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Highest primo was it worth it?


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2006
Just curious what's the highest Primo doses you guys have ran and was it worth it ?

Finishing a 16 week trial of 600 Primo a week and really wasn't impressed.
5 weeks on 350 primo + 200 test

Cholesterol nearly tripled

I’ll try again in the future but I don’t think it’s for me. Ran a while back (year) and didn’t have this effect.

From pharmaqo this run and sour diesel before that.


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600mg for 20 weeks.

It’s like proper landscaping for an estate. You gotta build the house with other tools, but professional landscaping makes a good house look incredible.

If you’re good with your weight/strength and want to improve cosmetics/aesthetics, it’s great
5 weeks on 350 primo + 200 test

Cholesterol nearly tripled

I’ll try again in the future but I don’t think it’s for me. Ran a while back (year) and didn’t have this effect.

From pharmaqo this run and sour diesel before that.
That's disturbing about your cholesterol jumping that high. These days I pick health over gains but didn't you notice any positive effects? I realize it was only 5 weeks.
I just bumped mine from 500 to 900 as an experiment. I was on 600 test 500’primo 400 masteron. For 18 weeks

now, I switched to 600 test 900 primo. I will report back if I remember…this is week 1
You might wanna up your test dosage to account for the extra Primobolan. Especially since you have Masteron in this blast too. Your estrogen levels will definitely be taking a plunge.

If it were me…

1.2g Test..
900mg Primo..
400mg Mast..

Something to consider if you run into issues in week 3/5.

I always tell people it's decent but nothing special. Other compounds are "better" in many ways and they are cheaper and dosed higher per ml so require less injections so are easier to run. It has it's place and people should try it but if you're a newbie and wanting to grow don't be buying 2 vials of primo thinking 2000mg over 10 weeks (using 100mg/ml for my example) is going to do much. You would be so much better taking 2ml deca or eq (600mg) or even 2ml mast e (400mg). Now for experienced guys primo with test can be very useful and for many it means no AI is needed so if you dose them correctly (best ratio for you) they can be a very effective and a "safer" combo than most other things.

There will always be exceptions to every rule so it's worth experimenting with it and seeing how you personally respond. I know quite a few big people who love primo and dose it most of the year. Primo didn't do loads to me and I high dosed it to see exactly what the compound would do at over 1 gram. Now it does compliment a physique very nicely and simply makes you look better so it has it's place but for me it's stuck in the middle in a sense. By that I mean it compliment's things nicely but I prefer other compounds (get more out of them) when I have exact goals. For growing I prefer test, deca, adrol etc and for cutting I prefer test, tren, mast, avar, winny etc. Primo at 400-600mg can assist any cycle and it will give you results but for me I like it as an add on when growing. The other time I would consider using it is for maintaining over a longer period but wanting to stay extra sharp (so an enhanced cruise).
I just bumped mine from 500 to 900 as an experiment. I was on 600 test 500’primo 400 masteron. For 18 weeks

now, I switched to 600 test 900 primo. I will report back if I remember…this is week 1

Have you had blood work recently? I would check things a few weeks in. It depends where you are now and that ratio might suit you but as Cage posted many could have issues on that cycle with primo and mast dosed at 1.3g to only 600mg test.
Primo is it's own animal. You can think of it as part AI and part anabolic. You have to play with the dose so you balance your estrogens. To heavy on primo and you crash your estrogen and walk around flat, lethargic, achy and you don't gain much of anything. Balance your estrogen with the right (for you) dose of test and it comes back to life. Hit the right balance and you will feel great but you won't put on a ton of muscle but the muscle you do put on will look nice. If you want more size once you've figure out your balances with Primo and test you can add another anabolic to do more of the heavy lifting. It's like that. EQ and NPP or deca you can work in and make the whole set-up shine. It's all about balancing. It's a balancing act. Test:primo ratios that seem to work are between 1:1 and 2:1. For a sort of sport TRT 200 mg/w T cyp and 100-150 mg/w Primo is nice. It's a good drug for older guys on a steep TRT that want to stay away from AIs but add a little anabolic.
You might wanna up your test dosage to account for the extra Primobolan. Especially since you have Masteron in this blast too. Your estrogen levels will definitely be taking a plunge.

If it were me…

1.2g Test..
900mg Primo..
400mg Mast..

Something to consider if you run into issues in week 3/5.

Thank you Cage. I actually dropped the masteron so now it’s just 600’test 900 primo

When the cycle was

My estrogen was 63 pg/ml
Total test 3500 ng/dl
Free test 1350 pg/ml
Interested in others opinions as well before I drop money on this stuff.
Most I ever ran was 600mg with 500mg test for 18 weeks which ended up by the first half of a contest prep. Finished prep with tren and mast.

I personally saw better results with 300mgbEQ with 300mg Mast and it's WAY cheaper
Have you had blood work recently? I would check things a few weeks in. It depends where you are now and that ratio might suit you but as Cage posted many could have issues on that cycle with primo and mast dosed at 1.3g to only 600mg test.
I’ll be retesting bloods in a few weeks.

The masteron is NOT in the cycle anymore. My goal was to see if I could get rid of one or the other and still keep estrogen managed. So obviously I chose to go all primo

I use to aromatize really badly or at least I thought I did. I was one of those who largely abused ais because I was so paranoid about my puberty Gyno that I still have.

One day I’ll get it removed but my coach insists that it is not bad enough to lose “points” in competition at this point.

My other goal is to see if primo is worth it too me. If I don’t get results that I’m “happy” with at 900 then I just really don’t think it’s a compound I want in my toolbox and I will go back to my tried and true
test eq npp

Thanks for your guys feedback
Most I ever ran was 600mg with 500mg test for 18 weeks which ended up by the first half of a contest prep. Finished prep with tren and mast.

I personally saw better results with 300mgbEQ with 300mg Mast and it's WAY cheaper
Highest I’ve gone also with primo is 600 so this is me running it “higher” to see if it impresses me or not. Then I can finally decide if it is worth it. I’m also an EQ fan. I will likely be going back to eq
Most I ever ran was 600mg with 500mg test for 18 weeks which ended up by the first half of a contest prep. Finished prep with tren and mast.

I personally saw better results with 300mgbEQ with 300mg Mast and it's WAY cheaper
I have to agree. That's why I was asking at higher then 600 but I think what people said about the low estrogen would be the issue with running it really high meaning you would need to run test equal or higher or even Ment to offset the low estrogen. I don't think I will be trying 1g+ Primo. Like mentioned eq and Mast can produce similar effects for less mg and $
I ran it way back in the early 90s when it was nothing special. I don't recall any particular benefit.
I also ran it about a year ago, at a paltry 200mg alongside 325mg of a test blend.

IMHO it is overrated and the AAS du jour, which will be something else soon enough.
I was doing a prep for a show (ended up stopping and not doing it because I got the bright idea to put my home on the market and when it sold quickly I couldn’t do both) and the coach I had, who’s name has been mentioned here as a good one, swore by it like it was the holy grail and best thing to use.
I’ve never been impressed by it at all

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