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Dorian Yates to openly discuss steriod use in new MD article..

And that, right there, is the problem with the world today...
Freedom of speech has become "pure fantasy," and everyone claims to want the unadulterated truth about everything, but when they get it, they block, delete or ban the one who gave them what they asked for to begin with.
Have a good night, bro... I wish you the best.

There is not now - nor has there EVER been - the assumption of total free speech when in a private / public club... You evidently dont understand the Constitution as it has absolutely nothing to do with interaction within the citizenry... Freedom of Speech protects citizens from prosecution / persecution by the federal government..

The other issue is the fact that you dont want "free talk" anyway... In your delusional mind you have "the truth" and unless its accepted you feel as if you are being mistreated.. That's typically an indication that you dont know what your talking about at all
OK so people mention Ronnie Coleman, who was a genetic wonder stepping onstage @ 297...fucking unheard of. Yeah i just started posting here, the long time forum "geniuses" are going out of their way pointing out how im so fucking stupid and inconsistant with my posts, and basically shit i am posting is being taken out of context....ok if i posted Kevin Levrone's remarks by accident, don't know how i did that, but im msorry if that was the case. it changes my whole opinion. In any case, if im already labeled as dumb, am i the only one who knows and is meantioning Ronnie Coleman had scientists or doctors from laboratories giving him grownth drugs...that were basically little bottles with just a set of numbers or letters on them, and told how much to take everyday? All you gifted big shot know it alls haven't touched on this> all you can do is give me some outdated and half true info on EPO for example in an effort to point out to the board how fucking stupid i am? cmon bros!! Why are none of the "self proclaimed" giftd geniuses on here not saying why pros like Ronnie Coleman had distended guts and recently Kai Greene? Does anyone know why? Let an inconsistant, confused "newbie" tell you. Because when you take high amounts of GH and IGF-1, of course your adding new satellite muscle fibers, but your INTESTINES have the most IGF-1 receptors in your whole body, so your intestines are growing faster than your muscles, thats why when posing, when they exhale you can see their gut looks like its hiding an alien baby. So before some of you bros jump on your bandwagon to follow your leader who carries more muscle than you...make sure when you bash me your not bringing a slingshot to a gunfight, because im just bringing facts. No need to impress you guys. Hope this post helped...

Actually, organ growth is usually one of the more minor contributors. I wrote at least 5 articles on this subject, breaking every factor down one by one. I just recently wrote a 2-part article on the subject--just a couple weeks ago.

Aside from that, why are you bringing up organ growth and "educating" us about the effect of IGF-1 on the intestines? This wasn't even being discussed until you brought it up. Besides, I am fairly certain the large majority here are well aware that IGF-1 can cause organ growth, although to what degree can vary drastically. there is a lot of misinformation on the subject of gut distension and in most cases, organ growth is one of the more minor causes.

This is why Kai Green, after being labeled as pregnant at the 2010 Olympia, came back in 2012 with a waistline nearly completely devoid of distension. Organs don't shrink once they've grown, so the fact he was able to almost completely eliminate any visible distension onstage shows there were other, more pressing factors involved.

On the same note, Jay Cutler was almost certainly using his fair share of GH for many years, yet he never had any distension at all. In fact, he could pull off a mini-vacuum in the front double biceps.

Why would Jay--someone who we can reasonably say used quite a bit if growth--not have any noticeable distension, while other pros who probably used less GH have significant distension? The reason is that there are a LOT of potential factors involved in stomach distension, but most people are mis-led into thinking organ growth is always the primary cause. It's not. It's only a contributor and only occasionally is it the primary offender.

I do have a question for you, though. Who told you that Ronnie had a "team" of secret scientists and doctors working for him, providing him with top secret "growth agents"? Man, I wonder what those "secret" drugs were, being that no one has yet heard of them.

It seems you have fallen victim to the "secret drug" theory. Here's my suggestion to you. Stop posting wherever else it is you post--because clearly you are not being taught correct and reliable information. You stand a much better chance of getting correct info here. Do you know how many highly respected men post here? There are more here than anywhere else, by a landslide.

Do you really believe that Ronnie had a secret team of physician/scientists supplying him with powerful, mysterious growth agents? Instead of ripping you open on this one, I will simply ask that you supply the source of your information--because I am certain you weren't there in person when the lab coats came around to drop off Ronnie's top secret stash.

One last thing. Did you just try to defend your EPO comment? Sorry, buddy, but we provided no half-truths--only full truths regarding EPO, which is that EPO is stupid for a BB'r to take, especially an AAS user. Yes, I know people have used it, but people do a lot of dumb things and just because some pros may have experimented with it does not mean it is a good idea.

Now, Ian understand why athletes who require increased endurance would use it, but I can't think of a decent reason for a BB'r to use it. Steroids already increase RBC's enough as it is--sometimes to dangerous levels. Increasing hematocrit even further would supply no benefit, while substantially increasing heart attack/stroke risk.
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Hey Mike Arnold after reading your last 2 replies i officially changed my opinion of you. Seems Like you are a stand up dude, and i respect that. No way would i ever call you or another bro on here an "asshole", im here to learn and contribute whenever i can. Im not into name calling and such, but i enjoy healthy debates. I seem to have problems on my end when im responding, someone responded before me that i didn't read their comment, so i have information missing. This has been going on all day and putting me in some embarrassing situations. Thats what i get for taking a 5 year break? maybe one of the mods can help me set up my user CP. Yess i think i will stick around, too many brilliant bros on here. i said before i am proud to be part of this forum, already met some top notch bros! I think we are all on the same page, just seeking the truth.
Allex as for your comment? sure i can stop with this(defending myself) when i am not being attacked. I actually have no problems sticking up for myself. Its NEVER personal bro. Have a great day all you guys, Mike Arnold thanks again for the positive comments.:headbang:

Don't take anything personally, especially when it comes to disagreements. I am pretty straight forward and often brash, but I have no animosity towards you or anyone else here.
Hey Mike Arnold you have no problems with me bro. was involved in a rather involved "debate" on EPO a few years back on another forum...am having trouble accessing that info. Very informative and interesting to say the least. unfortunately my memory is shit and without my notes and such i have nothing to bring to the table on the subject of EPO, nor do i disagree with your recent post in regards to it. Of course there is a wrong and right way to do everything, i believe there are a few out there that know what they are doing with that particular substance. Just for shits and giggles i saw some info that pro cyclers are abusing the shit out of EPO currently...but please don't quote me word for word. let's not forget there are many other bike races in Europe and America other than the Tour De France. I think the statistic of EPO use among cyclists is interesting....please don't ask me how anyone had access to that information.
Also i never said i heard Ronnie Coleman had a "team of scientists", just heard from a close/reputable source it was a scientist at a lab, much like the labs that produce peptides that supplied him with some experimental grownth drug. Did ya think we would know about this from the cover of muscle and fitness? Of course we will never get those informations, i'm quite sure he used the shit out of Follistatin for example and another Myostatin Inhibitor i can't think of. Yes your right that Jay Cutler does not have the distended gut, like we said, no two people will have same results using same compounds/dosages...and im not gonna go crazy trying to figure it out either. my #1 concern is to bring my body to the next level and i have all the tools i need to get there. No im not ever trying to get to 300lbls, couldn't afford that, and im not messing with my heart like that.
To sum it up, i will be very interested to read your 5 posts you said? about organ grownth.....so far i haven't read any post on that topic on ANY forum....i will get my notebook ready.
Uhhh NO i did not try to defend my EPO comment, sorry i mentioned it. I was hoping i could further elaborate on it though because the info i had was contrary to what you posted in SOME, not all areas, thats all. I see some suppliers offering it, and no i never plan on using it.
Hey Mike Arnold you have no problems with me bro. was involved in a rather involved "debate" on EPO a few years back on another forum...am having trouble accessing that info. Very informative and interesting to say the least. unfortunately my memory is shit and without my notes and such i have nothing to bring to the table on the subject of EPO, nor do i disagree with your recent post in regards to it. Of course there is a wrong and right way to do everything, i believe there are a few out there that know what they are doing with that particular substance. Just for shits and giggles i saw some info that pro cyclers are abusing the shit out of EPO currently...but please don't quote me word for word. \
Cyclists have long used EPO, but there is a good reason for why they use it--it helps their performance.

let's not forget there are many other bike races in Europe and America other than the Tour De France. I think the statistic of EPO use among cyclists is interesting....please don't ask me how anyone had access to that information.
Also i never said i heard Ronnie Coleman had a "team of scientists", just heard from a close/reputable source it was a scientist at a lab, much like the labs that produce peptides that supplied him with some experimental grownth drug. Did ya think we would know about this from the cover of muscle and fitness? Of course we will never get those informations, i'm quite sure he used the shit out of Follistatin for example and another Myostatin Inhibitor i can't think of.
Those myostatin inhibitors weren't available in Ronnie's day.

Yes your right that Jay Cutler does not have the distended gut, like we said, no two people will have same results using same compounds/dosages...and im not gonna go crazy trying to figure it out either. my #1 concern is to bring my body to the next level and i have all the tools i need to get there. No im not ever trying to get to 300lbls, couldn't afford that, and im not messing with my heart like that.
To sum it up, i will be very interested to read your 5 posts you said? about organ grownth.....so far i haven't read any post on that topic on ANY forum....i will get my notebook ready.
Just do a search for stomach distension with my name in the search and they should turn up.
Gotcha Mike Arnold will do!!!
Just a quick point, maybe my timelines are fucked up, but didn't Follistatin just come on the scene during at least the last year of Coleman's Mr. Olympia win? Or was it a few years after. Thanks again
Hey Allex i checked out that link. I currently use Long R3 IGF-!, pre-workout only, and having fantastic results. Are you saying this "receptor grade' was one of the weapons of choice during the 90's only? Or is it better or more potent than say what i am currently using? Looks like its currently available. Know anyone who has used both and have had better results from one over the other? My IGF-1 Use is strictly to build satellite muscle cells, even if its 1 or 2 lbs a month, thats extra muscle fibers. Thanks man....
Damn that stuff is expensive!!:mad:
Are you saying this "receptor grade' was one of the weapons of choice during the 90's only?

Some say it's still being used by most pros today, but as you can see, it got way too expensive.

Heard many crazy things about receptor grade IGF-1 LR3. Can't even begin to tell you what's true and what's not.

I guess someone with a deep pocket will have to try it in good doses and do a log for us.
Hmmm Allex, now you have my creative juices flowing! I think in the next 2 months when i am financially ready, i might get a bottle and use it the same way i use my current IGF-1. If i do, will be happy to post results. Hope i will be able to afford to run it the way i do for at least 2 months to get a fair assessment? Hey Allex, if you read a previous post i posted, i learned the hard( and stupid) way of the half life of IGF-1 and the added insulin sensitivity, especially since i dose the IGF 30 min Pre workout with Karbolyn, then Humulin -R Post work out, so my question to you is....do you know if this receptor grade, i am assuming is more pure, will make me MORE insulin sensitive, and does it have the same half-life of 3 hours like my IGF does? Don't feel like calling an ambulance again....
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Oh Ok Allex, no problem. i was just being lazy....guess i will go back to the drawing board on this one. Thanks though...
Some say it's still being used by most pros today, but as you can see, it got way too expensive.

Heard many crazy things about receptor grade IGF-1 LR3. Can't even begin to tell you what's true and what's not.

I guess someone with a deep pocket will have to try it in good doses and do a log for us.

its nothing magic.

I had access to it for years though no longer.

real receptor grade was quite expensive but no reports of serious mutations from users like you would expect... based on the stuff talked about in various posts here.

certainly not unusably expensive...
Well there we have it!! Thanks LK3!!
Don't bother with the IGF or Folli , especially for where you're at right now man trust me. I know we already discussed this but just reiterating heh
Gotcha Mike Arnold will do!!!
Just a quick point, maybe my timelines are fucked up, but didn't Follistatin just come on the scene during at least the last year of Coleman's Mr. Olympia win? Or was it a few years after. Thanks again

As far as I am aware, it was a few years after Ronnie retired before legitimate follistatin (not some chicken egg embryo bullshit) came on the scene.
am I just being biased or is it weird that people are researching and looking into all these peptides like follistatin where they're not even 240 lean yet?

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