its kinda scary when you look at it...
To have such high end Equipements, that means they are making a shitload of income with this...
Means they must have millions of customers...
What would scare me is to see some sweaty guy in a singlet with dirty hands and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth filling a series of vials in his kitchen.
That would be my dream job. Making the world a better place by spreading liberty. ::tar-wars
I agree. There is something special about helping people achieve their dreams.
Have you considered gaining a qualification as a laboratory technician and moving to a country where AAS and peptides aren't treated like Satan's ejaculate?
I am giving serious consideration to migrating to a more free part of the world where the government doesn't claim people's bodies as its property.
good luck on that... if you have the freedom to use AAS, you'll have many other freedoms taken away from you...
What's scary about it? That's what pharmaceutical manufacturing should look like. When I see sterile water production, de-pyrogenation, aseptic manufacturing processes I feel reassured. What would scare me is to see some sweaty guy in a singlet with dirty hands and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth filling a series of vials in his kitchen.
lmao..... why does he have to be wearing a singlet?
lmao..... why does he have to be wearing a singlet?
Thank you, SacToSD. That was a very nice little vid.
LOL Don't let LE scare you guys. Many of those who run UG are businessmen who want to keep their customers. So I really don't think they'd be ignorant to allow un-sterile conditions to occur to harm their profit source. That would go against their profit/risk column. Just would follow common sense.