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"SubQ Testosterone 20% more Effective than IM" Really???

I've done sub q trt since 2017. It's a nice break from injecting Im . Begins rising four hours after the injection, peaks at twelve to fourteen hours then slowly reduces, by twenty four hours , it's at a low level, according to lab results I e tested on 10, and 20 mgs testosterone cyp sub q.

so it is good to regularly inject a small dose every day, not to inject 3x or 2x a week. because the level will be the same high and will not fall and rise like on a roller coaster. and I think that is very good. that's why subQ is ideal for this, right?
Doesn't sub q and intramuscular, both, take about four hours for whatever compound you Injected , to begin rising ?

Isn't it correct orals can begin the compounded taken, in as little as an hour to two hours ?
Doesn't sub q and intramuscular, both, take about four hours for whatever compound you Injected , to begin rising ?

Isn't it correct orals can begin the compounded taken, in as little as an hour to two hours ?

I would also be interested in this - but just out of curiosity. as someone already wrote, it is important to know that the effectiveness of subQ vs IM applied hormone is the same. Estrogen will jump up earlier, but it will be the same as with IM. now just to find out how big a dose can be applied - in my opinion it's subjective, apparently it depends on the amount of fat tissue. The more fat, the greater the possibility of absorption. is so?
so it is good to regularly inject a small dose every day, not to inject 3x or 2x a week. because the level will be the same high and will not fall and rise like on a roller coaster. and I think that is very good. that's why subQ is ideal for this, right?
Depends who you ask. Our bodies naturally have a peak and trough every day. Some people think we should attempt to mimic that with every other day or 3x/wk dosing with short esters. Others think as you do and that we should avoid peaks and troughs at all practical cost.

I would say do whatever makes you feel best.
"More effective" for TRT, probably, if you can deal with the lumping at the subQ sites, but "more effective" for bodybuilding purposes, no.

SubQ reduces drug elution from the oil depot so peak levels will be significantly lower than IM. Peak levels affect the pharmacology of the drug. Even if only temporary, higher levels will trigger different responses than lower levels.
"More effective" for TRT, probably, if you can deal with the lumping at the subQ sites, but "more effective" for bodybuilding purposes, no.

SubQ reduces drug elution from the oil depot so peak levels will be significantly lower than IM. Peak levels affect the pharmacology of the drug. Even if only temporary, higher levels will trigger different responses than lower levels.

hi, you have evidence to claim that subQ has lower levels than IM. guys who have been practicing subQ injections for many years wrote here. there was no difference in SubQ/IM testosterone levels according to blood test results. nor were estrogen levels higher or lower (only the rate of estrogen rise) - the levels were the same without difference.
ok - and what is worse or better about higher peak levels?
because testosterone levels are the same for both SubQ/IMs. and that's the most important thing.
I would think sub-q would be asking for an abscess
so it is good to regularly inject a small dose every day, not to inject 3x or 2x a week. because the level will be the same high and will not fall and rise like on a roller coaster. and I think that is very good. that's why subQ is ideal for this, right?
I think so. One doesn't have to do sub q but I prefer it on common mgs of trt.
"More effective" for TRT, probably, if you can deal with the lumping at the subQ sites, but "more effective" for bodybuilding purposes, no.

SubQ reduces drug elution from the oil depot so peak levels will be significantly lower than IM. Peak levels affect the pharmacology of the drug. Even if only temporary, higher levels will trigger different responses than lower levels.
Have you came across any studies,if so can you share them?
I would think sub-q would be asking for an abscess

do you mean when using oil or any base with SubQ? an abscess can be caused by contamination from non-sterile administration. but I'm not sure about poor absorbency. what leads you to this opinion of yours? can you elaborate on it more?
40mg/20ius of cyp
40mg/20ius of Mast
A night.
I ran 30mg of each for 4 months. Put my T level right at 900 with 43 estrodial

I don’t mind the nightly insulin pins. I feel much better than eod or 2xweek

this is perfect information. I will try this on myself.
I want to ask your opinion about methandienone.

regarding the methandienone tablets - due to their half-life, I divided the dose into 2x a day morning and evening 25+25 mg, a total of 50 mg

what concerns the use of the variant - will the application of SubQ 1x a day 50mg be enough?
I brew my Test with just 1.5%BA in MCT. Minimizes pip when used subq. Ive found if BB is in the mix, it causes a lot of irritation
I brew my Test with just 1.5%BA in MCT. Minimizes pip when used subq. Ive found if BB is in the mix, it causes a lot of irritation

Hi, interesting. Can you please write me the procedure and how you do everything for brew?
this is perfect information. I will try this on myself.
I want to ask your opinion about methandienone.

regarding the methandienone tablets - due to their half-life, I divided the dose into 2x a day morning and evening 25+25 mg, a total of 50 mg

what concerns the use of the variant - will the application of SubQ 1x a day 50mg be enough?
I think most would say once a day is surely enough. I have a friend who only takes it every other day right now. Impossible to say if it's working well.
In my opinion sub-q is dumb.
I don't like it and see no benefit with peptides, aas or HGH.
In my opinion sub-q is dumb.
I don't like it and see no benefit with peptides, aas or HGH.

so the benefit is that you won't scar the muscle tissue with regular IM applications. I'm talking about cycles where you give daily HGH, HCG (I prefer daily), IGF, and short AAS esters several times a week. that's a lot of injections per day/week. that, in my opinion, is a big reason to consider SubQ.
unless you're one of those shooters who fill a 10ml syringe with everything they can once a week.
hi, you have evidence to claim that subQ has lower levels than IM. guys who have been practicing subQ injections for many years wrote here. there was no difference in SubQ/IM testosterone levels according to blood test results. nor were estrogen levels higher or lower (only the rate of estrogen rise) - the levels were the same without difference.
Over weeks of use, if you use equal amounts of drug, you will reach a similar steady state of drug in the blood stream for both. But for the larger bolus IM injections, you reach this faster and have greater peak levels post injection. SubQ produces step wise incremental increases day by day with small doses, whereas a large bolus of say 200mg of drug does this in one dose vs 1-2 weeks.

For bodybuilding purposes, daily micro doses is not feasible. You're not gonna do 600mg of test and 400mg of Deca by SubQ. You will look like you got hit by a pack of hornets with all the lumps.
For bodybuilding purposes, daily micro doses is not feasible. You're not gonna do 600mg of test and 400mg of Deca by SubQ. You will look like you got hit by a pack of hornets with all the lumps.

yes i understand this and it makes sense. the question is how many ml of SubQ can the body absorb without lumping or swelling. but about more than 1ml cannot be applied without a problem. isn't there a method to prove more SubQ oil so it doesn't cause problems? someone wrote that he mixes the oil with a different solution to get a better SubQ injection.

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