly diminished because you don't have to stretch the fascia surrounding the muscle
2. Lifting regularly.

I just do as I've described above - so I lift regularly

I don't know about you but if im aggresively site injecting I have been pretty sore and the best thing I have found for it is to ice it 20 mins on 20 off for an hour RIGHT after you inject then keep ben gay or formula 454 (sp?? aspercream same thing) on the site and it helps a great deal.

Pretty sad when you are 22 and are looked up to by your friends as the pillar of health and you have this type of stuff in you med cab haha. Beauty is painful.

Thanks for the Update and wisdom bro!

Thanks for the Update and wisdom bro!
Hypertrophyguy said:
I don't know about you but if im aggresively site injecting I have been pretty sore and the best thing I have found for it is to ice it 20 mins on 20 off for an hour RIGHT after you inject then keep ben gay or formula 454 (sp?? aspercream same thing) on the site and it helps a great deal.

Pretty sad when you are 22 and are looked up to by your friends as the pillar of health and you have this type of stuff in you med cab haha. Beauty is painful.

I have heard alot of guys massage and use heat. Wonder what will result from icing the area.
I don't have this problem (biceps soreness) and I really believe that it's from doing as I stated above:
1) Never use a pin size larger than 25g
2) Inject SLOOOW - no faster than 1 min per ml
3) Vigorously massage injection site.

It's always been my assumption that icing an area opens the blood vessels in the area as a response to try and maintain body temperature. This increased blood flow helps speed up recovery from an injury/pain. Applied heat causes blood vessels to constrict, hence reducing blood flow.

Whenever I get an injury or extreme pain, I always ice it. I never bother to follow-up later with heat.

No disrespect however I think you have the bodies responses to cold and heat mixed up.

Cold compresses cause the blood vessels to constrict, this is why you put ice over a black eye or if you had surgery they ice the area for the first 48 hours as it keeps the swelling down. (this I am sure as I was kicked by a tongan last weekend and had reconstructive surgery tuesday on my nose haha) thats another thread all together.

Heat increases blood flow that is why you warm up before you lift and athletes that compete in cold weather always have big warm outfits on that they only strip right before they are to compete. This is also why you use heat only 48 hours after an injury.

HOWEVER your use of heat IS helping the oil become less vicous (SP??) (watery) which will help it disperse (massaging) causing less of a pocket of oil in the muscle and therefore less discomfort.

SO we are both right haha.

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