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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2023
Currently 6’2 253lbs 14% cutting down to 10% before this blast.

Right now running 125mg test 500mg dhb loving it, somehow growing in a deficit.


500-750 test
600 deca
600 mast
5iu gh
Insulin 1x per week on high carb day

Past cycles I’ve used test, tren (not for me), npp, EQ and superdrol.

Currently 6’2 253lbs 14% cutting down to 10% before this blast.

Right now running 125mg test 500mg dhb loving it, somehow growing in a deficit.


500-750 test
600 deca
600 mast
5iu gh
Insulin 1x per week on high carb day

Past cycles I’ve used test, tren (not for me), npp, EQ and superdrol.


Sounds great. Do it
Currently 6’2 253lbs 14% cutting down to 10% before this blast.

Right now running 125mg test 500mg dhb loving it, somehow growing in a deficit.


500-750 test
600 deca
600 mast
5iu gh
Insulin 1x per week on high carb day

Past cycles I’ve used test, tren (not for me), npp, EQ and superdrol.

I love the test/Deca/mast cycle
I wouldn’t run mast that high though, don’t think it’s necessary, but to each their own
Watch for your hair
I love the test/Deca/mast cycle
I wouldn’t run mast that high though, don’t think it’s necessary, but to each their own
Watch for your hair
Thanks for that, what mast dose would you reccomend?

I have a full head of hair but honestly I’m at the point where if I lose it. Bald and jacked is ok with me.
Going from one cycle to another it looks like- that’s a lot of DHB with little test. How long have you been running that?

Based solely on your post I agree with @luki7788 and would drop the 600mg of Mast and start at/use 300mg of primo instead.
switch mast to primo and why insulin only once a week? If you are looking for maximum growth and cycle optimization, add insulin on each training day before and after training
What will primo do that mast won’t? Insulin on 1 day for carb cycling, my high carb day, rather than having insulin in on medium carb days too
Going from one cycle to another it looks like- that’s a lot of DHB with little test. How long have you been running that?

Based solely on your post I agree with @luki7788 and would drop the 600mg of Mast and start at/use 300mg of primo instead.
ill have roughly 6 weeks between them on just 125mg test, I aromatize easy and rather not use an AI. Labs are being done shortly, but last round everything was gtg.
switch mast to primo and why insulin only once a week? If you are looking for maximum growth and cycle optimization, add insulin on each training day before and after training
I was running Test/Deca in the past and I’ll always credit @TheOtherOne55 for suggesting adding in masteron to counter the sexual sides from Deca.

I loved that cycle.

I realize not everyone gets sexual sides from Deca so take that for whatever it’s worth OP.
ill have roughly 6 weeks between them on just 125mg test, I aromatize easy and rather not use an AI. Labs are being done shortly, but last round everything was gtg.
If I’m going for size I’d rather have primo than Masteron. Both will be beneficial for helping manage estrogen, but IMO primo is better as an anabolic for a gaining phase. Do what works best for you.
Test and deca are my staples. I'll typically cruise on some lower dose combo of these too. Test is in every blast and deca is usually (not always) in there even just low dose for joints. Bloods are perfect even for 2 years straight on this.

When blasting test/deca as a core base I'll add a bit of Mast purely for mental/feels and maybe it helps a bit with water but typically that's more diet in my case.

Last cruise: 250 test 150 deca

Current blast: 500 test, 400 Deca, 200 Mast - will run for a while and increase to 750/600/400 as needed and maybe add orals (25/25 winny/var or 25/25 anadrol/winny). This is 20+ weeks and on week 4 now so still early. Not running HGH right now but typically 3-4ius and 500mg metformin.

For me Mast is purely for feel. From a hypertrophy or strength standpoint I get virtually nothing from Mast and it's basically proviron in injection. It does increase free test but that's the test increase working not Mast directly. Still a valued compound for me but a 3rd or 4th spot in cycle. I'll also run 200mg when I run test/primo as even with normal or high E2 primo makes me feel meh and a tad of Mast eliminates that. As a PED Mast is shit to me. As an ancillary Mast is highly valued by me and used regularly. YMMV
Test and deca are my staples. I'll typically cruise on some lower dose combo of these too. Test is in every blast and deca is usually (not always) in there even just low dose for joints. Bloods are perfect even for 2 years straight on this.

When blasting test/deca as a core base I'll add a bit of Mast purely for mental/feels and maybe it helps a bit with water but typically that's more diet in my case.

Last cruise: 250 test 150 deca

Current blast: 500 test, 400 Deca, 200 Mast - will run for a while and increase to 750/600/400 as needed and maybe add orals (25/25 winny/var or 25/25 anadrol/winny). This is 20+ weeks and on week 4 now so still early. Not running HGH right now but typically 3-4ius and 500mg metformin.

For me Mast is purely for feel. From a hypertrophy or strength standpoint I get virtually nothing from Mast and it's basically proviron in injection. It does increase free test but that's the test increase working not Mast directly. Still a valued compound for me but a 3rd or 4th spot in cycle. I'll also run 200mg when I run test/primo as even with normal or high E2 primo makes me feel meh and a tad of Mast eliminates that. As a PED Mast is shit to me. As an ancillary Mast is highly valued by me and used regularly. YMMV
awesome brother thank you
awesome brother thank you

Just scanning up and giving my thoughts since you'd asked Mast vs primo. Primo is straight up a much better anabolic than Mast and pairs well with test/deca. Straight up primo vs Mast, it's a better muscle builder by a good margin, similar but not as dry, certainly fuller. That's probably what's behind Luki's recommendation or something to consider. Don't want to put words in his mouth but likely safe guess and I've recall him opining before.

NOW ALL THAT SAID, test and deca are major movers HERE. Mast makes me feel better than primo. Using primo at decent dose costs a good bit more and if I really wanted more from the blast I have plenty of headroom to increase my test/deca - which are cheap and more powerful (of this wasn't the case then primo for me surely). Very individual and preference - kind of splitting hairs too with rest but that's why I tend to use mast here. I'm sitting on a ton of 200mg/ml primo but thinking test/primo will be my spring/summer blast and just keep it light and chill.
Just scanning up and giving my thoughts since you'd asked Mast vs primo. Primo is straight up a much better anabolic than Mast and pairs well with test/deca. Straight up primo vs Mast, it's a better muscle builder by a good margin, similar but not as dry, certainly fuller. That's probably what's behind Luki's recommendation or something to consider. Don't want to put words in his mouth but likely safe guess and I've recall him opining before.

NOW ALL THAT SAID, test and deca are major movers HERE. Mast makes me feel better than primo. Using primo at decent dose costs a good bit more and if I really wanted more from the blast I have plenty of headroom to increase my test/deca - which are cheap and more powerful (of this wasn't the case then primo for me surely). Very individual and preference - kind of splitting hairs too with rest but that's why I tend to use mast here. I'm sitting on a ton of 200mg/ml primo but thinking test/primo will be my spring/summer blast and just keep it light and chill.
Man i’m starting to get the primo itch again myself lol………

fuck it, you talked me into it
Just scanning up and giving my thoughts since you'd asked Mast vs primo. Primo is straight up a much better anabolic than Mast and pairs well with test/deca. Straight up primo vs Mast, it's a better muscle builder by a good margin, similar but not as dry, certainly fuller. That's probably what's behind Luki's recommendation or something to consider. Don't want to put words in his mouth but likely safe guess and I've recall him opining before.

NOW ALL THAT SAID, test and deca are major movers HERE. Mast makes me feel better than primo. Using primo at decent dose costs a good bit more and if I really wanted more from the blast I have plenty of headroom to increase my test/deca - which are cheap and more powerful (of this wasn't the case then primo for me surely). Very individual and preference - kind of splitting hairs too with rest but that's why I tend to use mast here. I'm sitting on a ton of 200mg/ml primo but thinking test/primo will be my spring/summer blast and just keep it light and chill.
ya my reasoning for mast in this cycle is mainly to drive DHT, ideally offset any nandrolone sides (mainly bloat) and put sex drive through the roof
I was running test eq little deca,not sure why I thought eq would be different this time..(never good experience w it)..
So I replaced it with primo..I'm more a fan of npp here,but the extra water/joint relief was my thinking...
I'm a much bigger fan of primo..
Slin 1 day a week I don't get..why not just do lantus daily..
I was running test eq little deca,not sure why I thought eq would be different this time..(never good experience w it)..
So I replaced it with primo..I'm more a fan of npp here,but the extra water/joint relief was my thinking...
I'm a much bigger fan of primo..
Slin 1 day a week I don't get..why not just do lantus daily..
Slin only on my high carb day for lagging body part. Humalog 3x in that one day. Elevated BG for ~ 15 hours a week. I’m thinking more long term health. Maybe I’m wrong?

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