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more power to you all, if it hurts anything like stealth (or more as I have heard), I'd rather not.
alan1973 said:
more power to you all, if it hurts anything like stealth (or more as I have heard), I'd rather not.

You must be confusing it with something else. Synthetine doesn't hurt at all when you inject.
Big A said:
You must be confusing it with something else. Synthetine doesn't hurt at all when you inject.
it's systemic right, not for site reduction?
alan1973 said:
it's systemic right, not for site reduction?

I just got to this post, sorry if it is old but I had an idea.

I am going to be doing a lean bulk or gain phase if you prefer using zero carbs eccept for post and pre WO. Would using this in the AM then doing Fasted state cardio allow someone whose body was using fats as their primary fuel to lose fat by shuttling fat stores into the blood to be burned during fasted cardio in theory even in an overall caloric surplus for the day?
I just got to this post, sorry if it is old but I had an idea.

I am going to be doing a lean bulk or gain phase if you prefer using zero carbs eccept for post and pre WO. Would using this in the AM then doing Fasted state cardio allow someone whose body was using fats as their primary fuel to lose fat by shuttling fat stores into the blood to be burned during fasted cardio in theory even in an overall caloric surplus for the day?
Short answer.....YES!
nice, thank you again OF!

I will add in a small dose of BCAA if I decide to get some of this (by decide I mean decide to go into more credit card debt) in order to preserve mass.
just place an order, do I have to inject 3x a day? I work M-F so if I can get away with one injection a day that would be great.
just place an order, do I have to inject 3x a day? I work M-F so if I can get away with one injection a day that would be great.
remember, it is 1cc/25kg. for someone like me, that is 4.25cc in one shot and I must say HELL NO!! anything over 3 CC is torture. 2 CC is just right for me.
just place an order, do I have to inject 3x a day? I work M-F so if I can get away with one injection a day that would be great.

You can do all yoru injections once a day.
So what is the average length of time one would run this to see good results?
1 bottle last roughly 20 days? (I weigh 260lbs)
So what is the average length of time one would run this to see good results?
1 bottle last roughly 20 days? (I weigh 260lbs)

I would run 6 weeks worth - 2 botts. Youwill see results with 1 bott (3 weeks) but obviously more with 2.
when is the best time to take this stuff , in the AM or does it matter?
how exactly do you pin this stuff? like is it site or just any were?
remember, it is 1cc/25kg. for someone like me, that is 4.25cc in one shot and I must say HELL NO!! anything over 3 CC is torture. 2 CC is just right for me.

Like BigA said its waterbase. You cant even feel it except for the prick of the pin.

Also get the synthelsen to go with it. Its worth it!
isnt it systemic though?? can simply shoot quads or shoulders rightz?

As I understand, it is systemic. You'll get the general fatloss benefits shooting anywhere. However, to my pleasant surprise (and I thought I was delusional until muscledoc's post last week on syntheselen), I am convinced there is a site benefit as well. (these 2 products are the ONLY thing IM for me, no other site-specific variable). I recall reading an article siting study regarding IM l-carnitine and ????????? (been trying to locate it for a month now!). All I remember is thinking, "hmm, this could lead to site growth/expansion."
which would be better for general leaning syntheselen or systhetine and is their any hassles with customs. and from what i have read sytheselen is basically the same as kynoselen whats the difference besides being a bit cheaper.

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