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I just took this picture. The IGF1 really brought my obliques in.
How in the bloody hell do you stay so gd lean and dry all the time?! I can't believe you haven't dropped dead, must have found the fountain of youth or just have awesome frikin genetics. Prolly the latter send lots of hard work and ancillaries.
How in the bloody hell do you stay so gd lean and dry all the time?! I can't believe you haven't dropped dead, must have found the fountain of youth or just have awesome frikin genetics. Prolly the latter send lots of hard work and ancillaries.
By going 5+ years in his diet between cheat days!

I think this past holiday was the first I've heard of him easing up on his diet in years.

He's a grinder...That's for sure.

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How in the bloody hell do you stay so gd lean and dry all the time?! I can't believe you haven't dropped dead, must have found the fountain of youth or just have awesome frikin genetics. Prolly the latter send lots of hard work and ancillaries.

I don’t consume fat except MCT oil. The only cheat meals I’ve had since July were thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Diet is everything for staying lean. It took a lot of cardio and low calories for months to get rid of the fat. Once it’s gone it’s easier to maintain.
I don’t consume fat except MCT oil. The only cheat meals I’ve had since July were thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Diet is everything for staying lean. It took a lot of cardio and low calories for months to get rid of the fat. Once it’s gone it’s easier to maintain.

Have you noticed even from a young age you could put down more calories than most without getting fat?
After 3 days of eating bad i felt the fat on my stomach increased. Yesterday i took 10ius HGH, 200mcg T4, 16ius insulin, and 50mcg IGF1-LR3. This morning i woke up shredded again. Haha i love it!!! [emoji3]

How did u cover the 16ius and the igf1-lr3 what was your carbs so you don't spill over

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After 3 days of eating bad i felt the fat on my stomach increased. Yesterday i took 10ius HGH, 200mcg T4, 16ius insulin, and 50mcg IGF1-LR3. This morning i woke up shredded again. Haha i love it!!! 😀

Have you noticed even from a young age you could put down more calories than most without getting fat?

No. I’ve had to work my ass off to get my fat low by doing 1-2 hours of cardio per day on 2,000 calories for months. Now my body is used to being lean as long as i don’t eat fat.
How did u cover the 16ius and the igf1-lr3 what was your carbs so you don't spill over

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First 5ius of hgh i took 10 units of insulin, ate 100 grams of carbs then worked out.
Later in the day i took 5ius hgh, IGF1 and 6 units insulin. I have a meal every 3 hours with about 100 grams of carbs or so.
No. I’ve had to work my ass off to get my fat low by doing 1-2 hours of cardio per day on 2,000 calories for months. Now my body is used to being lean as long as i don’t eat fat.

Not even healthy fats? and if you do consume them, how do you manage them around your meals and how many grams?
Not even healthy fats? and if you do consume them, how do you manage them around your meals and how many grams?

No fat at all except MCT oil when no insulin is present. Mct breaks down like a complex carbohydrate. It elevates hgh levels.
No. I’ve had to work my ass off to get my fat low by doing 1-2 hours of cardio per day on 2,000 calories for months. Now my body is used to being lean as long as i don’t eat fat.

Gotcha, what gear/doses are you running? I guess from seeing your avatar I thought you always stayed freaky lean....

Also, from a health perspective you need fats (as you know) and wouldnt be surprised if your joints started hurting soon.
Gotcha, what gear/doses are you running? I guess from seeing your avatar I thought you always stayed freaky lean....

Also, from a health perspective you need fats (as you know) and wouldnt be surprised if your joints started hurting soon.

350mg Test/week
175mg NPP/week
105mg Tren Ace /week
5ius hgh, 200mcg T4, 8 units insulin.
**30mg dbol 3 Days a week preworkout
Yesterday after i trained legs i took 100mcg IGF1-LR3. I hadn’t used it in a week. After i ate i felt so unbelievably tired! It hit like a ton of bricks! I rested awhile then was good to go. When i got up an hour later i had massive veins everywhere.
My legs feel good today when they should have been sore so it helped me heal fast!
do you run t4 due to tren/hgh or fat loss?

T4 is supposed to make HGH more anabolic. That’s why i started it when i started HGH. It has kept me lean while gaining 41Lbs.
Last night i took 100mcg IGF1-LR3. I woke up tight. It seems to remove the mk677/hgh bloat.
T4 is supposed to make HGH more anabolic. That’s why i started it when i started HGH. It has kept me lean while gaining 41Lbs.
Last night i took 100mcg IGF1-LR3. I woke up tight. It seems to remove the mk677/hgh bloat.

In past i used it few months with gh (100mcg) , but didn't notice any better fatloss results, maybe i will give it try one more time :)
(my old coach said he wouldn't even run GH without it)
Last edited:
That is impressive.

I just took this picture. The IGF1 really brought my obliques in.

JJB1, you look damn good. Nice dedicatation.
what was the longest time you run lr3 with no braekes guys ?

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