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Moderator/ Featured Member / Kilo Klub
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Kilo Klub Member
Mar 18, 2008
I see threads all the time going back and forth about how much AAS is to much or why should anyone care what I do. There is this older guy I know at the gym around 55. Looks better then most guys that are a lot younger. I know he takes big amounts of AAS. I always thought why?

He doesn't compete, just to look bigger or look good, I guess. Well, 4 weeks ago, he suffers a major Heart Attack. He told me they said he had 100% blockage. No family history either and no warnings. He was lucky, he didn't need surgery and they put him on medication. I saw him back at the gym yesterday. I hope he learn his lesson. He is a good, decent guy too.

As, he was telling me this story, another guy came up that was upper 40's and told me he had a heart attack too. I know in this gym, AAS abuse is bad. I see it often in there. All you younger guys listen up. It will catch up to you down the road. No one is invincible and no one knows how bad it can get until it happens to you.

You can take this how you want too. You are right, your life is your life, but you do have family, and things you do effects others. I know IN BB, you have to take risks. That is where the sport is going. I guess what I can not understand for those who don't compete and want to big as possible without thinking about health.

This is not pointed at no one. And the people who know me here long enough, know I do care about others. I just hope you guys do what you have to do and come back down to earth and live a longer life. We all can take risks to some point, just don't go past the point of no return. :)
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correlation is not the same thing as causality.
i'm on gear and got an allergy attack. does that mean gear caused my allergies?
or is it the season for allergies??
correlation is not the same thing as causality.
i'm on gear and got an allergy attack. does that mean gear caused my allergies?
or is it the season for allergies??

The debate about heart attacks has always been split in the medical field. The risk of blood clots has been proven. High test levels have been associated with high blood pressure, enlarging of the prostate, swelling of your ankles, feet and body, increased red blood cell count. Some factors contribute to heart problems.
correlation is not the same thing as causality.
i'm on gear and got an allergy attack. does that mean gear caused my allergies?
or is it the season for allergies??

Come on man - do you honestly think that allergies are the same as a heart condition? AAS have never been linked to allergies - are you going to say that AAS have never been linked to high BP? - cholesterol ?

I don't know him personally but I have read a ton of Pestys posts and the guy isn't remotely being judgmental - he just wants to share advice... When we were in our 20's there was no Internet (sorry Pesty if I assumed you are my age incorrectly). We only had the advice of the local meatheads..
Nobody can tell you what to do - play Russian Roulette with your health if you want - but at least admit to yourself that is what you are doing. Because I promise you that just because you "refuse to believe that AAS can ruin your health" - it won't stop them from doing so if they are abused..
correlation is not the same thing as causality.
i'm on gear and got an allergy attack. does that mean gear caused my allergies?
or is it the season for allergies??

Allergies has nothing to do with heart attacks lol get your facts right!
Come on man - do you honestly think that allergies are the same as a heart condition? AAS have never been linked to allergies - are you going to say that AAS have never been linked to high BP? - cholesterol ?

I don't know him personally but I have read a ton of Pestys posts and the guy isn't remotely being judgmental - he just wants to share advice... When we were in our 20's there was no Internet (sorry Pesty if I assumed you are my age incorrectly). We only had the advice of the local meatheads..
Nobody can tell you what to do - play Russian Roulette with your health if you want - but at least admit to yourself that is what you are doing. Because I promise you that just because you "refuse to believe that AAS can ruin your health" - it won't stop them from doing so if they are abused..

yeah at least be honest with yourself, and then you see comments on here " I would rather live to 50 and push for my goals then live to 90 and half ass it" lol, yeah that always easy thing to say until the reaper is standing over you.
I had blood work done last year and my red cell count was off the charts and I was a prime candidate for a heart attach. I don't like the sport like I used to its allot of big headed guys and gals and these over the top pros bodies that look way out of control. Everyone is differant as for these problems but we are at much higher risks then we are of ones who dont take these drugs. Just be careful as we can. I know I go over the top with these things and I'm slowly learning more and more. Seem like since I've been thru a divorce and now with my fiancé I've changed about this sport and about taking these drugs.

Good luck and stay safe.
For someone in theyr mid 20s what advice would you give regarding compounds for minimezing problems down the road besides regular blood work/heathy diet/health supplements.
Im thinking : avoiding big dosages(under 1,5 grams), tren/eq(RBC)/Deca(enlarged heart) and harsh orals.
That leaves us with test (dht/estrogen control), GH( low dosage with breaks), Primo(taking care of prostate off it )..and maybe anavar(watching the liver closely) ocasionally in small doses.
Any advice regarding my thinking?
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I have a long time friend who has been bodybuilding and using gear since the days of Arnold. He is now in his mid 60's I would say. I only know what his cycles have looked like for the past say 10 years.....we talked about what he used to use in the 80's and 90's but not really to the extent of what he has used in the past 10 years. Which is mainly a long ester of TEST, DECA and HGH with some SLIN. The dose are really nothing to crazy at all. There is a history of heart issues in his family, his younger brother has already had heart attacks and has never used gear before in his life. My buddy..we will call him "Greg" .... has told me he has not came off a cycle in the past 10 years, no heart issues or health issues that I know of .

Do I believe that gear doesnt cause health issues? NO...I am NOT saying that at all. I am just saying that there is a couple ppl out there who have used gear for many many years that never had any real health issues from it. I speak about my buddy because everything I know about him is straight from him, he is a long time family friend....so this isnt someone that my best friends, brothers uncle knows.
Being older and on HRT i get bloodwork every few months, in fact today i'm scheduled for bloodwork. I don't have insurance so i rarely get a full panel done, but if you have insurance or can afford it I highly reccomend a full blood panel at least once a year. Many of you probably don't discuss your aas usage with your DR. but i feel it would be benificial to be honest with him. I myself discuss my usage when on cycle with my DR. and fortunatly he's open minded . I usually run a blast cycle twice a year and he does a full panel afterwards. Anyway my best advice is to eat as clean as possible, use some common sense while cycling on aas , avoid using orals and if you do use them get bloodwork often.
59 been on 30 years never or very rarely over 1000mg weeky,have been on hrt 5 years now first androl gel now 20 mg prop daily,will blast at 600-700 mg 8 weeks 2 x yearly full bllod panel every 3 mths'give blood every 112 days,started using HGH and peps last year and look better than when on blast at HRT dosage.Must use your head and get blood work done to moniter.My Dr. said I have a very bad problem 59 years old trapped in a 29 year old body.
59 been on 30 years never or very rarely over 1000mg weeky,have been on hrt 5 years now first androl gel now 20 mg prop daily,will blast at 600-700 mg 8 weeks 2 x yearly full bllod panel every 3 mths'give blood every 112 days,started using HGH and peps last year and look better than when on blast at HRT dosage.Must use your head and get blood work done to moniter.My Dr. said I have a very bad problem 59 years old trapped in a 29 year old body.

I am 53, and you nailed what I wanted to add. When we were doing cycles in the 80's, 1000 MG was a huge cycle and we took time off in between. That means nothing, no cruising. In my gym, most gym rats were taking 1 shot of each of test and deca,with some anadrol or d ball thrown in. I really never saw anyone take GH and most definitely not Slin. That was consider a good cycle. We ate like horses and train our asses off. No light lifting, all heavy.

Now a days, you got gym rats taking 3 grams plus, some 5. Not uncommon at all. But I do admit, we had a doctor help us, it was not a controlled substance back then. He gave blood work. We are just pushing the envelope more then ever now a days. I do believe there is a happy medium, but being aware is the first step. ;)
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Certainly a personal choice, and certainly you shouldn't put on the blinders to the potential consequences.

When I found out a few years ago that the disease I had - nothing related to AAS - was going to leave me immobile by about age 60 (best case scenario), I decided to hop on. Yes, there's some risk.

But you know what? I weighed the risk, talked it over with my wife of 15 years (now 20 years), and both of us agreed that I should have whatever I consider a better quality of life now. I'm aware that maybe I'll drop from an MI at 58. But, fuck, is that really that much worse than stretching it out another year or two, being in constant pain, unable to move, and maybe having excess bone growth impinge on my heart and stop it anyhow?

Personal decisions. Just make them with as much knowledge as you can.
I'm a lot younger than most of you and I appreciate pesty for posting this. Heart problems run in my mothers side so I try to stay very aware of that. Now that all these guys are dropping dead and having health issues just makes me even more conscientious about my food and gear choices.

Please keep the info coming guys as you've got my attention. I try to stay as knowledgeable about my decisions as possible
Taking just about any kind of substance in excessive amounts can and will eventually kill a person (some just take longer than others). But based on statistics from the general population it appears that lack of excercise, an unhealthy diet, being overweight and smoking causes more heart attacks than taking steroids.

Again, this is just based off data of the general population. It would be an interesting study to see what the rate was among men who use AAS, but that will never happen. If it did happen, I think a lot of us might be surprised that people who take steroids and don't abuse them actually live longer than the people who don't and also enjoy a higher degree of life. Most if not all excercise on a regular basis, follow a healthy diet, aren't overweight and don't smoke.

Some people are also just more prone to heart disease than others simply because of their genetic makeup, too. Again, i think moderation is key and that is the approach I try to follow.
Allergies has nothing to do with heart attacks lol get your facts right!

No but I once sneezed so hard I shit my pants :eek:

Really though this is something for everyone to think about, not just the old folks. Something tells me though it's at least in the back of everyone's mind.

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