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OT: Last Male Northern White Rhino


Moderator / Psy, Ret.
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Kilo Klub Member
Verified Customer
Nov 6, 2005
These rhinos have been walking the Earth for 50 million years and hunted to near extinction, this male is the last one to help repopulate to some extent. He's under constant guard by rangers.

Last Northern White Rhino Under Constant Guard


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Black rhinos were just declared extinct. Sick man
Yeah, that was last year I believe. Very sad. West African Black Rhinos are gone forever. Hopefully someday in the future we can use genetic engineering to repopulate the species.
Agree, that offers hope... But humanity has to stop raping our planet. Humans in the last 100 years have done more damage than in all of the time before. So much for progress
I just love pachyderms. And they're all in trouble. People need to know.

Well, I love animals in general but I've had an affinity for rhinos since I was a kid.
The entire continent of Africa is in trouble. First world nations use it like a whore
This stuff is so sad. I do love the pic you posted though. Shows that people care.
They need to find him some females

Have you seen the peoplw posing with dead giraffes on social media?

They drug the animals before the hunt. America nasty kill heavily sedated animals and act like they're some kind of hero. Pathetic

In most species apart from human, inbreeding is ok... Is that not the case with rhinos

Subhuman. Agreed.
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These dam poachers make my blood boil!! They will kill anything for a quick buck. They just don't give two shits if it's a majestic animal like this. I do understand it ain't just poachers and its people who buy animal parts + thier territory loss. It's sad to see this it truly is!!
Have you seen the peoplw posing with dead giraffes on social media?

yeah that shit sickens me, like they're some skilled warrior, hiding in the bushes or their luxury suv sniping from a safe distance. Then they're boasting on social media with pics of them with lions and polar bears dead. I'm not a fan of hunting in general but if someone makes the argument that they're eating what they hunt and it's not endangered then I can't say much but say I don't love it but to each their own... for a trophys sake , meaningless kill and shows no skill or bravery, so pointless.

The poachers are another form of evil, and the people who buy from them even worse. I know in parts that they hire masai warriors and such to protect the animals from poachers, wish we'd here more stories of poachers being poached.
Regretfully, it takes at least 30 unrelated couples to have a viable gene pool.

Man that's depressing. I had some hope, but that kills it. Another species doomed because of senseless trophy hunting. I'm not anti hunting since it has it's place especially with species that are overly populated like deer in North America. Poaching is another story all together. They are subhuman.
This enrages me! Sometimes all we can do is pray for these animals.

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This is very sad and disturbing. Hope he has some good swimmers left....as well as genetic engineering of bringing the species (and many others) back. The poachers need to be hung by their worthless sacs.
Best way to save many of these animals is eat them or allow people who live with them to have a financial stake in keeping them alive. Now let me explain. Bison were almost extinct in this country. Then a few farmers got together and fenced in the last few and decided to breed them to sale for food. Guess what? We have around 500,000 on private land in this country now. All because we eat them. No shortage of chickens. All because we eat them. Its illegal to kill Tigers. But guess what you can go into Chinatown in CA and find Tigerbone everywhere. Even though its illegal. We should raise Tigers just like chickens or bison. Allow them to be killed for either food or for Tigerbone. They will never go extinct. I sure don't see chickens or Bison or Cows going extinct anytime soon. Poachers don't give a shit because its illegal anyway and that's what makes them so much money. They will just move on to something else. Make killing them legal and there is no money in it for the poachers like now and the govt. can regulate it just like everything else. If you give people a financial stake in keeping the species from going extinct then they never will.
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They need to find him some females

Have you seen the peoplw posing with dead giraffes on social media?

They drug the animals before the hunt. America nasty kill heavily sedated animals and act like they're some kind of hero. Pathetic

In most species apart from human, inbreeding is ok... Is that not the case with rhinos

Subhuman. Agreed.

Yea those sick bastards who take pics of the dead lions, bears, tigers...ect they just shot are truly subhuman. They should be dropped in a cage with the same lion/tiger/whatever and see how tough they are without their guns.

Hunting is for food, fur, or to lower population of invasive species. These bastards that turn it into a sport aren't right in the head.
Agree, that offers hope... But humanity has to stop raping our planet. Humans in the last 100 years have done more damage than in all of the time before. So much for progress
It's been a lot longer than 100 years but point taken and agreed.
I know we have been raping for a while... But technology has really stepped it up. There won't be anything left if these corporations don't back off
Human being suck. Kill all the poachers, all the sport hunters, all of them, kill them all.

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