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What compounds for 2 week cycle?


Apr 28, 2012
I've been reading quite a bit of Bill Roberts' stuff lately so have decided to give short cycles a go. Gonna do 2 on 4 off. I've noticed he's a big tren fan - I want to avoid that if possible. So far I have test prop and dbol. Are there any better choices?
I've been reading quite a bit of Bill Roberts' stuff lately so have decided to give short cycles a go. Gonna do 2 on 4 off. I've noticed he's a big tren fan - I want to avoid that if possible. So far I have test prop and dbol. Are there any better choices?

If I were to do a 2 week cycle I would want substances that hit and clear the fastest in order to

A. Actually see some kind of gains from the two weeker

B. Clear the system fast enough with hopes of a much shorter recovery time

Real test suspension ( the one in water not TNE)

And possibly zambon type winstrol, also in water
If I were to do a 2 week cycle I would want substances that hit and clear the fastest in order to

A. Actually see some kind of gains from the two weeker

B. Clear the system fast enough with hopes of a much shorter recovery time

Real test suspension ( the one in water not TNE)

And possibly zambon type winstrol, also in water

Whats wrong with TNE...i feel it works just as good as water based..if not better then water based. Use what ever you can get your hands on....but i have heard that it must be really high dose for short runs.
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Exactly! ^^^
Nothing wrong with TNE, test suspension hits you a bit quicker is all
Any No Ester compounds or suspensions would be best TestNE, TrenNE,.

Props and Acetates are ok, but you'd still eat-up a week or so getting up to speed. So, half your cycle gone.

And you can get away with some heavy orals for only two weeks. Even SD or maybe M1T.

Keep us posted on how this goes for you, gains and gains kept. And strength improvements would be good to know.
Any No Ester compounds or suspensions would be best TestNE, TrenNE,.

Props and Acetates are ok, but you'd still eat-up a week or so getting up to speed. So, half your cycle gone.

And you can get away with some heavy orals for only two weeks. Even SD or maybe M1T.

Keep us posted on how this goes for you, gains and gains kept. And strength improvements would be good to know.

Man, TNE (or Test Ace) + Superdrol for a 2 weeker would be badass. That's what I would do.

Currently in the first week of 150mg Test Ace/ 300-400mg NPP/ 30mg Superdrol
What is the point of a 2 week cycle? Not trying to be a wise ass, I just dont understand why anyone would do this.
What is the point of a 2 week cycle? Not trying to be a wise ass, I just dont understand why anyone would do this.

you can grow off of two week cycles. very high dose for two weeks to break plateaus. people have this misconception that it takes 8 weeks to grow off of cycles. The steroids start to work as soon as you inject it.When you over load the body with super high doses you shock it..and thus it grows. Its also great to change compounds around. for example...2 weeks do test deca dbol..then next two weeks do tren mast winny...then next 2 weeks do what ever else you want. the goal is to keep the body shocked.
What is the point of a 2 week cycle? Not trying to be a wise ass, I just dont understand why anyone would do this.

My thoughts exactly, a waste of products and time.
you can grow off of two week cycles. very high dose for two weeks to break plateaus. people have this misconception that it takes 8 weeks to grow off of cycles. The steroids start to work as soon as you inject it.When you over load the body with super high doses you shock it..and thus it grows. Its also great to change compounds around. for example...2 weeks do test deca dbol..then next two weeks do tren mast winny...then next 2 weeks do what ever else you want. the goal is to keep the body shocked.

If you gain 2.5 lbs a week 5lbs, you do PCT and keep 3 if your lucky, I could gain 3lbs without any drugs in 4 weeks more than likely, the whole idea is to make substantial gains.
If you gain 2.5 lbs a week 5lbs, you do PCT and keep 3 if your lucky, I could gain 3lbs without any drugs in 4 weeks more than likely, the whole idea is to make substantial gains.

Everybody has different body chemistry. So let him try the two week cycle and see if it works for him. You only really grwo the first 4 weeks of your typical 8 week cycle anyways. Its best to switch compounds around.
Everybody has different body chemistry. So let him try the two week cycle and see if it works for him. You only really grwo the first 4 weeks of your typical 8 week cycle anyways. Its best to switch compounds around.

You only grow the first 4 weeks? Come on now...
I have found that it works for me that way. For you it may be different. i also watched an interview with Rich Piana and Ric Drasin..where they state that the grwoth only really happens the first 4 weeks. Its best to swtich compounds..but to each his own.
You only grow the first 4 weeks? Come on now...

watch the end..20:00 on wards. The whole interview is a great wath though.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fs51G73bcS8]Rich Piana speaks out on Training and supplements - YouTube[/ame]
If I was only given two weeks…I would blast all of the following

1,000mg Tren Ace
1,000mg Mast Prop
1,000mg NPP
100mg Anadrol per day
50mg Dbol per day
I'm giving the 2 weekers a go because I lost a lot of my size gains from my first cycle (10 weeks)... and for the next 3 months I was pissed off because I was just getting smaller. I'm hoping this wont cause such a yo-yo effect. I've read people raving about them and people saying they're useless (pretty much always from people who have never run them)... so I'm going to try them out. Also HPTA function can be restored much more easily after 2 weeks than 6-8 + bloods aren't out of whack for extended periods of time. Time will tell I'm willing to be the guinea pig tho
where they state that the grwoth only really happens the first 4 weeks.

I agree with Ehren.... unless it's a suspension, a Prop or an Ace would take a few days...which eats up half the cycle.......and even with a suspension is it worth it??
I agree with Ehren.... unless it's a suspension, a Prop or an Ace would take a few days...which eats up half the cycle.......and even with a suspension is it worth it??

doesnt hurt to try it..if it works for him then it does..if it doesnt then it doesn't.

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