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Dorian Yates to openly discuss steriod use in new MD article..

am I just being biased or is it weird that people are researching and looking into all these peptides like follistatin where they're not even 240 lean yet?

Once you realize how hard it is to eat 6000 or more calories every single day....there must be some other secret.
am I just being biased or is it weird that people are researching and looking into all these peptides like follistatin where they're not even 240 lean yet?

Because maybe that will get them to 240 lean? :lightbulb:
Once you realize how hard it is to eat 6000 or more calories every single day....there must be some other secret.

I have no problem eating 6k calories a day. That can be quite normal for me actually and I'm no where near 240. My metabolism is crazy fast though. Not all from clean foods though, I'll admit. It gets very difficult on white rice, fish, chicken and sweet potatoes etc. Lol
Mike Arnold thanks for your input..interesting actually. Right around the time Ronnie was at the end of his winning Mr. O's is when the real freaks started coming out!
Trinity i hear you loud and clear man!!
Hey anyone, whatever happened to that Zack "King" Khan? That dude was enourmous and had crazy symmetry and mass, i think he had a major muscle tear or something? Quad maybe?
Now im seeing some monster coming out of Poland, forgot his name...he's pretty much unknown,judging by his height,looks like maybe over 330 off season? WTF? What are these dudes takin? Round and round this subject goes.....we might just never know.
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They were taking a whole lotta "better genetic response to gear than us".. It really is that simple..
How in the world this fact is still not understood and accepted blows my mind!
Marvin that actually makes sense, that thought was always in the back of my mind for years, i guess i am just stubborn and looking for that super synergistic combo specifically tailored to MY specific genetics.
Now im seeing some monster coming out of Poland, forgot his name...he's pretty much unknown,judging by his height,looks like maybe over 330 off season? WTF? What are these dudes takin? Round and round this subject goes.....we might just never know.
Hmm... Do You mean Joshua Lenartowicz?
Right around the time Ronnie was at the end of his winning Mr. O's is when the real freaks started coming out!


[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTPBuo4Sd48"]Dorian Yates and Victor richards Posedown 1994 - YouTube[/ame]
Just read through the whole thread. I really appreciate the discussion and great input by Mike Arnold, TrinityD, Marvin Martian, Allex and some of the others.

Just some good discussion for a newer guy like myself at 24 at this game.

Just wanted to say thanks.
Nah Allex, thats not the dude, but damn he looked on point at the Australian competition! This is the dude, i remember now because i was watching Mariusz Pudzianowski training videos, his video was posted on the right side on Youtube. I NEVER saw any pro, or otherwise squat that kind of weight with such proper form and meticulous. Imsure someone will disagree with me, but God damn.....
Oh Allex, here is that Polish Bodybuilder, basically a 'nobody" coming out of nowhere. Can;t understand them, they are speaking Polish i think, check this monster out....

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9qO7p9byfc"]Mistrzowie w siłowaniu na rękę i Robert Burneika - YouTube[/ame]
Holy Crap BTW, did you see that blonde sitting to his left in the beginning of the video? GOOD LORRRRD!!! I think my next vacation im goin to Poland, and get WIFED UP!!! LOL!!:yeahthat:

PS...don't ask me bout the arm wrestling stuff toward the end. I just payed attention to the first few minutes of that video...
Since i mentioned it, check out Pudzianowski's leg training. Keep in mind this video is a few years old. His heavy set, looks like my warm up set!! Dammit!!
check it out....

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEJ6HZX6pTY"]Mariusz Pudzianowski legs workout - YouTube[/ame]
I have no problem eating 6k calories a day. That can be quite normal for me actually and I'm no where near 240. My metabolism is crazy fast though. Not all from clean foods though, I'll admit. It gets very difficult on white rice, fish, chicken and sweet potatoes etc. Lol

You guys with the crazy fast metabolism can pound some food. I'm talking about the guys who's metabolism won't go up much and can pack on the muscle when their younger. Guys like you, will have fun in their 30s you'll still have the appetite, and things will slow down some and some good mass to be had.
Sorry Damios it was you i originally responded to about that Polish bodybuilder, for some reason i guess i saw Allex post in the next post and replied to him. My bad....
Geat post BTW Allex with the Vic Richards posedown....yeesh. Yes i know i know, in the end it does come down to those genetics. All i personally can do is arm myself with the right tools, diet, training and bring my body to ITS limits.
Ok Allex you got me there....i stand corrected. Forgot about THAT freak. Amazing! 20 years ago....

Not only him, but Dorian, Dillett, etc...

That's WAYYY before Ronnie retired. Can you deny the freak status of those guys?
I completely forgot about Dillet. Just looked him up, mainly to see if he was still alive.

Massive. :eek:
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Holy crap Allex you are on a roll! Yess i did forget about Dilett!! What a massive freak. I know that i for one am forgetting simply because i am focusing on whats coming out of the cage now, Like Big Ramy.....and i will admit, its always in the back of my head, ok what new grownth drug is HE on! I learned this like 8 years ago, but since i brought it up, very few labs were selling TGF(tendon grownth factor), which as i understand it, would allow you to push more weight, which of course would lead to more muscle grownth. Anyone hear of this before? Thoughts? Opinions?

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