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also if you look at the test e i think the color is green. a buddy of mine got some test and said it is green. i said toss it.
Why would anyone put a hulk cartoon on a pharmaceutical product? How old was this guy 17?

DEA what a waste of law enforcement resources. In more then 20 years of using anabolic steroids myself the only hazardous thing about it has been the illegality of it. I do think that a lot of people abuse steroids and the proper dosages should be much lower--that was my own mistake for many years. But even those that abuse steroids for a very long time are way healthier then cigarette smokers. Walk into a hospital tonight and see how many people are there for steroid use? How many are there for alcohol and other drugs? Just the fact that we group anabolic steroids with illegal drugs is insane.
law's the law, bitchin about it aint gonna change anything.

and, wait. you all are saying why go after steroids, they dont hurt anyone!
yet u have how many guys here who fuckin died from, as u allege, steroid use!
you cant even see your own hypocrisy here.

"oh, im gonna quit the gear, its not worth it," or, learn from q and make concreter or whatever his name is, make him stop, natural is better, blah blah, cry and whine.
but here you're all about "why bother, steroids dont hurt anyone, especially young people who are still growing. it wont fuck up their endocrine systems. or cause guys to die young, as what, 5 guys on here did?
how many threads about dudes that are dead from steroid abuse?
law's the law, bitchin about it aint gonna change anything.

and, wait. you all are saying why go after steroids, they dont hurt anyone!
yet u have how many guys here who fuckin died from, as u allege, steroid use!
you cant even see your own hypocrisy here.

"oh, im gonna quit the gear, its not worth it," or, learn from q and make concreter or whatever his name is, make him stop, natural is better, blah blah, cry and whine.
but here you're all about "why bother, steroids dont hurt anyone, especially young people who are still growing. it wont fuck up their endocrine systems. or cause guys to die young, as what, 5 guys on here did?
how many threads about dudes that are dead from steroid abuse?

Maybe you should go to a fitness forum

law's the law, bitchin about it aint gonna change anything.

and, wait. you all are saying why go after steroids, they dont hurt anyone!
yet u have how many guys here who fuckin died from, as u allege, steroid use!
you cant even see your own hypocrisy here.

"oh, im gonna quit the gear, its not worth it," or, learn from q and make concreter or whatever his name is, make him stop, natural is better, blah blah, cry and whine.
but here you're all about "why bother, steroids dont hurt anyone, especially young people who are still growing. it wont fuck up their endocrine systems. or cause guys to die young, as what, 5 guys on here did?
how many threads about dudes that are dead from steroid abuse?
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law's the law, bitchin about it aint gonna change anything.

and, wait. you all are saying why go after steroids, they dont hurt anyone!
yet u have how many guys here who fuckin died from, as u allege, steroid use!
you cant even see your own hypocrisy here.

"oh, im gonna quit the gear, its not worth it," or, learn from q and make concreter or whatever his name is, make him stop, natural is better, blah blah, cry and whine.
but here you're all about "why bother, steroids dont hurt anyone, especially young people who are still growing. it wont fuck up their endocrine systems. or cause guys to die young, as what, 5 guys on here did?
how many threads about dudes that are dead from steroid abuse?

There are 1004 members online right now. I believe membership is 146000 and change.

According to the 2008 US census, mortality rates in males between 45 and 54 is just over 1/2 of 1%. 35 to 54 is a little under 1/2 of 1%.

Obviously people pass and we don't talk/hear about every single one, but with ProMuscle having such a large active user base, hearing about a brother in iron passing at what most consider a young age isn't out of the ordinary.

I'd venture to guess that anytime one gets a large population of people in one place, as sad as it is one should expect people to pass... Sometimes in an "untimely" fashion.

Unless you have some kind of statistics showing that the mortality rate here is significantly higher than the general population, your comments are based on nothing other than unfounded opinions and amount to fear mongering at best.

Wanna play it safe online? Check out a life extension forum. A word of caution tho - I bet people active on those forums pass away too... Perhaps their "healthy" lifestyle is killing them as well.

Here we go
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There are 1004 members online right now. I believe membership is 146000 and change.

According to the 2008 US census, mortality rates in males between 45 and 54 is just over 1/2 of 1%. 35 to 54 is a little under 1/2 of 1%.

Obviously people pass and we don't talk/hear about every single one, but with ProMuscle having such a large active user base, hearing about a brother in iron passing at what most consider a young age isn't out of the ordinary.

I'd venture to guess that anytime one gets a large population of people in one place, as sad as it is one should expect people to pass... Sometimes in an "untimely" fashion.

Unless you have some kind of statistics showing that the mortality rate here is significantly higher than the general population, your comments are based on nothing other than unfounded opinions and amount to fear mongering at best.

Wanna play it safe online? Check out a life extension forum. A word of caution tho - I bet people active on those forums pass away too... Perhaps their "healthy" lifestyle is killing them as well.


I had 2 uncles 31, 35, father 47, brother 31 pass away. I blame steroids and none of them ever touched a steroid
law's the law, bitchin about it aint gonna change anything.

and, wait. you all are saying why go after steroids, they dont hurt anyone!

yet u have how many guys here who fuckin died from, as u allege, steroid use!

you cant even see your own hypocrisy here.

"oh, im gonna quit the gear, its not worth it," or, learn from q and make concreter or whatever his name is, make him stop, natural is better, blah blah, cry and whine.

but here you're all about "why bother, steroids dont hurt anyone, especially young people who are still growing. it wont fuck up their endocrine systems. or cause guys to die young, as what, 5 guys on here did?

how many threads about dudes that are dead from steroid abuse?

Dude people die all the time from everything there is to die from. The damn curl machine has a warning label that says "death" can occur. People drive their car too fast and it's their fault when they wreck. I used to race motocross and people died all around me! Hell i paralyzed a kid myself on accident because I landed on him in the middle of a race!
People who choose to use steroids at an ungodly amount but don't give a shit to protect themselves are asking to get health problems.
The majority of the deaths you have heard of were already going to happen. People are born with bad hearts, liver problems kidney etc. Using steroids are likely speeding up the process if they choose not to protect themselves but shit how many people get random heart attacks? All the time and lots of them are neither on steroids nor old or morbidly obese. They are hereditary problems that are going to happen.
How can you sit there and tell everyone on here that they are hypocritical when your on here yourself with 800+ posts? This is an advanced bodybuilding forum and no one is making anyone do anything. You ask for advice and you'll get people's best opinions. No one is making people do unnecessary things.
You mentioned Queefer here? How dare you?? As per JJ1 (his best friend) he did not die of steroid use or abuse. The guy had over worked himself to beyond unhealthy limits. His doctor told him he needed rest and he could not keep pushing himself the way he did with no sleep. He had a family to support and he did everything in his power to make his company successful. This can only last so long. I believe he was on low dose test only. That comment should piss plenty of people off here. What a good friend to everyone he was.

Pick a sport any sport and tell me how people don't die randomly. Of course it's going to be blown up in the bodybuilding world when a bodybuilder dies because the media immediately relates it to steroid use. That's what regulars always have done and always will but shit your a PM member and all the sudden you post shit like this and tell everyone on here they are hypocrites? Way to attack your fellow PM members bro.
Maybe you should go join a natural cross fit forum where "everything they do is safe"
In a way flex I'm kinda glad u lost the 1st version...

This one is even better!
My Doberman pincher passed away at 8 and she never touched AAS. She did occasionally eat cat shit from the cat box. I blame cat poop. :eek:
Alright...Let's stick to the topic now.
Oh man I been eating cat poop kause I heard it makes u big!
Alright...Let's stick to the topic now.

Agreed, Bio. But maybe a separate thread, then. Brutus69 voices an opinion and you've got a pack of guys telling him to "join a fitness site." If you don't think like we do, then you need to leave PM - this is the mindset of today's internet tough guys. Bunch of sheep. What a fuckin joke.

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