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Xeno316 road to SHW nationals with VRS


Verified Sponsor
Kilo Klub Member
Mar 17, 2009
hey everyone!

a good friend of mine will be starting his prep for the 2018 super heavy weight national championship! maybe even the next pm pro card!

xeno has been a vrs customer for a while and is here to answer any questions you may have on our line. i think he is a great bb'er and has sure added tons of mass to his frame!

he is a great example to learn from and has made huge progress over the years with help of the pm crew.

he has a very rational approach to this and he will be sharing the ins and outs of his preparation this year.

we will be doing all we can to help him along in his quest for a pro card!

i really appreciate his willingness to share and am excited to see what hes been up too!

on that note...

thank you xeno!!!

My process to masters nationals

Hello PM family!

On this thread I am going to document my journey to masters nationals on July 21st. I’ll talk about all the good fun stuff that goes along with my current offseason training, food, gear and prep for the show.


I’m 37yrs old. 6’2” at 275lbs right now. I have been bodybuilding since the age of 18. Started working out my senior year of high school. After I graduated I purchased a gym membership and started consuming all the bodybuilding information I could get.

I started reading all the magazines. Of course got the Oaks bodybuilding encyclopedia. I wasn’t quite into the internet right at that time. The smartest thing I did was approach a trainer I thought was fucking jacked.

Sean was a super cool dude. Told him about how I wanted to get big. Being a young teenager he knew I didn’t have a lot of cash. So he was kind enough to meet me outside the gym and give me information on how to train and eat. It was a huge leap forward in progress.

At the beginning of my training in June I was 163lbs. 4 months later I was 193lbs. I was sold! Bodybuilding was one of the greatest things I had ever done

So then i was stuck at 193lbs for the next 2 years. Being young, drinking, drugs and girls haulted my progress.

The next 10 years I kept training and expanding my knowledge of bodybuilding. By the time I reached my 30s I was up to 290lbs. Big and strong. Not very lean.

January 1st 2013 my wife and I got a very big surprise. She was pregnant. When she said the test was positive I felt electricity go through my head down to my toes. I was so excited about being a father. Then the next day decided to stop being scared and compete in my first bodybuilding competition
I'm in. Will be looking for updates!

Sent from my LG-H871 using Tapatalk
hopefully he will put up his one year progress pics too!
he made some big ganes in the last year while doing some experiments of his own.

gongratts on featured member rmtt!
i forget if i told you before, but we always hook up our featured friends!
hopefully he will put up his one year progress pics too!
he made some big ganes in the last year while doing some experiments of his own.

gongratts on featured member rmtt!
i forget if i told you before, but we always hook up our featured friends!
Thanks man. I pm you later!

Sent from my LG-H871 using Tapatalk
These are a year apart. Bottom is Aug 3rd 2016. Top is Aug 8th 2017. About same weight. Between 270-275lbs


  • BCFAE9B9-2545-421C-91B3-72D1400A6B4C.jpeg
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Awesome recomp in just a year. Staying the same bodyweight and very noticeable changes!

That's the holy grail in my opinion.

Sent from my LG-H871 using Tapatalk
thats about where you are starting at too right?
pretty fresh, clean ready to go?

Surprisingly a little bigger. The full product for my little experiment is in full swing. I’m on the 3rd week and feeling pretty incredible. Going to ride it out to 8-10 weeks and see how much quality muscle I can add. Hopefully your gh will make me a man :)
Awesome recomp in just a year. Staying the same bodyweight and very noticeable changes!

That's the holy grail in my opinion.

Sent from my LG-H871 using Tapatalk

Thank you. Yes really tried the past year to add quality muscle instead of doing the see food diet and eating everything in sight
So I had a interesting way of coming across LK3. I was searching some keywords to find information about stacking different products together. Read a reply that carddealer had posted in response to a guys question. He spoke very high of LK3 and the VRS line. Exotic products caught my attention.

So I searched for the sponsor thread. It was a different thread then the current one. Started reading all the replies people had written. Saw the words tren base then ordered lol.

I had ordered tren and test base in oil and injectable anadrol. Did .5cc of each one per workout. Damn. They delivered. I have a long time client I was training. He comes in and keeps checking me out. Then goes “are you getting bigger?”. Yes Kevin, that’s a true statement.

So LK3 became my guy. I have ordered from him the past 2.5 years. I’ve tried almost everything he has. I’ve never been disappointed with the products.

My 2016 show was my best yet. I shared the contest photos with him. Then we began to correspond on the methods I was using to achieve my results. I’ve done my own science experiment so to speak. As I continue the log I’ll share what I’ve done to figure out what works for me

So my current training split is Shoulders, Legs, Back, Chest+shoulders(no pressing), Arms then repeat. I rotate days when needed or if I had shitty training day and rehit the muscle.

4-5 exercises per group usually

Rep ranges vary depending on how I feel and where my gear level is at. Normally I hit 12reps. But if I’m feeling good that day I’ll push some strength on my first exercise going down to 6 reps. If I’m needing a change I’ll hit 30 reps all the way down to 10 reps for sets. That always recks me. Did it today for arms and couldn’t touch my face.


At least 5,500 calories right now. If I’m hungry I eat more. But I don’t force feed myself. I just stop eating when I’m full then pick up again when I’m hungry.

300g protein
600g carbs
180g fat
Staying relatively lean this off season. Working on building quality muscle and not being a fat fuck. But I do work in my cheat meals to stay sane. Even in those cheat meals I don't go overboard.


So over the past year I have taken a different approach with my gear. I got sick and tired of feeling like shit while on cycle. The first 8 weeks are great then it starts to decline. Feeling tired, sick and not wanting to eat. All big problems for a bodybuilder.

So I did what I call a down cycle last March. Took all my dosages down .5cc each week to zero. I was able to ride out for about 3 weeks on no gear. Once my weight and strength started to really decline I started back up.

I started keeping a log of all my gear consumption. Through that I tracked what dosages and compounds worked for me. Figured out what stuff made me sick and killed my appetite.

With that all figured out I have been running my gear in waves for about 8-10 weeks. Once my gym intensity, appetite and overall feeling decline I start to lower my gear each week. Taking it down to nothing. Then building it back up

Also I have been running small doses of all the compounds each day. Dividing my weekly totals over 7 days. To me it makes a big difference in mental and physical well being. Plus ED shots don't bother me

Current cycle
Masteron Enanthate

At the 4 week mark I’ll add in some test base pre workout . Start at .5cc and work up to a full over a week or 2. It’s only thing that I can take pre workout right now that agrees with me and fucking pumps me up big time mentally and physically
What does your weekly doses add up too?

Also why no pressing movements, injury?
he n i were just talking about weather good or not to talk doses.
i knew it was gona come up!

guys just keep in mind when xeno talks it is of the perspective and possition of a 275lb lean guy who has been steady at this for a while! lol

im sorry i have been generally snarfy on the subject but in real life i have been shocked with how little i an others can really get away with.

just keep that in mind. lol i know its no fun.
So I had a interesting way of coming across LK3. I was searching some keywords to find information about stacking different products together. Read a reply that carddealer had posted in response to a guys question. He spoke very high of LK3 and the VRS line. Exotic products caught my attention.

So I searched for the sponsor thread. It was a different thread then the current one. Started reading all the replies people had written. Saw the words tren base then ordered lol.

I had ordered tren and test base in oil and injectable anadrol. Did .5cc of each one per workout. Damn. They delivered. I have a long time client I was training. He comes in and keeps checking me out. Then goes “are you getting bigger?”. Yes Kevin, that’s a true statement.

So LK3 became my guy. I have ordered from him the past 2.5 years. I’ve tried almost everything he has. I’ve never been disappointed with the products.

My 2016 show was my best yet. I shared the contest photos with him. Then we began to correspond on the methods I was using to achieve my results. I’ve done my own science experiment so to speak. As I continue the log I’ll share what I’ve done to figure out what works for me

i like cardealer, he is a guy who really put the work into aplying some of this insanity and got the results.

my head is pretty screwy right now and my connection is limiting my posting ability but...

i want to high light something in your training.

nerve innervation!
usually starts to become "permenint" after 8 weeks or so.

what happens when you jump on? the drugs do there thing n you get strong as fuck!

what varribles do we have to develop innervations in the gym?
angle ( exercise )!

you use the gear to support the advanced training, then once the gains stop you stop! because you need to recover and let what you did become the new you!

then you go back to it.

the key is figuring out how to maintain those new innervations!

i dont have a hard answer on how exactly but thats what i have been working on with a scaled down version! lol

xeno has the big boy approach!
i have the broken old man approach! lol

later on im gona show you some tricks to extend the effectiveness of your cycle!

lil voodoo magic
gear is easy to pin! lol
What does your weekly doses add up too?

Also why no pressing movements, injury?

4200mg weekly

Just no pressing movements when I do shoulders with chest. It’s the second time I’ve trained them in the week
do you or have you traditionally done anything to recover hpta during your down times?

I haven’t really come off in a long time. Really long time. I use arimidex when I feel the need. But haven’t fully been off in a long time. I’ll move my levels to trt dosages at times
ya? nay?

Yes. 4 weeks on then 4 weeks off right now. I take it pre workout. It definitely helps. But you really need to eat clean and correct for it to be effective. I start with a low dose and work up during the 4 weeks

Also taking gh at 5iu pre workout with or without the slin
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