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Training Frequency

I thought I saw recently that Nick Walker swapped to 6 days a week? Believe his reasoning is to bring his "mutant" physique back after losing/comments on his reduced size.
I thought I saw recently that Nick Walker swapped to 6 days a week? Believe his reasoning is to bring his "mutant" physique back after losing/comments on his reduced size.
nope he does push, pull, off legs off legs repeat.
Over my years of lifting i have trained body parts 1-2 times a week. Depending on split, volume and amount of poundage used. Usually 5-6 days a week. And non training days are miles of walking, hiking, climbing or back country skiing. In my 50's i figured i should start having 1 day a week for total recovery. Some times it is hard to get that day in. shooting for 2 day s a week now but never make it it that point.
Brad Schoenfeld and Menno Henselman's are the experts on this. It's more about volume and intensity than days per week.
Schoenfeld does studies but menno to my knowledge is just a guy on social media that parrots anything that will get a click.
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For the sake of conversation I'm going to say Overtraining is over exaggerated. Your body will be forced to adapt. If you work a job that you use the same muscles over and over day after day you aren't going to have weaker muscles there are you? I guess a lot has to do with overall body stress, rest, and nutrition (protein) to recover. If your goal is muscle size I think then overtraining could be a thing but for strength and performance (coordination, muscle fiber recruitment, condition) more frequency isn't a bad thing. Look at guys having success bringing up calves or lagging muscle they use frequency because it keeps that muscle forced to work even when it's not fully recovered. I could be totally wrong here but just some other thoughts on this subject
I’m sorry but I disagree with the statement you should train a muscle when it’s NOT fully recovered. That’s the last thing you want to do!
i just train everyday and take a day off every 2 or 3 weeks when I need it
what are you considering low volume if you don't mind me asking?
I don't count warm up sets. Usually 8 or less sets a week for a body part I consider low volume. I count a rest pause as 3 total sets to be consistent.
I don't count warm up sets. Usually 8 or less sets a week for a body part I consider low volume. I count a rest pause as 3 total sets to be consistent.
looking from the practice of 6-8 sets per group are good volume to keep the muscles but not to grow - me looking at myself and my clients only when I increased the volume did I start to really grow again

At low volume (this is how I trained for as long as I can remember) I was always very strong but muscle growth did not go hand in hand with strength - I believe that for growth you need 10 to 20 sets working a week for a muscle group
For myself, I love training. So I go 5-6 times a week. I know I will probably maker better progress with 4 times per week tho.

Hard to not go lol.
This was me. I soooo much enjoy the gym, working out, getting pumped and being in the environment that I never wanted to take a day off. I liked interacting with the hottie females and getting that workout "high" that the act of training became my goal rather than using training to obtain my goal (better physique). When I dropped back to 4x per week I made gains I had not made in years.
looking from the practice of 6-8 sets per group are good volume to keep the muscles but not to grow - me looking at myself and my clients only when I increased the volume did I start to really grow again

At low volume (this is how I trained for as long as I can remember) I was always very strong but muscle growth did not go hand in hand with strength - I believe that for growth you need 10 to 20 sets working a week for a muscle group
When you start to hit the upper range close to 20, do you still have them take each set to failure?
When you start to hit the upper range close to 20, do you still have them take each set to failure?
depends on what failure means to whom but it can be said that each set is done either until failure or when I have 1 repetition in reserve (I train alone)
Schoenfeld does studies but menno to my knowledge is just a guy on social media that parrots anything that will get a click.
I think Menno does a fine job interpreting all the evidence.
5 days lifting weights. min 30 minutes of cardio a day. 30-60 mins cardio on rest days.
looking from the practice of 6-8 sets per group are good volume to keep the muscles but not to grow - me looking at myself and my clients only when I increased the volume did I start to really grow again

At low volume (this is how I trained for as long as I can remember) I was always very strong but muscle growth did not go hand in hand with strength - I believe that for growth you need 10 to 20 sets working a week for a muscle group

I’ve had to add leg volume over the years, but I’m not sure if it is party due to my joints. I can’t load the leg press for a max 10 rep load, and I can damn sure no longer load a max 6 rep set on a squat patttern. My hips and knees would turn to dust
looking from the practice of 6-8 sets per group are good volume to keep the muscles but not to grow - me looking at myself and my clients only when I increased the volume did I start to really grow again

At low volume (this is how I trained for as long as I can remember) I was always very strong but muscle growth did not go hand in hand with strength - I believe that for growth you need 10 to 20 sets working a week for a muscle group
Is it solely the volume increase that resulted in better growth? Over time your nutrition and gear knowledge would have gotten better. If what you know now was applied when you were doing lower volume, do you think you would have had better muscle gains?

Also, was this when trying to get past a heavier body weight of, say, 230 or more? Because the lower volume would have built muscle up until that point.

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