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Tricks for tightening loose skin?


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Jul 30, 2006
My wife has been dieting and busteing her ass in the gym the past few months and has lost close to 50lbs!! i'm very very proud of her and she looks and feel 1000% better but she is very very self concious about all the new loose skin , her arms are her biggest concern as its hardest to hide their but also her stomach area.

I was wondering if any of you ladys had any tricks or ideas on what to do to tighten up the loose skin in these areas. She has been doing alot of research on her own but on weightloss forums and honestly some of the crack pot stuff they have on their worries me about how healthy it is , some crazy doses of scrip med weight loss drugs , water only fasting every other day.

Anyway , I've started my run of HGH for this contest season and she has been eyeing up my stuff !! Would a low does of HGH help to tighten up these problem areas? I'm only running 2iu/ed and can see some results and its only been 6 weeks.

She is hypo thyroid according to her test but she wanted to lose as much as possible before getting on any meds so she hasent ventured their yet and seems like she wont but she is increasingly intrested in HGH
HGH has only anecdotal evidence as far as tightening the skin, there are no studies to back it up that I know of.

How old is your wife? How long she was overweight can have an effect as well.

Her age has a lot to do with what the skin will do.
Time will do the most, so patience
Gh will help her overall but I dont think she will see much tightening from it. It mostly has to do with age. As we grow older, the skin doesnt go back to normal after it is stretched out.
cant go wrong w hgh but prob wouldnt help that a whole lot.. surgery prob only way to go.
Extra skin Sucks!!!

I have extra skin on my upper arms..checked into surgery..scaring seems to be pretty bad not to mention the high cost...I'm going for just filling that skin with muscle...just started "winne" and Test to help me out.
Like the others said, it depends on surface to reduce as well as age and skin elasticity. At or after menopause or andropause the skin is far less elastic and won't retract much after weight loss. I have found only two methods. For my stomach I had ultrasounds used in a pattern of spots across my abdomen with several passes at different depth settings.

This very much reduced my stomach loose skin which used to swirl up like a woman's belly after childbirth. Now it is quite tight. I had only one session, but took strong pain pills so that they could dial it to the maximum. They gave me about 8 sessions worth in a single one hour sitting as I said go as fast as you can!

For the face, hands and neck I have resorted to quite a few Fractional CO2 Laser sessions (stronger than Fraxel Laser) which were effective in both significantly reducing excess skin to the point of looking naturally young, plus it gave me fresh baby skin instead of the wind burned sun scorched dry skin I had before. That is also quite rejuvenating.

I hope this helps!

Hunk Chunk
I never understood logically how HGH tightens skin. Perhaps it's an illusion from fuller muscles from the new cells?
Even I also didn't hear about the HGH..
"Gunsmith" why not you get help from the natural food.. Like herbal treatment like this..?
I think fresh fruits and vegetables best for your wife because its help to tightening loose skin..
My Fiancé busted her ass in the gym for years, but after 3 kids and gravity she had to go under the knife. She had adominoplasty, and her breasts lifted. She is beyond happy with the results! She looks amazing, and now u can really she how hard she's been working at the gym because all the loose skin is gone.
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I lost weight at an older age and tightned up loose skins by adding muscle also.
I lost a fair amount of weight 4 years ago or so. For me the best thing for loose skin was time. I know it's probably not what you wanted to hear but honestly over time I found my skin regained it's elasticity.

My skin wasn't saggy though, just no where near as tight as when it had the fat behind it.

I also found cocoa butter applied topically helped, as well as good fats in my diet and the occasional sunbed. All stretch marks have faded now. I lost about 50lbs.
What about cortisone cream?

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TOP is ny far the most secure as well I really like it and encourage anyone to a th least check it out

VODKA tightens the skin (apply externally)
Witch hazel is supposed to tighten skin, I used it when I lost a lot of weight but I was in my early 20's so I'm not sure if the witch hazel helped or not. It's cheap so it worth a shot.

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