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Thoughts on spring stack please.

Mmmh at your age I would run a different stack:

500 TestE ew (if I remember well Milo's was on that dose)
50 Anavar ed or 400 EQ/Primo ew
5iu HGH ed
1500 Berberine ed
40 Telmisartan ed (then evaluate to double it in case)
T3 and/or T4 only if blood tests tell you to do that.

No pct at all

For sure you will look fantastic year round with diet in place. Health should be also quite good, Test never killed my bloods nor EQ or Primo.

Tren is wonderful drug and low test high tren works when you want to really trim down, but I would totally avoid it after a certain age.
On low test high tren I saw my HDL going single digit quite easily, even with 1h cardio daily.
Wow, thanks.

Good info
When it comes to self coaching sometimes we overthink, that’s why even after 25 years on gear you need to ask just to hear “ok it’s fine”.
I know I'm one of the the "safety" guys on here and that gets annoying...but this is way, way over the top. Respectfully, a few points...

  • The on and off clomid thing is not productive. It's adding to the hormone roller coaster. I would really recommend avoiding that and stick with trt dose in between.
  • I get the shorter blasts. Many people do it. I may suggest slightly longer (8-10 weeks) and more modest blasts followed by 6-8 weeks of trt without the clomid. Like an actual 125-200mgs of trt.
  • Go easier on the blast. I get the point overall...truly do...the more the better I mean that's just how it works. I mean 100mgs of tren a day and 100mgs of var is a ton man. I mean 500mgs of test and 400 mast or 500mgs of test and if you must maybe 200-300mgs of tren? It just seems like you can get all you want for like 1/2 this dose.
and that’s what I’m going to do. Thanks for the sage advice. Appreciated
blasting fuck tons of Anavar and tren to add lean tissue while dropping below 10% BF is just dumb. How tall are you? 228lbs at 5-8 is different than 228lbs at 6-1

If your Anavar is REAL…nobody needs 100mg a day. Unless your peak week then the “kitchen sink” rule comes to play.

You want to lean up some and HOLD mass?

Bump the test to 300ish. Add 400mg mast. If you are dead set on tren…20-30mg ED is plenty to get the glucocorticoid blunting effect. 40mg Anavar a couple hours pre workout when you need a boost
5’ 8

Thanks. Lower dose it will be
Find someone with HDL in “normal ranges” on cycle, almost impossible.

No mater how many fats, supplements i was using my HDL was still low - just fucked up my LDL more.

Even on 175mg test per week and 3iu HGH per day.

Me :(
Yea which is why I have a hard time believing pros who say blood work was all in range and "stellar".
I always put such statements through the google translator and select IFBB PRO for the starting language lol. I have always taken this to most likely mean "within the range I am ok with seeing" or "I happen to be a one in a million and actually am telling the truth." I lean towards the first. There are those who smoke 2 packs a day till age 95 and then die of something unrelated, they are out there but I also don't believe EVERY IFBB pro is one such individual.
I’d drop the 600mg tren and replace it with 200mg test and 400mg mast and cut the Anavar in half , give your organs a break

then I’d run that for 8 weeks at least and if you feel the need to take a break drop everything except 200mg test/wk for several weeks

it’s pointless to try to do any pct for only a 3 week break , all you are doing is creating a hormonal roller coaster and taking steps back

my bigger question is , at 55 why are you not taking any HGH
^^^the $64,000 question is; why the hell is OP still PCT'ing @55yrs old?!!

(..but it explains the stack he decided on)

My thinking was to drop my hemoglobin levels a bit more (also donated blood at that time) before I started TA…

Clomid gives you nastier side effects the older you get, that’s for sure
I’d drop the 600mg tren and replace it with 200mg test and 400mg mast and cut the Anavar in half , give your organs a break

then I’d run that for 8 weeks at least and if you feel the need to take a break drop everything except 200mg test/wk for several weeks

it’s pointless to try to do any pct for only a 3 week break , all you are doing is creating a hormonal roller coaster and taking steps back

my bigger question is , at 55 why are you not taking any HGH
Wife made me swear off of it. She swears my moles grow larger when I run it
I always put such statements through the google translator and select IFBB PRO for the starting language lol. I have always taken this to most likely mean "within the range I am ok with seeing" or "I happen to be a one in a million and actually am telling the truth." I lean towards the first. There are those who smoke 2 packs a day till age 95 and then die of something unrelated, they are out there but I also don't believe EVERY IFBB pro is one such individual.
It’s all relative. Many bodybuilders have created their own “ranges” for blood work in some ways.

Clean blood work for many means having free and total test in the thousands, high IGF, high DHT, low HDL with “managed” LDL, high T3/T4, low TSH, low SHBG and so on…

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