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The Official Hair Transplant Thread

Spain doesn't have the best doctors to be honest.

Dr. Lorenzo is good though, he is in Madrid.

Belgium has the best FUE docs worldwide.

Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Feriduni, Dr. Lupanzula.

You forgot Dr. Couto, Dr. Freitas and Dr. Heinicke in Spain. Turkey is the transplant Mecca at the moment, can´t compete with their prices.
You forgot Dr. Couto, Dr. Freitas and Dr. Heinicke in Spain. Turkey is the transplant Mecca at the moment, can´t compete with their prices.

Yup, Spain is the new Belgium, Lorenzo is one of the OG docs in the transplant game and still a top 3 fue doc but every hot upstart is coming out of Spain. Spain is on par with Belgium in fue talent. Cuoto may be getting the best results of any fue doc on the planet.

Turkey has Erdogan who is great, and you can debate the merits of Keser but I wouldn't touch any other doc in Turkey. It isn't a hair mecca, it's a wild west free for all and most times you get what you pay for.
just wanted to come back in and say i'm 6 days post op and the scabs from my transplant should be falling off within a couple of days. it was a great success and i feel like i'm going to be very happy with the results - to anyone who's considering it, FUE is easy as pie and not very painful at all. the doc had me propped up watching movies throughout the procedure and i was in minimal pain once the locals kicked in.

haven't been to the gym in a week now, will be starting back up here saturday or sunday. by this point i'm barely in any pain at all so everything is about as good as it can get. the funniest part is a lot of my friends/family said i actually LOOK GOOD bald and i could've pulled it off easily, OH WELL -- now i have options.

Congrats on the procedure! which doc did you go with?

lol I got the same thing post op, you look great bald , like fuck why didn't I try it before I was so paranoid i'd look horrible that I never could bring myself to try it.
I also wanted to ask about cycling in the future. I've dropped down to 300test/300 deca. I feel like most of big damage was done back when I was blasting huge amounts of test and tren. The doc said I could get on Fina but since I'm typically running deca...I've heard it's not a good combo. I'm thinking I'll probably just run 300 test / deca in the future and blast some Anavar here and then, along with keeping my GH dosage at 5iu and MK-677 12.5mg daily.

I want to be able to grow without having to worry about doing a lot more damage to my hairline. Would you say that this kind of damage is dose dependent to a certain extent? Like the more you run the quicker you'll bald? I've never really done any research on it, but it seems to be what was happening to me in the past when I was shedding the most hair.

Fin is not a good mix with deca, that is true. If your plan is to keep deca in the mix keep your test dose low as you won't be able to use fin...or stick to test and use fin...for hairs sake if you can use fin and stick to test, that'd be preferential. I've eliminated deca personally and use just test, and when I add it's orals like superdrol or turinabol as both are very easy on hair. Eq has never been an issue with me with hair either but I just don't like it personally. May give dhb a try and see how that goes but your options do get limited unfortunately.

Dose is definitely a factor, the higher your test dose the more dht, even with fin you're only blocking so much. Dut does block more but there is little study on it's long term usage and it's hit to the system is a lot stronger so the potential sides can be a factor. It's use has to be a personal decision on if the upsides are worth the potential risks to you.
Yup, Spain is the new Belgium, Lorenzo is one of the OG docs in the transplant game and still a top 3 fue doc but every hot upstart is coming out of Spain. Spain is on par with Belgium in fue talent. Cuoto may be getting the best results of any fue doc on the planet.

Turkey has Erdogan who is great, and you can debate the merits of Keser but I wouldn't touch any other doc in Turkey. It isn't a hair mecca, it's a wild west free for all and most times you get what you pay for.

I´ve read good things about Dr. Demirsoy and Dr. Cinik in the terrestrial / democratic price region, not everyone can afford a Couto, Rahal etc, that´s why many are going to Turkey.
I´ve read good things about Dr. Demirsoy and Dr. Cinik in the terrestrial / democratic price region, not everyone can afford a Couto, Rahal etc, that´s why many are going to Turkey.

That's why so many are butchered in Turkey. The expense excuse. I'm sorry but it's an elective procedure if you can't afford it don't do it or save up, lots of people have to put it off until it's financially feasible. This unlike other procedures is one you don't get multiple cracks at, once donor hair is used, it's get a shit extraction pattern, bad yield, infection whatever you're not just out the cost, you're out the time spent, the frustration and disappointment, potential chances to fix it or to ever get proper coverage going forward all for what amounts to peanuts over a lifetime of having hair. People fret about their hair loss as it happens, then gamble with their results, it's insanity. I've lost track of how many guys I've helped find their way to reputable docs and I'd say at min 25% of them have been guys who got sub par results in Turkey. From outright hack jobs to just underwhelming results, it's not always the no growers but the I did 5k grafts and it's so thin and see thru when they could've gotten that same result with 2k grafts and they're left in a position wishing they could go back and just shave it all off rather than be in the no mans land they ended at. It's sad talking to these guys cause they go into depressions so when I'm talking shit about Turkey, it's cause I really don't wanna see anyone go thru that not because I want them to spend more money lol. I don't make a cut there's no upside to me. I've never known one single person who got a great result that regretted that he paid too much, a good friend went to Dr Konior in the us at like almost 9 us per graft one of the most expensive docs anywhere, result was fantastic...never once heard him say should've gone elsewhere and saved and he was well over 30k for like 3k grafts...he'd pay it again in a heartbeat, and that feeling is universal...within reason don't let cost be the deciding factor in picking a surgeon. If you can't say that's the doc i'd pick if money was no object, then pass and save til you can get a doc you'd really want to use. I've seen guys needing repair jobs out of nearly every clinic in Turkey outside the 2 guys i mentioned which is why if somebody wants to save I say Erdogan. He's a legit top 5 fue surgeon and priced at pennies on the dollar. If somebody can pay the 1 euro for demisroy, then save up another year or 2 and go to Erdogan at 2.5. This is no slam against Demisroy, I've seen some good works out of his clinic as well but consistency of results is my big buggaboo and I haven't seen that consistent top result out of his clinic so maybe you get that homerun or maybe you're sol, why gamble? Ciniks a tech mill with an unverified training program for their techs. That should make anybody nervous. Erdogan uses a lot of techs but the training program is quite in depth, he's coached many docs around the world on how to train their techs, Erdogans a known commodity with a significant track record of success. So it is not that I don't understand why people are going to Turkey, I'm saying unless it's for Erdogan or Keser, save up and do better for yourself but you can only try to help so much, the choice is up to each person.
Anubis you know the subject like an insider, that was a terrific post, and although I already knew what you stated to be the truth it doesn´t hurt to be reminded. Thank you very much for your input.
Anubis you know the subject like an insider, that was a terrific post, and although I already knew what you stated to be the truth it doesn´t hurt to be reminded. Thank you very much for your input.

Appreciate the kind words and you are very welcome. I feel like an insider at this stage, I've undergone 2 myself but I threw myself into the process completely, I consulted with everybody, I learned everything I could, I feel like at this point give me the tools I could probably do the procedure lol...I've since my first op been invited to a few conferences by the docs running the conferences which I attended and sat there next to docs learning about the same techniques etc they were... just gotten to know way too much about transplants but it's cool to be able to use it and help some other guys out... I've been asked to rep by a couple docs but I don't like that feeling of being beholden to a doc, I like being objective plus I'm busy enough with my own business and don't need the money but it's like my, and it's sad to admit it, passion outside lifting lol
Appreciate the kind words and you are very welcome. I feel like an insider at this stage, I've undergone 2 myself but I threw myself into the process completely, I consulted with everybody, I learned everything I could, I feel like at this point give me the tools I could probably do the procedure lol...I've since my first op been invited to a few conferences by the docs running the conferences which I attended and sat there next to docs learning about the same techniques etc they were... just gotten to know way too much about transplants but it's cool to be able to use it and help some other guys out... I've been asked to rep by a couple docs but I don't like that feeling of being beholden to a doc, I like being objective plus I'm busy enough with my own business and don't need the money but it's like my, and it's sad to admit it, passion outside lifting lol

Which docs did you go to?! Do you have any pics to share, that'd be cool.
Which docs did you go to?! Do you have any pics to share, that'd be cool.

I went with Dr Bisanga for my first procedure. Went to Dr Lorenzo for my 2nd. First procedure was strictly hairline. 2nd procedure was midscalp and crown. I am 1.5 month post op with Lorenzo currently so not much to show yet.

1st pic what it looked like before 1st surgery, granted messy but shows the extent of the hairline thinning
2nd pic is postop showing where grafts were placed
3rd pic was my 5 month update pic and it got stronger from there
4th pic is post op my 2nd procedure showing where grafts were placed with Dr Lorenzo

for my business I try to keep my face away from this part of my life so I apologize for just sticking to the hairlines


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Congrats on the procedure! which doc did you go with?

lol I got the same thing post op, you look great bald , like fuck why didn't I try it before I was so paranoid i'd look horrible that I never could bring myself to try it.

dr vories
Fin is not a good mix with deca, that is true. If your plan is to keep deca in the mix keep your test dose low as you won't be able to use fin...or stick to test and use fin...for hairs sake if you can use fin and stick to test, that'd be preferential. I've eliminated deca personally and use just test, and when I add it's orals like superdrol or turinabol as both are very easy on hair. Eq has never been an issue with me with hair either but I just don't like it personally. May give dhb a try and see how that goes but your options do get limited unfortunately.

Dose is definitely a factor, the higher your test dose the more dht, even with fin you're only blocking so much. Dut does block more but there is little study on it's long term usage and it's hit to the system is a lot stronger so the potential sides can be a factor. It's use has to be a personal decision on if the upsides are worth the potential risks to you.

i'm running 300 test and 300 deca now, not planning on blasting any higher, also running 5iu of gh. will probably just add anavar maybe twice a year. staying away from what i know caused the most damage (tren/mast) for good.
dr vories

Very good choice in docs, probably has the most fue experience of any doc in the us and does excellent work. Happy growing! keep us updated if you're okay to throw up the odd pic
Very good choice in docs, probably has the most fue experience of any doc in the us and does excellent work. Happy growing! keep us updated if you're okay to throw up the odd pic

Here's me 2 days post op and 12 days post op. Truth be told you can barely tell I had it done and it's not even 2 full weeks.

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looks clean, redness already looks like its gone, that's always good and helps in making it look untouched. Enjoy the next week to 2 while the grafts are still in, they'll be coming off soon and the worst of it begins.
Epoxy thanks for sharing those pics man! Looks solid! I cannot wait to have mine done. What did your doc saying regarding how many days till you can lift again?
I had mine done by one of the Shapiro brothers. They did about 3200 grafts in the front and in the crown. Had it done about five yrs ago. Quite happy with how it turned out.
It took about 7-8 months for it to look normal.

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Same thing here. Thinning hair in one area but have so much hair everywhere else its hard to notice.
Epoxy thanks for sharing those pics man! Looks solid! I cannot wait to have mine done. What did your doc saying regarding how many days till you can lift again?

I took a full 7 days then I was back at it. Day 8 I applied some baby oil to what was left of the scabs and it softened them up and most of them I was able to pick off over the next 24 hours without causing any damage.

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