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High test cycles

I really don't feel this forum is all drug talk with little mention of training at all. Far from it. At least not the past year or two.
I really don't feel this forum is all drug talk with little mention of training at all. Far from it. At least not the past year or two.
I completely agree. Even the mods on here delete stupid threads about "pairing 16 different anabolics, what dosages".

One of the best discussions on this forum is the plethora of health supplements we've discussed on here.
I really don't feel this forum is all drug talk with little mention of training at all. Far from it. At least not the past year or two.

I think that is nonsense too. I come on here everyday and this forum is full of a variety of subjects. Some people just don't feel comfortable talking about drugs but this forum is not like most. There will always be drug talk but so what it is a major part of bodybuilding. Granted guys take far too much and the young ones today could be mislead into thinking drugs are everything. But the mods here do an amazing job and the nonsense posts are deleted and the bad members are banned.

I post about my training on here everyday and see others do all the time too. Plus as mentioned most of the biggest threads on here at the moment are regarding health and effective supplementation. Obviously we have all seen the trend over the last 5 years and drugs are abused but on the whole I think this forum is great and I learn new stuff all the time on variety of subjects. I just checked and this is the only thread in the top 10 about drugs and if you look down the list it's a complete mixture and this is the main forum too.
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Why the hell do we all argue this so often haha


i dont care who you are or how close you were with someone, you HAVE NO IDEA what they were taking. Bodybuilding has such a bad stigma behind it that we are liars by default, and you really think the CHAMP would tell you exactly what he was taking to be the best??

In the end who gives a fuck!!! who cares if nasser took 5 g, or if priest says he took 100 mg of test a week max

Ive taken upwards of 4 grams before JUST BECAUSE IT WAS SITTING AROUND, and gotten nothing out of it , and ive taken 1 gram and gotten results like crazy.

even this bostin loyd kid is probably not telling us everything he takes because i doubt he can remember how much shit he takes.

in the end, mr olympia has better fucking genetics then everyone else, and guess what he works harder and smarter then them as well, whether that means how fast he grows, how much he reacts to androgens and insulin,or how small his waist is.

and who are we to sit here and say your not going to win your class taking less then everyone else? Drugs are great and all, but since when was that the determining factor of winning a bodybuilding show?

Go back in time and change your parents; only then you will have a shot at looking like Mike.

Mike O Hearn is a freak of nature, look at the poundages the dude trains with and he's 48 YEARS OLD. He's super lean year round, and carries a ton of muscle. Are PEDS involved? Sure, but it doesn't really matter.

Him getting up at 4 am everyday and getting under a squat rack with 400 lbs for the past 30 years is why he's Mike O Hearn. I don't personally like the guy, nor his stupid duck eggs, but that's the truth. We can always sit down and deduce what the "secret" dosage, diet, training regime of a person is, MUCH harder to follow through on it for year after year.

Just my thoughts.

Hi Mike
Why the hell do we all argue this so often haha


i dont care who you are or how close you were with someone, you HAVE NO IDEA what they were taking. Bodybuilding has such a bad stigma behind it that we are liars by default, and you really think the CHAMP would tell you exactly what he was taking to be the best??

In the end who gives a fuck!!! who cares if nasser took 5 g, or if priest says he took 100 mg of test a week max

Ive taken upwards of 4 grams before JUST BECAUSE IT WAS SITTING AROUND, and gotten nothing out of it , and ive taken 1 gram and gotten results like crazy.

even this bostin loyd kid is probably not telling us everything he takes because i doubt he can remember how much shit he takes.

in the end, mr olympia has better fucking genetics then everyone else, and guess what he works harder and smarter then them as well, whether that means how fast he grows, how much he reacts to androgens and insulin,or how small his waist is.

and who are we to sit here and say your not going to win your class taking less then everyone else? Drugs are great and all, but since when was that the determining factor of winning a bodybuilding show?


All this is spot on!!! Except the last part, I would say drugs play a significant part in the triumvirate (diet,training,drugs) with the emphasis on the drugs being REAL OR UNDERDOSED.....so in essence, a bodybuilder's drugs in general can play a role in a win.
Yes..What BIG A did in starting this forum was come up with the name Professional Muscle.. we are here to openly discuss what goes on in the bodybuilding world .. And yes also professional bodybuilding.. We always want to discuss possibly effects of the compounds and how to avoid them and stay healthy as possible.. But we have to be honest and give both sides.. To ignore it is irresponsible ..

I think that is nonsense too. I come on here everyday and this forum is full of a variety of subjects. Some people just don't feel comfortable talking about drugs but this forum is not like most. There will always be drug talk but so what it is a major part of bodybuilding. Granted guys take far too much and the young ones today could be mislead into thinking drugs are everything. But the mods here do an amazing job and the nonsense posts are deleted and the bad members are banned.

I post about my training on here everyday and see others do all the time too. Plus as mentioned most of the biggest threads on here at the moment are regarding health and effective supplementation. Obviously we have all seen the trend over the last 5 years and drugs are abused but on the whole I think this forum is great and I learn new stuff all the time on variety of subjects. I just checked and this is the only thread in the top 10 about drugs and if you look down the list it's a complete mixture and this is the main forum too.
I'm asking bc i don't compete and this is a good thread for it... I hear a ton of the competitor guys say they goto TRT/cruise low dose for "offseason".... they compete a few times a year and prep ~12-16+ weeks.... i would assume the envelope is pushed (to whatever comfort level) in full out prep in order to maximize results..... some drugs from blasting for prep also still gonna be hanging around a few weeks after contest when they return to offseason cruise/trt.... that is 3-4 months+ with "blasting bloodwork" (whatever that is to individual good or bad).... if a competitor is doing only 1 show a year, i can see a significant amount of the year labeled as "offseason" and "healthier"......but for sake of discussion, what is a real "offseason" going to be with 2 or 3 shows in the year? it can't be much it would seem...

not talking about anyone specific in this thread as I've heard this for 7 years on here and always thought about that..
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I'm asking bc i don't compete and this is a good thread for it... I hear a ton of the competitor guys say they goto TRT/cruise low dose for "offseason".... they compete a few times a year and prep ~12-16+ weeks.... i would assume the envelope is pushed (to whatever comfort level) in full out prep in order to maximize results..... some drugs from blasting for prep also still gonna be hanging around a few weeks after contest when they return to offseason cruise/trt.... that is 3-4 months+ with "blasting bloodwork" (whatever that is to individual good or bad).... if a competitor is doing only 1 show a year, i can see a significant amount of the year labeled as "offseason" and "healthier"......but for sake of discussion, what is a real "offseason" going to be with 2 or 3 shows in the year? it can't be much it would seem...

not talking about anyone specific in this thread as I've heard this for 7 years on here and always thought about that..

I haven't competed in several years , only being on true TRT and I don't think I've lost any size. We'll see when I diet down this year. What I do for prep is steadily ramp up my drugs , for me this allows me to lean out and not cut any calories , ideally I'll add some as the dose goes up allowing me to hold muscle and even add some while dropping fat , effectively "growing into a show".

I know for a fact that my doses are higher than a couple guys that are top end NPC competitors that could be pros if they had the time and financial support. Granted I'm on stage a good 60-70 pounds heavier but I'm damn near a head taller , but my genetics for this sport suck ass. I have no doubt that if I were to try to make a push for trying to not get embarrassed at a national level show I'd be one of those guys running 4 grams of gear to get there.

Do genetics play a major roll??you bet your ass
are there pro body builders taking less juice that regional men's physique competitors?? Fuck yes
can guys with lesser genes make it in this sport buy absolutely abusing drugs?? Sure.

As for blood work I plan to have a blood panel run the week after my show then the company does one that will be about 60 days later so I'll be able to see just how badly I fucked myself up and how quickly I recover
Is that Mickey Rourke in that picture with Ohearn? Man he put on some muscle. LOL
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I haven't competed in several years , only being on true TRT and I don't think I've lost any size. We'll see when I diet down this year. What I do for prep is steadily ramp up my drugs , for me this allows me to lean out and not cut any calories , ideally I'll add some as the dose goes up allowing me to hold muscle and even add some while dropping fat , effectively "growing into a show".

I know for a fact that my doses are higher than a couple guys that are top end NPC competitors that could be pros if they had the time and financial support. Granted I'm on stage a good 60-70 pounds heavier but I'm damn near a head taller , but my genetics for this sport suck ass. I have no doubt that if I were to try to make a push for trying to not get embarrassed at a national level show I'd be one of those guys running 4 grams of gear to get there.

Do genetics play a major roll??you bet your ass

are there pro body builders taking less juice that regional men's physique competitors?? Fuck yes

can guys with lesser genes make it in this sport buy absolutely abusing drugs?? Sure.

As for blood work I plan to have a blood panel run the week after my show then the company does one that will be about 60 days later so I'll be able to see just how badly I fucked myself up and how quickly I recover

The one common denominator here is you mentioned so many different types of people, whether it be low dose genetic freaks, high dose abusers with poor genetics, and so forth.

The point is they don't all do the same thing.

It's easy to tell who has no idea what they're talking about when they make blanket statements like everyone does this or everyone does that.
Do genetics play a major roll??you bet your ass
are there pro body builders taking less juice that regional men's physique competitors?? Fuck yes
can guys with lesser genes make it in this sport buy absolutely abusing drugs?? Sure.

yes, it is so hard to tell bc everyone does things so differently according to their own genetics w everything ... you have top guys on here like Dusty sitting 300lbs+ on trt most of the year.....shelby on lower end... i pretty sure TP4U in his nationals log always was lower end, etc.... then guy Goal (who has some impressive pics himself no doubt) on his higher mg amounts...or lets say like big Dave Smith who is also a great bodybuilder with a log going saying he's at 2100mg right now and adding to possibly do a show ~july... then our brother JM jumping in saying he hasn't used half of Goals mg #s in full out prep... hahahaha, so mind fucking.....man, i just wanna be huuge lmao :D

love all you guys... always learning from everyone and just putting it all together for myself the best i can... :headbang:
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Here is what your competition will be on MINIMUM:

2g test
700 tren
700 mast
1g eq
100mg winstrol
40mg halotestin
20iu gh/day

Top guys will run 2-4g test

lol...really?! One day I will post up what I did when I got my IFBB pro card at the USA Championships...but then again nobody will believe it!
What so often kills these threads are guys who have blasted massive dosages to build their physiques who then cut the dosages down to tighten and refine. They then claim that all they need is trt, but that is not what got them where they are now. Much easier to maintain on low dosages than to build.

I cant speak for today's elite but I can back in the 90's and dosages were generally high but those dosages were earned.
yes, it is so hard to tell bc everyone does things so differently according to their own genetics w everything ... you have top guys on here like Dusty sitting 300lbs+ on trt most of the year.....shelby on lower end... i pretty sure TP4U in his nationals log always was lower end, etc.... then guy Goal (who has some impressive pics himself no doubt) on his higher mg amounts...or lets say like big Dave Smith who is also a great bodybuilder with a log going saying he's at 2100mg right now and adding to possibly do a show ~july... then our brother JM jumping in saying he hasn't used half of Goals mg #s in full out prep... hahahaha, so mind fucking.....man, i just wanna be huuge lmao :D

love all you guys... always learning from everyone and just putting it all together for myself the best i can... :headbang:

BDS is someone I consider very smart and a low dose guy in general. He may be pushing it a bit more to see what it does and I hope he does great. People should not think he is a high user because he simply isn't. But reading on here some guys who haven't a clue may look at his 2100mg and think he is an abuser... far far from it. As Gunsmith alluded to there are physique 160-180 pound competitors using 200 mg tren ed :eek:

There are always exceptions like guys like Lenny who is a low dose guy and he looks incredible so good for him. But most of these guys are using much more. Even guys who don't compete are abusing themselves all over the globe.

I should add though people very often forget how they got to 250-300 pounds and lean. Getting there and maintaining are two very different things. I am nothing special with poor genetics for bb but even I can maintain fairly well for 3 months going completely off (no trt). Guys who have their shit together of course they can maintain well on 100-400mg test in the offseason. I know a few guys using approx 250mg test for 6 months and they soften up a little but they still look great. Then when they jump back on they obviously respond much better.

Goal245 is definitely on the opposite end of the spectrum and extreme but in my experience that is not uncommon. His doses are very common at his level of development. Btw if that really is him he looks incredible.
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I respect guys who are able to grow on a low dose and that's great. But I don't agree with shaming ppl who use a ton of gear. It's why everyone lies about what they take. Some people use tons and tons of gear. Who fucking cares. It's not of your buisness. Flaming them on a forum isn't gonna change there minds
BDS is someone I consider very smart and a low dose guy in general. He may be pushing it a bit more to see what it does and I hope he does great. People should not think he is a high user because he simply isn't. But reading on here some guys who haven't a clue may look at his 2100mg and think he is an abuser... far far from it. As Gunsmith alluded to there are physique 160-180 pound competitors using 200 mg tren ed :eek:

There are always exceptions like guys like Lenny who is a low dose guy and he looks incredible so good for him. But most of these guys are using much more. Even guys who don't compete are abusing themselves all over the globe.

I should add though people very often forget how they got to 250-300 pounds and lean. Getting there and maintaining are two very different things. I am nothing special with poor genetics for bb but even I can maintain fairly well for 3 months going completely off (no trt). Guys who have their shit together of course they can maintain well on 100-400mg test in the offseason. I know a few guys using approx 250mg test for 6 months and they soften up a little but they still look great. Then when they jump back on they obviously respond much better.

Goal245 is definitely on the opposite end of the spectrum and extreme but in my experience that is not uncommon. His doses are very common at his level of development. Btw if that really is him he looks incredible.

I've been all over the board. High (in my opinion), low, and in between.

After many years... Dante's original words about keeping things moderate and simple are still very true.

If a gun was put to my head, I know that I could still put on quality size during an offseason using less than a gram of test with some peptides. Historically, my total mg of gear offseason has been 1/3 to 1/2 of what's used during 12-16 weeks leading up to precontest... And that doesn't include long periods of cruising between 200-300mg/wk.

It just tends to pay off if you get the most out of the least, then make a small variable jump.

The correlation between high dose guys and size is a myth, which somehow is only used with drugs.

Does the guy who performs the most cardio get the leanest? NO.

Does the guy who eats the most protein have the most muscle? NO.

It's not about taking every variable to the absolute limit, it's about finding harmony between them. The guys who don't have the upper 10% genetics are absolute masters at this, which is why people freak out when they hear "the truth". It's never as much as you think.
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Not going to lie, kind of tired of people and training "gurus" downplaying what it takes to be a pro. Yes it takes good genetics and high amounts of gear. The truth. The end.

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