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Dallas McCarver Dead???

Let the facts come out before we attribute this to anything. We need to bring ourselves back to reality, and realize that people die from fucked up reasons every single day, no matter their profession or hobby. Just because he has had eyes on him for years, doesn't mean he is immune to this either.

RIP big fella

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This is where you are going to see 1000 people putting up youtube videos of "My take on......" to get clicks in the next 24 hours

Its kind of freaking sick

In the social ME ME MEdia age we live in I wish people would realize that unless I call you and ask I really don't give a shit what your take on anything is. A lot of people need to step back, look in the mirror and say to themselves, "I am not that important."

RIP Dallas and my prayers for those he leaves behind.
This one hits me hard. I really liked Dallas. Such a shock.
This is what I was thinking when I read the post about Josh finding him with food in his mouth. Guessing it will take a few days before we know.

Don't forget whenever someone dies, we hear 100 fake rumors about how he died first before getting the truth. Anyone remember when everyone ran with the Taylor Normandeau suicide story when it turned out he didn't commit suicide at all? That was pretty fucked up.
Redcon CEO Singermann confirmed via facebook that Lenartowicz found McCarver in the kitchen lying on the floor with food in the mouth
So this goes to show, noone is invincible. He wasn't "one of those types of bodybuilders" you'd think would die at any moment. (Some red-faced, huffing and puffing overweight bald and bloated guy)

Dallas McCarver appeared to have alot of good stuff going for him:

  • very young... not even 30 years old.
  • very lean... not much visceral fat
  • lifting incredibly weights with ease
  • never really appeared red-faced or winded in his videos (i.e., Markus Ruhl)
  • was taking alot of "health" supplements via his coach.
  • eating reasonably clean

Obviously, since he had gained incredible size at such a young age... we can only assume that he was blasting all the most extreme drugs in the most extreme dosages.

Either way, it's very sad. Only time will tell what really happened.

However, with all the deaths and problems lately, it makes me reconsider my whole approach to this "hobby".

Instead of "do whatever it takes to be huge", it seems like a wiser approach would be limit yourself to certain compounds that are known to do the least damage...and also limit the doses of those... and limit time on blasts. I'm not sure what those would be yet, but the path of "take anything and everything" seems to lead to a dark place for a lot of guys. :(

Get as big as you can within those constraints.

I was just having this discussion as well. There are SEVERAL other pros where when you see their lifting videos or just pictures of them you wince...they are red-faced, constantly out of breathe and just LOOK sickly. Dallas didn't have that look to me. He looks like a guy who somewhat tried to take care of himself BUT was pushing some massive doses.

With that being said, I honestly assumed when hearing the news that he died in his sleep—enlarged heart. Just went to sleep and didn't wake up. But the choking stuff is news to me and if that IS the cause—just choking, what a horrible and unlucky way to go for a guy not even in his prime. This is truly sad.
So sad... he left us way too young

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I personally knew this young man, incredible human being, an absolute outstanding young man. SO SAD!!!!!
I was reading Roelly's IGnanf wondered what he was talking about and then immediately came here and seen this thread.

Its a horrible shame. I feel so bad for his family. This is a true shame.
I personally knew this young man, incredible human being, an absolute outstanding young man. SO SAD!!!!!

Yes.. by all accounts he was a great guy.. sad..
Look guys it doesn't matter how he died...
The takeaway is this: each day we spend on Earth is a gift to be cherished. Don't waste any of your time. Its ALL precious.
Truly sad..

He was 26 years old.

Tragic when parents outlive their children
If he was choking I can imagine he would be next to impossible to Heimlich.. years ago I saw a woman choke in a breakfast restaurant.. two fireman were there and both tried to work on her.. she was pretty big and both were trying frantically to dislodge it.. she eventually passed out and collapsed.. which of course made it more difficult.. being how I had young kids freaking out I got them out of there.. but never found out if she made it as we weren't in our hometown.. not a good way to go..

I don't want to take away from this thread, but if can't do Heimlich maneuver, you put them on the ground and do chest compressions to dislodge it and than finger swipe.
We have 86,400 seconds each day. Live each like its your last as you dont when its your last second.
I'm crushed over this. I feel so bad for Josh having been in prep with him for the O and living with him. Also flex Lewis for taking him under his wing and training with him at his gym this year. I'll miss Dallas, this sport needed a goof ball like him.

Lead Monster Labs Rep and Sponsored Athlete
Flex10 for 10% off in notes section when ordering.
I'm crushed over this. I feel so bad for Josh having been in prep with him for the O and living with him. Also flex Lewis for taking him under his wing and training with him at his gym this year. I'll miss Dallas, this sport needed a goof ball like him.

Lead Monster Labs Rep and Sponsored Athlete
Flex10 for 10% off in notes section when ordering.

I can't imagine how Josh feels having been the one to witness all this first hand. If I remember correctly, the reason he pulled out of the Arnolds because of a close family member passing... he was able to put that past him and now this.
Incredible sad news. I loved to watch his videos he seemed to be such a nice Gentile giant... you will be missed RIP DM.

In another note... it blows my mind reading the comments on youtube, this digital era has given a voice to all kind of douchebags that are looking for tragedies like this to talk shit out their asses... it is unbelievable the amount of idiot who thinks they have a true opinion about other people's lives... fuck all those keyboard warriors
I can't imagine how Josh feels having been the one to witness all this first hand. If I remember correctly, the reason he pulled out of the Arnolds because of a close family member passing... he was able to put that past him and now this.

Exactly dude, poor Josh did CPR on him and couldn't bring him back. Idk how you move on from this crap. Hopefully Josh and flex are able to stick together through this and not have it effect their prep too much....

Lead Monster Labs Rep and Sponsored Athlete
Flex10 for 10% off in notes section when ordering.

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