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Begginer insulin help

Each person must use insulin based on their blood sugar at that moment

if I have for example pre workout

150 cream of rice + whey + 100g banana (135/140 net carbohydrates) I can't do 13/14 units because I go into hypoglycemia, I noticed that 8 units is my perfect dose; while those who have another sensitivity can perhaps do 10/11 without problems
I don't know if what i am doing is fine but for me seems working. (Hope someone will chime in to correct me)

I started using insulin (Apidra/Humalog/Novolog) after meals:
- after prewo meal (now that i am still cutting)
- will have also 30-60g of HBCD + 10g EAA intrawo

Once i will start my bulk, will add also another shot postwo, and maybe another shoot or two if carbs will be that high, but i highly doubt that i will need that because i am not that big at all.

My idea is to use insulin only after highest carb meals.
Let me just see if I can make sure I have this right:

1. You have to take a FULL week off after 6-8 weeks of training whether it’s volume or overload.

2. You pin fast acting insulin AFTER every meal. Not before… AFTER.

3. You are CUTTING right now.

4. You are NOT that big at all. But what you’re doing SEEMS to be working. 🤔

5. You HOPE someone will chime in and correct you.

These are ALL your words from your post, not mine.

This will likely be my most passive aggressive post on this forum…

Just STOP. For the love of God, you are either a marathon troller or bodybuilding is seriously just not for you.

Either way give it a damn rest. You are not learning nor contributing in a positive manner.

That is all.
Let me just see if I can make sure I have this right:

1. You have to take a FULL week off after 6-8 weeks of training whether it’s volume or overload. Where did you read that when i didn't write anything about it? But yes, you never deload? If so good for you mate.

2. You pin fast acting insulin AFTER every meal. Not before… AFTER. YES i pin insulin right after prewo meal, which means once a day. I eat, then, when finished my meal i pin insulin. Fast acting insulin is called postprandial for a reason.

3. You are CUTTING right now. Yep

4. You are NOT that big at all. But what you’re doing SEEMS to be working. 🤔 This phrase had zero sense written by me, if you can understand that good luck.

5. You HOPE someone will chime in and correct you. Not at all because it seems that here all people are just ready to spit on you.

These are ALL your words from your post, not mine.

This will likely be my most passive aggressive post on this forum… You could go aggressive, none will care.

Just STOP. For the love of God, you are either a marathon troller or bodybuilding is seriously just not for you.

Either way give it a damn rest. You are not learning nor contributing in a positive manner. I noticed that instead most of you really contribute here...

That is all.

Wow English isn't my first language but here i noticed that some people can't even read and understand a post a couple of times, and it was just 3 lines.... Impressive how my English is bad.

Anyways thanks to all the members @slesh @SouthernMuscle @b-boy @bbxtreme for all the help you gave me and i never understood.
Wow English isn't my first language but here i noticed that some people can't even read and understand a post a couple of times, and it was just 3 lines.... Impressive how my English is bad.

Anyways thanks to all the members @slesh @SouthernMuscle @b-boy @bbxtreme for all the help you gave me and i never understood.
Read your own post my man. Claiming you never said things that you did is just 🤣🤣.

Me and all those members you named are always the first to give help and share knowledge- our post reflect it. We also call it like it is.

You need to hire a coach as I have suggested before because I can clearly see now that all you’re doing is trying to seek attention.

I spent years here learning before I began contributing. And even now, I’m still here to learn. Nobody is asking you to do anything we haven’t done ourselves.

We give credit where it’s do as @b-boy said, but we also call it like we see it.
Why do people insist on making insulin use so much more difficult than it needs to be.
My wife has been a type 1 diabetic since she was 8 years old. I read her some of these post on here about insulin and she just laughs. 🤣
Humalog pre/post definitely better option.
Lantus can help throughout the day..
Definitely want to dose according to your bg ,don't just take a dose and match it to carbs..
You are what u eat on slin..definitely need things on point and kno your body..
Humalog pre/post definitely better option.
Lantus can help throughout the day..
Definitely want to dose according to your bg ,don't just take a dose and match it to carbs..
You are what u eat on slin..definitely need things on point and kno your body..
Does this imply that we aren’t what we eat while not taking insulin
I don't think I'm fully understanding the insulin use so excuse me if this is a stupid question but..
As far as matching slin use to bg and carbs etc....
What's the issue if you use more insulin then needed at that time for bg? Say you used 10iu and only 5iu was needed?
I don't think I'm fully understanding the insulin use so excuse me if this is a stupid question but..
As far as matching slin use to bg and carbs etc....
What's the issue if you use more insulin then needed at that time for bg? Say you used 10iu and only 5iu was needed?
For a diabetic that could mean death or extreme low. For a non diabetic bodybuilder it could just lead to insulin resistance quicker over time by using more than is needed.
For a diabetic that could mean death or extreme low. For a non diabetic bodybuilder it could just lead to insulin resistance quicker over time by using more than is needed.
Yeah that, and going hypo if you really overdo the insulin.

Saw a dude who has 100iu/ml insulin smash a full 1cc syringe in his arm thinking it was 10iu.

That was a fun next hour and a half.
Yeah that, and going hypo if you really overdo the insulin.

Saw a dude who has 100iu/ml insulin smash a full 1cc syringe in his arm thinking it was 10iu.

That was a fun next hour and a half.
Jesus. The question I get more than anything in the gym are guys asking “what line to fill up to on the insulin syringe”. It goes for peptides, growth, insulin etc. Blows my mind.

Rule of thumb- if you can’t do math, please don’t use insulin. 😂
For a diabetic that could mean death or extreme low. For a non diabetic bodybuilder it could just lead to insulin resistance quicker over time by using more than is needed.

Yup - over time your cells will start to reject the insulin and then you in some trouble…
Jesus. The question I get more than anything in the gym are guys asking “what line to fill up to on the insulin syringe”. It goes for peptides, growth, insulin etc. Blows my mind.

Rule of thumb- if you can’t do math, please don’t use insulin. 😂
Lol omgggg dude I get this everyday. “How much you take? I do 30 ticks on the syringe.” All I can do is “🤦‍♂️”. These idiots don’t understand the dilution factor.
Correct,if u can't do math, read a syringe,and know about bg #s and what it means.not for you..

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