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Best AAS For Recomp - NOT Tren


Oct 24, 2013
So I always hear guys saying they can eat whatever they want while on tren and not get fat, stokes their metabolism like no other etc.... Not for me

I've naturally always been fat and Tren A/E both havent had that effect for me

So I'm wondering if there is a consensus on a close second? Maybe EQ?

And yes... This is a thread specifically NOT asking about Tren :p crazy, I know
Naturally fat? What is your body fat now? Diet?

If you naturally get fatter easier then most you have to be 100% on your diet for the drugs to have a big impact. Guys who have super fast metabolisms can get away with a lot more. I also find those type of guys get a better response from the likes of tren due to the way they metabolize everything (especially carbs).

Many will likely say primo.

But for you I would recommend test and masteron.

Throwing in some avar would help too. For the biggest impact probably sdrol.
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I see LS lurking. I bet he had the thought

"But DNP is not AAS"

If you are prepared to use it that could help you look like a different person in 2-3 weeks even with just 200mg per day.

equal amount of test....


I'd agree with both Elvia and Tenny....for a longer cut, 6-10 weeks I'd run MAST+VAR with a TRT dose of test....If we're talking 20-30 days Superdrol seems to really help carb metabolism....full and dry. And if you're just trying to "look" as cut in a few days winny dries me out more than anything else, but I can't train properly, a lot of guys have joint issues with winny.
Best AAS to get shredded and lose fat: in this order:
then test p+ mast p, it s all what you need IF YOU DO ADVICE NUMBER ONE FIRST!!!!
clen can help too
Diet and cardio is a must..HGH with some T3 and clen is the ticket. Dnp is good but you gotta know how to take it..

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I was gonna say HRT test, 300-400mg mast and 60-80mg anavar
Nobody here knows your bf%. Mast, Primo, Provi, are all good but you won't see any difference unless you are already lean. Fuck Winni, just gonna dry your joints out like crazy. Hgh is expensive! And dnp is really dangerous if you don't know exactly what you're doing. Man, I believe your best bet would be with Trt test cyp and don't worry so much about the juice. Get your DIET on point! Lower your weights, increase your reps, eat right 100% of the time and you will see some awesome results!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
EQ + Masteron hardens me up while staying at the same body weight where I am noticeably much leaner. With EQ I find that I can eat a lot more and get away with burgers and fries and all that crap. With Tren thrown in I HAVE to keep eating else I start feeling myself deflating. But since you said Tren doesn't have that effect on you I'd say EQ + Masteron and some Winny every now and then will do great.

Then again, younger guys like myself can probably get away a lot more with our diets than when age catches up.
Something is not right if you aren't leaning out on tren brother. Tren was shown to even increase slin sensitivity, that's why guys are able to take in more carbs. It's not about eating "whatever" you want on it. All you need is 150-200mg a week. Other then that, I think test with some gh supplementation (gh or peps) will work wonders. Especially a decent dose of test prop with a solid diet. I prefer cyp myself though at 1-1.5g I start getting leaner and crazier looking by the day. But its not always practical to use that type of dose.
Test + mast equal amounts , HGH
I've learned personally that no AAS will recomp you (tren is exception) besides drying you out(making you look leaner) without a serious change in dietary habits.

There's no easy way out...YOURE GOING TO BE HUNGRY! Diet diet diet...cardio cardio cardio.

Throw in some fat loss supps when you hit a plateau.
I've learned personally that no AAS will recomp you (tren is exception) besides drying you out(making you look leaner) without a serious change in dietary habits.

There's no easy way out...YOURE GOING TO BE HUNGRY! Diet diet diet...cardio cardio cardio.

Throw in some fat loss supps when you hit a plateau.

Exactly. Yes, there are certain drugs that just give a ridiculous look and mess with your metabolism (ie Tren). But for the most part, ANY steroid plus a good diet mixed with cardio and some fat burners will recomp you.

On your off days- hit cardio hard, fast a little and keep carbs low.
Workout days-lift hard, keep your carbs around your workout window and eat at maintenance or slightly above.

Do that for 4-8 weeks and report back. Even with TRT test and some low dose GH that shit will work wonders.
Diet- Test, primo, mast, clen. If i could run hgh i would but its no good for me. Also tren would be number 1 but sides destroy me. Test, primo, mast i get zero sides
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DIET will be the most important factor in getting lean. All the gear in the world won't get you shredded without the proper nutrition and training to match. I was a naturally fat guy and carb sensitive but I have been as low as 5% and it was all diet. There are plenty of knowledgeable guys on here. Get someone to help you iron your diet out and then be very consistent. The biggest problem I see with lack of progress in anyone and self included is inconsistency.

All the above mentioned PEDs are nice additions and definitely make a difference if your nutrition matches up. The only one that will decrease body fat significantly with absolutely no change in diet is DNP but I would not recommend that route except for seasoned vets.

I have been experimenting with Synthetek injectable L-carnitine this last month and it has allowed a nice recomp effect while still eating lots of carbs which almost never happens for me unless I lower my carbs.

just my 2 cents.
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DIET will be the most important factor in getting lean. All the gear in the world won't get you shredded without the proper nutrition and training to match. I was a naturally fat guy and carb sensitive but I have been as low as 5% and it was all diet. There are plenty of knowledgeable guys on here. Get someone to help you iron your diet out and then be very consistent. The biggest problem I see with lack of progress in anyone and self included is inconsistency.

All the above mentioned PEDs are nice additions and definitely make a difference if your nutrition matches up. The only one that will decrease body fat significantly with absolutely no change in diet is DNP but I would not recommend that route except for seasoned vets.

I have been experimenting with Synthetek injectable L-carnitine this last month and it has allowed a nice recomp effect while still eating lots of carbs which almost never happens for me unless I lower my carbs.

just my 2 cents.
What dosage, frequency and timing do you use? Do you use insulin with it?
DIET will be the most important factor in getting lean. All the gear in the world won't get you shredded without the proper nutrition and training to match. I was a naturally fat guy and carb sensitive but I have been as low as 5% and it was all diet. There are plenty of knowledgeable guys on here. Get someone to help you iron your diet out and then be very consistent. The biggest problem I see with lack of progress in anyone and self included is inconsistency.

All the above mentioned PEDs are nice additions and definitely make a difference if your nutrition matches up. The only one that will decrease body fat significantly with absolutely no change in diet is DNP but I would not recommend that route except for seasoned vets.

I have been experimenting with Synthetek injectable L-carnitine this last month and it has allowed a nice recomp effect while still eating lots of carbs which almost never happens for me unless I lower my carbs.

just my 2 cents.

x2 with everything you stated.

I never mentioned synthetine as it isn't aas. But you are spot on. The recomp effects from that can be amazing. Basically the higher you dose it the better results from my experience. Although for most 2-3ml per day will be enough. For guys really pushing it 2-3ml twice daily should be fantastic.

For guys who are very slin sensitive with faster metabolisms I think the ultimate stack for looking insane would be test, tren, synthetine (with small doses of fast acting slin) and you could even add mast and/or avar to the mix too. All that combined with a diet higher in carbs and lower in fats so the total is not too high. Not the healthiest approach but that stack with a great diet and training could have you looking insane. For guys who can't handle tren just take that out... results won't be as good but still great.

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