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What's the best way for preparing rice?

Most people wash white rice because it's milled, so there's a layer of starch on the outside. And there's some surface starch that's actually on the rice. When you wash the rice, that surface starch kind of separates from the rice, and it stays in the water. When you actually wash, rinse, or soak white rice, it becomes less sticky. And when you cook it up, the kernels of rice separate and get more fluffy.

White rice is just brown rice with its outer layer milled off. So when you wash brown rice or whole-grain rice, it doesn't have the same effect because that outer layer is still on. So there's no real effect with whole-grain rice when you're washing it except for you're just removing any bits of rice that could be there with the milling process or any rice hulls that might have snuck past the milling process.

Interesting fact if you have plants the rice water is very good for plants
So true. Thank you.

My only ‘issue’ with a good rinse is that if cooked with the recommended water / rice proportions the rice seems to come out overcooked, mushy, sticky, not light and fluffy. (That is one reason why I use the Carolina Gold.)

Maybe you can elaborate on what I am experiencing and have a solution.
They actually were employees disgracefully killed in a workplace accident.
I’m just sayin, a rodent issue should be a problem that presented itself and got fixed, not normal operating procedure
I’m just sayin, a rodent issue should be a problem that presented itself and got fixed, not normal operating procedure

I’d imagine any type of silo on a farm would be fairly prone to mice and bugs. You obviously wouldn’t want to spray pesticides or put out poison…
Just get a rice cooker and eat it. Basmati and jasmine are carb staples of mine. If you’re getting fat it’s because your diet isn’t tuned in.
Apparently adding coconut oil to rice while cooking increases the amount of resistant starch IIRC.
Very interesting, did a quick Google search on resistance starch. Wasn't aware, so now I know, thanks Sully
So true. Thank you.

My only ‘issue’ with a good rinse is that if cooked with the recommended water / rice proportions the rice seems to come out overcooked, mushy, sticky, not light and fluffy. (That is one reason why I use the Carolina Gold.)

Maybe you can elaborate on what I am experiencing and have a solution.
Might be overcooking it or not letting the steam escape. Try less water? Are u using a instapot?
Just get a rice cooker and eat it. Basmati and jasmine are carb staples of mine. If you’re getting fat it’s because your diet isn’t tuned in.
Eat the rice cooker?
Might be overcooking it or not letting the steam escape. Try less water? Are u using a instapot?
Instant Pot.

Yes, I think maybe less water since we are starting with wet rice.

Thank you.
Interesting a lot of you guys dont like sticky i love sticky rice. Everyday jasmine in a rice cooker. Rinse 2-3 times, add a little olive oil.
Same. I like the sticky clumps bc it's so much easier to eat it with sticks like I like to do and I eat 4 cooked cups per day. There is always warm rice with several sauces, ginger, teriyaki soy, even throw in frozen peas in the kitchen. That instant pot was best money I ever spent. Good to add a few tspns of coconut oil or olive because that rice digests so fast. Good to eat with high protein.

I don't want to buck the trend on rinsing but rinsing is really only if you're buying it right off the farm or street market. (at least that's what I was told years ago but I'm no rice expert)

Wash it once or twice, go with basmati or jasmine, white not brown. I am eating about 400g a day (uncooked weight) with zero digestion or bloat issues.
Sluggish and swelling will be from undercooking or too much indigestible(?) fibre.
Yea this is spot on I have my rice in 50 or 100gm portions and it’s my jet fuel for my diet. Eventually I cut all carbs, but white is good brown rice will give you more bloat
There are a lot of pros and cons over rice, and the effect of plain rice on me is swelling, feeling sluggish and it makes me put on weight.
I heard good things about switching to brown basmati, and 'washing' the rice in water a few times (at least 2) to remove all starches.
When I eat rice my portions are about 80 grams.
Does anyone feel the same about rice and know of a better way for preparing it?
I use a rice cooker and refuse to wash it. Always Jasmine rice.

Perhaps if rice is causing problems it’s time to switch the carb source?

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