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Hitting a nerve while injecting trt in yoir thigh please help asap worried!!!!!


New member
Aug 14, 2016
Ok guys hi.. i normal take all my shots in my thigh untill i got to the point where i could only take 12 cc'a week of oil. So then i tried my glute. Im 5'8 so when i get.to be 205-209 its hard to do that shot myself but needed more oil in me so i added another 15cc a week in a huge amount more gear to grown alot. Anyay i just start hwck so im not going high right now this week. Wk 1 which was this week was 1 gram of test cyp broken up between 2 shots sunday and Wednesday. Today i went to hit my thigh. It went in perfect, but when i aspirated when i let the plunger push the airback i did to hard and air puffed (best word to describe how it looked and sounded. That was followed by the most extreme pain ever. The pain went away in about an hour. I know.i didnt hit verve. I literally pull the pen right out and didnt try to force any thing. What do yall think i either hit.or was right up on?
Sounds to me like you nicked or were right next to a nerve. Really doubt you have anything to worry about. Other than injecting 30 mls of aas a week anyways
sometimes I like to play my nerves like a violin,
stoke them gently with the needle, and you'll twitch as so...
Ok thats what i figured but wanted to make sure. I will repost what it feels like tomorrow to make sure, but i trust experence over asking a doctor with textbook experence so i wanted ask yall. Heavyhitter thanks for responding to help. Also im 31 years old in 6 days so if i want to make it pro soon then i need to step it up. I just starter a 10 week journey till my show nov 4th i will put everything im doing 100% no lies. I have worked my way up one small step at.a time to where i have looked into and researched everything before making the leap. But in my journey thread i will be on injectables, hgh, insulin, and igf1. Also pcgl and pcg thrown in down the line. I have two coaches one an ifbb pro and the second a pro football player who is retired but not.from age injury.so come check it out @heavyhitter
At the bottom of your post you said "I know I didn't hit nerve", I corrected the spelling and then you turn around and ask if you hit a nerve, your post is all over the place having 2 coaches, 27cc of oil per week, being 5'8" and 205-209, has nothing to do with hitting nerves.

So your doing 108cc a month sounds like a great plan to turn pro.

When did TRT become 1 gram and also doing 27cc a week and why weighing 205 is it hard to give your self a shot.
Last edited:
Did you mean 205 at 5'8" is too big to pin your glute lmfao
I have to ask just for shits and giggles. What could possibly be your cycle?
At the bottom of your post you said "I know I didn't hit nerve", I corrected the spelling and then you turn around and ask if you hit a nerve, your post is all over the place having 2 coaches, 27cc of oil per week, being 5'8" and 205-209, has nothing to do with hitting nerves.

So your doing 108cc a month sounds like a great plan to turn pro.

When did TRT become 1 gram and also doing 27cc a week and why weighing 205 is it hard to give your self a shot.

Yes was on a ton of pre workout when i put this on for one when im not doing 1 gram i run 1 cc a week then i will jump it up. About the 108cc yes by thenend of it i will work up to that shit a certin pro i know takes way more then that. Also when i said i know i didnt hit it i meant that i knew i didnt hit it full on because it didnt keep hurting and go numb. I was basically asking if i could of nicked it. Now one last thing for some reason and i dont know why i have a hard time twisting to hit my glute i dont know. At 170-185 i can
Well....if your good enough to post this thread, you'll be fine big guy.

Side note - happens from time time....it's all good.

Pay attention the next 24-48 hours for any bad bruising and or welts.
BS thread, unless you started at 55 lbs before training you're pretty small for that much oil.

I always preface a comment like this with someone's starting weight. Some start at 180 and move up to 250 with big doses and put down small 205 lb guys for using the same amount, not ever taking into account someone's starting weight.

I started lifting at 140 and managed to get to a sloppy 235, almost 100 lb gain, but not pretty. Dropping down to 220 was much better looking and feeling.
BS thread, unless you started at 55 lbs before training you're pretty small for that much oil.

I always preface a comment like this with someone's starting weight. Some start at 180 and move up to 250 with big doses and put down small 205 lb guys for using the same amount, not ever taking into account someone's starting weight.

I started lifting at 140 and managed to get to a sloppy 235, almost 100 lb gain, but not pretty. Dropping down to 220 was much better looking and feeling.

Well sorry bud its not a bs thread. This will be the first time im running this much as im plaining but before i have got up to 2 gram of test and alot of other stuff. I said i wont lie so my problem was not eatting enough to gain more size. I train hard as anyone i have seen at the gym. Its lack of enough cals. I have changed that this time. You will change you thinking this is bs at the end of 10 weeks. I would already be bigger if i didnt get scammed on my last order.
I had to read that a few times, 108 CC and not even a Pro? 205 pounds? SMH.
You were doing 15cc a week per each quad muscle only??

I hit a muscle group once a week max and never exceed 3cc of oil per group. You're crazy if that's true.
For me yes i have my wife xo it becuase i cant bend around. Gobto ky other thread with pics and the info you seek

does she wipe your ass too...???

You were doing 15cc a week per each quad muscle only??

I hit a muscle group once a week max and never exceed 3cc of oil per group. You're crazy if that's true.

No 3 cc in each quad 5cc in each glute and i will start with the glute so i can end one last 5ccs in it so a totle of 15 in glutes and 6 in quads is what im going for. Guys i use to just pen my quads and twice a week per quad SUCKS ASS. This is the first cycle im starting doing this much. I have not been taking 4 g of test and other stuff till now
I had to read that a few times, 108 CC and not even a Pro? 205 pounds? SMH.

Well the first time to do this much. I norm would do 7-9 cc of test 250 a week with what ever else cut in half like lets say if i took a gram a week of test i would take 500mg of deca .THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IM GOING THIS FAR WITH THIS MUCH STUFF. MY PROBLEM IS I WASNT EATING ENOUGH PERIOD OR MY SHITS UNDERDOSED IDK BUT MAINLY CALORIES
I had to read that a few times, 108 CC and not even a Pro? 205 pounds? SMH.

while I should be the last one to talk here...

I would think at 31 one would be able to write better then this... :D :p

no reason to say anything bout the rest. :banghead:
this thread is probably better in Celsius anyway.


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