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Is superdrol worth it ?

I use my own inj Sdrol and everytime i understand the words "feeling like shit on steroids".

And the worst thing is that you will feel like shit, look like a god.... (This when really lean).

I am boring but imho nothing beats Anadrol and /or Winstrol.
Really gives you size. And strength like crazy.but it's very very toxic.and when you get off you going right back to what you look extremely fast. To me something so toxic and loosing all gain almost immediately afyer you get off and feeling like crap like Really crap is not worth it IMHO
Very well said. When I was younger I used to sacrifice some lethargy for gains but these days I don't have a day to spare so anything that makes me feel like crap I'm going to avoid. Superdrol may be one of those orals u run for two days, then take something milder for two days, and then repeat??
I tried it once. I loved the look i got from it. 3 weeks in i had to stop, just felt sick.
Not worth it imo. Lots of better compounds to achieve what u would look for in superdrol
Have not used personally. From the research I've done I have heard it equated to as an oral version of tren despite being most closely related to Masteron structurally. It seems to be used as a substitute to halo or in conjecture with halo (prayers for that persons liver) in the final 2-3 weeks of a contest prep. Or at the end of a mass gaining phase to push through a plateau. 2-3 weeks seems to be the max tolerable range and I don't think it should be run just to look good.
Have not used personally. From the research I've done I have heard it equated to as an oral version of tren despite being most closely related to Masteron structurally. It seems to be used as a substitute to halo or in conjecture with halo (prayers for that persons liver) in the final 2-3 weeks of a contest prep. Or at the end of a mass gaining phase to push through a plateau. 2-3 weeks seems to be the max tolerable range and I don't think it should be run just to look good.
If your training is very structured, you definetly can use it as you stated, basically you use it to break through plateaus, which to be precise, you will be training into the overreaching state.

For example:
Weeks 1-10 750 test 500 deca
Weeks 11-12 750 test 500 deca 350 trenace
Weeks 13-14 750 test 500 deca 350 trenace 20mg SD
Weeks 15-16 750 test 500 deca 350 trenace 30mg SD
Weeks 17-18 Deload, cruise or keep inj base.
It works. It's harsh. There's a reason no one ever manufactured it for human use IMO.
I love superdrol….but superdrol hates me!
Have an Outing Tonight. Full dose Pre workout today and Super Human Tonight....
Perfect Compliment to the Cut Stack I took Thursday....
Ill Look even Better Sunday" Poolside!!!
What a dycotemy, the thought process of a Kardashian, the appearance of a strong man
Very well said. When I was younger I used to sacrifice some lethargy for gains but these days I don't have a day to spare so anything that makes me feel like crap I'm going to avoid. Superdrol may be one of those orals u run for two days, then take something milder for two days, and then repeat??
Yup very true
Taking superdrol was what I imagined chemotherapy would feel like…crazy strong drug but now that I’m a ‘bodybuilder’ rather than a ‘gym rat’ I recognize that it doesn’t have a place in my arsenal.
Poison IMHO. It has no place in my protocol whatsoever. Why anyone would want to shut themselves down so hard is beyond me. There are MUCH better alternatives. The stuff will completely nuke your HPGA and for what?
is the injectable not toxic for liver?

Oral was strong but too toxic
"worth it" ?? Worth what??
Only you can answer that after you do some research. No one here can answer that for you...
Only one way to know for sure how you’d react to it; which is to try it yourself. 10-20mg would be dose to utilize for trying out. I’ve used it multiple times, the last time I did it was 50mg/day. The lethargy at that dose is rough though. Did that for 4.5 weeks.

Will be running again this winter at 20-30mg. I’ll use the oral version too!

How do you dose it?
I love the effects. It's the best drug I ever used for both size and strength, while making me dry, vascular and hard as nails all at once.

It's great for...

1.) Peaking Strength

2.) Pre-Contest Use: A couple weeks before getting onstage. It's awesome for filling out. People used to use Anadrol for this purpose, but SD is miles better (provides equal or better fullness in most people without the sub-q water).

3.) Plateau Breaking: Short-term; a few weeks (if appetite suppression isn't an issue for you).

4.) Short-Term Appearance Goals: If you have a photoshoot coming up (or similar) with little notice, SD can change your appearance faster than just about anything else. A few weeks is all you need to reap its transient cosmetic benefits.

It's not great for...

1.) A long-term muscle or strength builder: This goes for all methylated AAS due to their negative effects on cardiovascular health. Live toxicity, or toxicity in general, is not really the issue here. When people use the word "toxicity", they usually mean liver toxicity. In most cases, people interpret SD's side effects, such as lethargy, appetite suppression, etc., as a sign as liver toxicity. While liver strain can potentially cause these symptoms, in most cases, the side effects of SD are not due to liver strain. Rather, they are simply the effect of the drug on the brain. Many steroids have caused this effect in people to one degree or another. SD is just worse in this particular side effect department than most other steroids (mg for mg), but it's certainly not the only one. Many, many people have had liver values WAYYYY above of what we typically see with moderate dose SD use, yet completely lacked any of these side effects. This is because the drugs they were using simply weren't know for causing those particular side effects, despite having liver values through the freakin' roof. At this point, we know for a fact that low-moderate dose SD use does not necessarily cause an increase in liver values beyond what is seen with drugs like Dianabol or Anadrol. When compared a mg to mg basis, sure, SD is harder on the liver, but most guys don't use the same doses of SD that they will with other methyls. When used within the effective dosing range (10-20 mg/day), SD is not (generally speaking) any more liver toxic than Anadrol (50-100 mg/day) or Dianabol (30-50 mg/day). Regardless, liver toxicity is not the main reason to avoid the use of methylated drugs. Cardiovascular harm is. This makes all methyls unsuitable for use as a foundational drug.

Now, when it comes to toxicity in other tissues, such as neurons, we simply don't have any research on most of the steroids out there. We do know that trenbolone seems to be particularly toxic in this regard, but this is likely connected to its extremely strong androgenic effect on the brain. SD is a relatively weak androgen, but research is scant (as with many of the drugs bodybuilders use), so we can only speculate.

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