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Is superdrol worth it ?

10mg is all you need. if you try and bump it 10mg every week i doubt you'll make it to 30mgs lol. the lethargy is real. nac and tudca are a must as well when using this compound. results are phenomenal but dont stick around. still fun tho.
How do you dose it?
The injectable SD is too harsh for me. Literally feels like acid being injected into my muscle. Burns like hell. It needs them super solvents to hold it, and that’s why I stay away from the injectable version.

I use the oral version now. I’ve started with 20mg for 2 weeks to see how I feel. The lethargy is what gets me eventually. If I’m still feeling normal I’ll bump it up to 30mg. I’ll run it at 30mg for another 4 weeks. Once I get up over 30mg the lethargy really comes on strong. This paired along side over 10iu’s of GH is rough! Me personally need a 2hr nap mid-day round 1pm from high doses SD & GH. But 30mg daily and keepin GH at 4iu’s was fine for me!

The injectable SD is too harsh for me. Literally feels like acid being injected into my muscle. Burns like hell. It needs them super solvents to hold it, and that’s why I stay away from the injectable version.

I use the oral version now. I’ve started with 20mg for 2 weeks to see how I feel. The lethargy is what gets me eventually. If I’m still feeling normal I’ll bump it up to 30mg. I’ll run it at 30mg for another 4 weeks. Once I get up over 30mg the lethargy really comes on strong. This paired along side over 10iu’s of GH is rough! Me personally need a 2hr nap mid-day round 1pm from high doses SD & GH. But 30mg daily and keepin GH at 4iu’s was fine for me!

Yeah that guaiacol is rough shit. Seems like what’s usually used in injectable. Stinks like hell too.
Do you split it or take all at once?
I ran it it several years ago and and it wasn’t horrible, definitely wasn’t great. I’ve got sone now and will probably give it another shot here in a few weeks
Yeah that guaiacol is rough shit. Seems like what’s usually used in injectable. Stinks like hell too.
Do you split it or take all at once?
I ran it it several years ago and and it wasn’t horrible, definitely wasn’t great. I’ve got sone now and will probably give it another shot here in a few weeks
I did not split it up. I took mine around 1-2pm everyday. My workouts are normally late afternoon. Just always wanted it in me when I was working out.

Poison IMHO. It has no place in my protocol whatsoever. Why anyone would want to shut themselves down so hard is beyond me. There are MUCH better alternatives. The stuff will completely nuke your HPGA and for what?
I don't get it either. Why take something so harsh in every way and feel like shit.too then go back to what you looked like when you started. For those that are slower .you will loose all gains when you get off. Only purpose would be last few weeks of competition if that
The lethargy I get from it keeps me from using it... i can tolerate sides... even if i felt like death.. but the lethargy i get from it makes me stay away!
The injectable SD is too harsh for me. Literally feels like acid being injected into my muscle. Burns like hell. It needs them super solvents to hold it, and that’s why I stay away from the injectable version.

I use the oral version now. I’ve started with 20mg for 2 weeks to see how I feel. The lethargy is what gets me eventually. If I’m still feeling normal I’ll bump it up to 30mg. I’ll run it at 30mg for another 4 weeks. Once I get up over 30mg the lethargy really comes on strong. This paired along side over 10iu’s of GH is rough! Me personally need a 2hr nap mid-day round 1pm from high doses SD & GH. But 30mg daily and keepin GH at 4iu’s was fine for me!

Sorry but that's not true at all.

I make my own inj SD at30mg/ml with not a single super solvent.
It's just just HEAT, 1-2% BA, 15-20% BB, MCT oil
no pip, no issues.
Have 250ml of that holding perfectly since January 2022.

About the sides, they hit me at 20mg ed after 5-6 weeks. At 30mg ed at 3-4 week. AST ALT GGT are in normal ranges.

@Mike Arnold isn't a good idea to use it as long term mass builder at like 5-10mg ed for like 10-12 weeks?

Is there anything that we can do to fix the lethargy? Maybe 50mg Modafinil daily?
10mg is all you need. if you try and bump it 10mg every week i doubt you'll make it to 30mgs lol. the lethargy is real. nac and tudca are a must as well when using this compound. results are phenomenal but dont stick around. still fun tho.
Agree!!! 10mg for longer period is more beneficial than 20-30-40mg for shorter duration.
**more beneficial as in long term results. I found when I up the dose my cycle becomes very short.
Sorry but that's not true at all.
Sorry bud it’s very true, it’s literally like acid in my body! Didn’t realize you knew exactly how my body reacts to everything! Crazy I know!

I hear people get good results from superdrol but heard it’s very toxic , is superdrol a bulker or cutter depending on diet of course? for those who took superdrol do you regret it and what should one expect results wise from superdrol ?
I first used it when it was OTC in 2005 as Methyl Masterdrol by Legal Gear and have used it a lot since then. Honestly, 10mg ed for 3 weeks is all you need. I never went above 20. I know guys who've done 30, 40mg, but I think they're idiots. Eat A LOT of carbs. Like overdo it and you will blow up and get really strong, full, and solid. Once you stop taking it that massive glycogen retention diminishes and you'll lose some size. Don't believe the bro hype about "kick starting" cycles. It's dogma and bullshit. Most orals are pathetic in building contractile tissue anyway and aren't that great for anything other than filling you with water. Anavar is probably the only exception and worth taking if you find a legit brand. This one is really toxic though. I would rather save that money and buy good injectables like test, nandrolone, primo if you want to build real tissue. I don't do orals anymore, but I'm getting older now and care a little more about my lifespan.
I'm LOVING 20mg inject of it pre-workout right now! So far no harsh sides. It is very unique and awesome in it's ability to recomp in a short time!
I won’t say the specific amount but I’ve gone higher than 50mg daily when I was younger and dumb-er*. It was great.

Makes you feel terrible at any dose comparable to other options.
It’s like take DNP without the body heat issues.

I would rather take other gear at a higher dose than superdrol at a lower dose to achieve the same effect and just feel better wellness wise.
Sorry bud it’s very true, it’s literally like acid in my body! Didn’t realize you knew exactly how my body reacts to everything! Crazy I know!

Ok but get a better cook! Send me your address will send you some! :love:
If I didn’t get bad lethargy and digestive issues from it yes it would be for me personally.
I’ve never really had it impact my blood at 10-20mg anymore than adrol or dbol.
I’ve never seen any drug change my physique and make me beat the log book faster even in a steep deficit.

Used to even with the lethargy and digestive issues to me it was worth it.

I think for most otherwise healthy individuals the toxicity is way overblown.
Has anyone tried 5mg injectable superdrol? Since superdrol is so strong, perhaps very low dose for longer periods may work well without causing too many undesirable effects and wrecking your blood markers?
I've got a box sitting here and I'm very tempted to give it a go at 10mg per day!

See what bloods show end of this week and go from there.

Be interested to see what bloods look like after 30 days 10mg...
I've got a box sitting here and I'm very tempted to give it a go at 10mg per day!

See what bloods show end of this week and go from there.

Be interested to see what bloods look like after 30 days 10mg...
If u do please post results of the bloods before n after
superdrol was the compound I was running right when i had rhabdomylosis , liver failure, hypoxia etc. i also had a client way back who got jaundice from it that was ALL he was taking standalone , just my 2 cents, godly compound but dont dare do it without blood work
I've got a box sitting here and I'm very tempted to give it a go at 10mg per day!

See what bloods show end of this week and go from there.

Be interested to see what bloods look like after 30 days 10mg...
You read my mind brother! I got a sealed bottle of CEL MDrol I've been itching to try again. No way would I ever run it over 10mg again though.
I've got a box sitting here and I'm very tempted to give it a go at 10mg per day!

See what bloods show end of this week and go from there.

Be interested to see what bloods look like after 30 days 10mg...
'IF' you can make it to 30 days

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