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Is Tren harder on the kidneys than other injectable steroids?

My nephrologist just cares about gfr levels. After I had rhabdo he said if I test over 50 I don't have to come back and see him anymore. Which thankfully i did.
A good nephrologist will also monitor how much protein is leaking from your urine. GFR is determined by a blood sample. Protein being leaked into the urine is determined by a urine sample. But I’m sure you already know all of this.
I personally feel that Tren is responsible for the great majority of kidney disease victims in bodybuilding.

I’ve been taking a variety of substances for over 30 years and none of my blood tests over all those years ever indicated any health problems at all. Then I tried Tren.

After two short 6 week cycles, separated by about 3 months, I got my blood test (to prep for a small hernia repair) and the doctor asked me “How long have you had CKD?”

I didn’t even know what CKD was. It’s chronic kidney disease. And I had it pretty bad. Like lifespan prediction of less than 12-15 more years to live bad. I was on Tren, feeling like a million bucks.

What a scare. I searched everywhere and came to the conclusion that I was fucked.

Then I found Dante’s info about Astragalus and although I have close to zero faith in herbal medicine, I tried it.

Right now my kidney function is much better, but worse than it had ever been before Tren. I’m out of the stage I was in and hoping the new, better scores in getting are legit and not somehow false because of some effect from the Astragalus.

Another good reason to avoid Tren. Maybe the best reason.
What stage of CKD are you? The only anabolic steroid that made my kidneys hurt was d-bol. D-bol jacked up my blood pressure like nothing else and it was the only anabolic that made my nipples sore. I believe for me, d-bol is much harder on the kidneys than Tren.
A good nephrologist will also monitor how much protein is leaking from your urine. GFR is determined by a blood sample. Protein being leaked into the urine is determined by a urine sample. But I’m sure you already know all of this.
No I had no idea had rhabdo..total kidney failure was on dialysis in the hospital for 2 months had to learn to walk again. Had a follow up with the nephro 1 month after leaving hospital. All i.got was if your gfr.is.above 50 you don't have to come back anymore. Then took a bloodtest. I dont remember shit from the hospital for about six weeks they might have monitored it in there but that's guessing.
No I had no idea had rhabdo..total kidney failure was on dialysis in the hospital for 2 months had to learn to walk again. Had a follow up with the nephro 1 month after leaving hospital. All i.got was if your gfr.is.above 50 you don't have to come back anymore. Then took a bloodtest. I dont remember shit from the hospital for about six weeks they might have monitored it in there but that's guessing.
It would be wise to visit your local neurologist and have them do a urine sample and a blood sample for your kidneys 1-2 times per year. Once you dip below a 60 GFR you reach the upper limits of stage 3 CKD. Proteinuria and albuminuria are better predictors of stroke risk in patients with chronic kidney disease than estimated glomerular filtration rate.
It would be wise to visit your local neurologist and have them do a urine sample and a blood sample for your kidneys 1-2 times per year. Once you dip below a 60 GFR you reach the upper limits of stage 3 CKD. Proteinuria and albuminuria are better predictors of stroke risk in patients with chronic kidney disease than estimated glomerular filtration rate.
Thanks for the insight my last bloods I was 73 but I actually just got my blood test.on Wednesday or Thursday of this week. Haven't heard anything back on the results yet and usually on my bloods no news is good news. Ill see that doc again in a month and ask my gp if she feels I need.the urine tests. I did pick up.some astralugus but haven't started it yet.
I’m going to get flamed for this but screw it if it helps someone…

With the popularity of the carnivore diet, came the allure of eating organs (or supplementing with desiccated versions) due to the dense concentration of nutrients.

Additionally and how it’s relevant here…

I’ve read a lot of anecdotes and advice regarding ingesting organs related to whatever ails you.

In this case, perhaps using desiccated kidneys may help here. While there is no direct effect per se regarding the MOA, etc…. I can certainly see a rationale as to how these “may” help.

No idea and not using any and I’m not even fully-Carnivore but I follow these Docs bc they are all very innovative and forward-thinking backing up their positions with research.

It’s a fascinating intervention worth considering if you have ANY organ issues.
What about all the solvents in the gear being bad for the kidneys? Probably not enough to hurt for the TRT dad but guys using multiple short esters in a large cycle.
What about all the solvents in the gear being bad for the kidneys? Probably not enough to hurt for the TRT dad but guys using multiple short esters in a large cycle.
The solvents in injectables are oil or water. BA, BB, those are just disinfectants and preservatives. Those would be liver. Here is a fairly comprehensive list that I keep of solvents used for IM and subq inj:

bacteriostatic water
sterile water for inj
I’m going to get flamed for this but screw it if it helps someone…

With the popularity of the carnivore diet, came the allure of eating organs (or supplementing with desiccated versions) due to the dense concentration of nutrients.

Additionally and how it’s relevant here…

I’ve read a lot of anecdotes and advice regarding ingesting organs related to whatever ails you.

In this case, perhaps using desiccated kidneys may help here. While there is no direct effect per se regarding the MOA, etc…. I can certainly see a rationale as to how these “may” help.

No idea and not using any and I’m not even fully-Carnivore but I follow these Docs bc they are all very innovative and forward-thinking backing up their positions with research.

It’s a fascinating intervention worth considering if you have ANY organ issues.
I believe consuming excessive amounts of carbohydrates has hurt a lot of people’s health.
What about all the solvents in the gear being bad for the kidneys? Probably not enough to hurt for the TRT dad but guys using multiple short esters in a large cycle.
I believe all the HEAVY METALS found in gear plays a role in our health. Once in the body, heavy metals can accumulate over time in your organs (liver, brain, “kidneys” and heart). Having excess heavy metals in the body can damage vital organs, cause behavioral changes and difficulties with thinking and memory.
I believe all the HEAVY METALS found in gear plays a role in our health. Once in the body, heavy metals can accumulate over time in your organs (liver, brain, “kidneys” and heart). Having excess heavy metals in the body can damage vital organs, cause behavioral changes and difficulties with thinking and memory.
Certainly. 💯

Impurities are a crapshoot with UGL gear. Even sometime get through in NHS/FDA-approved manufacturered products.
There is a trend of people saying EQ is harder on the kidneys right now
First let me say, I'm not pro tren. Unless I try some 10mg daily dose I'll likely never use again because it does seem to have a massive impact on my lipids...even more than most.

To your post though, could this be a case that correlation is not causation? Especially if you go back many years most of the people that used tren tended to be the people that abused more, took more, were more haphazard with everything. All I'm saying is there a correlation because tren users in generally tend to push things a bit harder and throw caution to the wind a bit more? And, if you are doing that tren is such a powerful drug and it does tend to BP hard do those people just not pay as much attention and take higher doses of drugs that secondarily impact kidneys?
I woukd say that you are probably right in say 70% of cases ne and mine I always thought we pushed the limits and were all or are big mfers but 1500 of test was crazy to me usually stayed at 750 maybe a gm. My tren use never topped 500-600 and was usually 300 and I’m huge especially for being not short but far from tall (I don’t like putting exact specs on here) so I think guys can run hard and by this boards standards my cycles seem pretty benign by most so for me that was a lot ask any doc even those that know PEDs they’ll say that’s plenty but then you look at the Chad Nichols crowd and yea tren is 5-10 times that and it did kill people. To that end as considering my style hardcore my cycles always were over 12 months now the doses went up and down but for a decade that 750 of test was pretty baseline so interpretation is part ALSO I’m an early 2000s guy as far as getting in the life fully, post say 2010 is when we started seeing teen Agee’s on fucking high dose tren I’m guessing bc of social media and morons like Rich and Bostin, we always say “show me the bodies”. I think it’s coming just not for “us” but more that post 2010 crowd, I hope not.
I woukd say that you are probably right in say 70% of cases ne and mine I always thought we pushed the limits and were all or are big mfers but 1500 of test was crazy to me usually stayed at 750 maybe a gm. My tren use never topped 500-600 and was usually 300 and I’m huge especially for being not short but far from tall (I don’t like putting exact specs on here) so I think guys can run hard and by this boards standards my cycles seem pretty benign by most so for me that was a lot ask any doc even those that know PEDs they’ll say that’s plenty but then you look at the Chad Nichols crowd and yea tren is 5-10 times that and it did kill people. To that end as considering my style hardcore my cycles always were over 12 months now the doses went up and down but for a decade that 750 of test was pretty baseline so interpretation is part ALSO I’m an early 2000s guy as far as getting in the life fully, post say 2010 is when we started seeing teen Agee’s on fucking high dose tren I’m guessing bc of social media and morons like Rich and Bostin, we always say “show me the bodies”. I think it’s coming just not for “us” but more that post 2010 crowd, I hope not.
I feel like there is less in-between now. We have some guys using crazy dosages. Then we have a group of people running these miniscule dosages like 10mg and saying they are seeing visible results.
I feel like there is less in-between now. We have some guys using crazy dosages. Then we have a group of people running these miniscule dosages like 10mg and saying they are seeing visible results.
Agreed the middle is disappearing for sure and dudes are getting on much younger, I was 23 before took shit now you hear about 16 year olds on tren
The solvents in injectables are oil or water. BA, BB, those are just disinfectants and preservatives. Those would be liver. Here is a fairly comprehensive list that I keep of solvents used for IM and subq inj:

bacteriostatic water
sterile water for inj
said it before i did
we all pay to play
im lucky i dont think i have too many probs w high dose anything when i was younger. loved tren. could get show ready in lke 6 weeks cmon
but its def a short and sweet drug i always used acetate. used annthate ester once and was a nightare. stick to acetate
Agreed the middle is disappearing for sure and dudes are getting on much younger, I was 23 before took shit now you hear about 16 year olds on tren
It didn't used to be uncommon for doctors to put 14 or 15 year olds on stacks if they needed to put on size for sports.

I would say most pros started in their teens, some even early teens. Arnold started at 13 or 15 or 17 depending on which source you believe. Regardless, it was young. The 13 figure came from his first coach.

I wonder how common it is for parents to put their preteens on steroids for athletics. The studies on Anavar said there were no serious sides at 2.5mg per day. Not saying it's "good" but there have been reports on this becoming more common, steroids, gh and aromatase inhibitors to increase final adult height.

Out of a graduating class of 500 I can think of at least 20 people in my high school that started steroids at 16. Most played football. This was almost 30 years ago. If any parent or doctor was involved I never heard about it. My first cycle was upjohn cyp 200mgs a week. This was about 5 years before animals fina kits hit the market or at least were known to me.

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