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What's the best way for preparing rice?


New member
May 1, 2023
There are a lot of pros and cons over rice, and the effect of plain rice on me is swelling, feeling sluggish and it makes me put on weight.
I heard good things about switching to brown basmati, and 'washing' the rice in water a few times (at least 2) to remove all starches.
When I eat rice my portions are about 80 grams.
Does anyone feel the same about rice and know of a better way for preparing it?
There are a lot of pros and cons over rice, and the effect of plain rice on me is swelling, feeling sluggish and it makes me put on weight.
I heard good things about switching to brown basmati, and 'washing' the rice in water a few times (at least 2) to remove all starches.
When I eat rice my portions are about 80 grams.
Does anyone feel the same about rice and know of a better way for preparing it?
80g of rice. Is that about 2 spoon fulls?
Wash it once or twice, go with basmati or jasmine, white not brown. I am eating about 400g a day (uncooked weight) with zero digestion or bloat issues.
Sluggish and swelling will be from undercooking or too much indigestible(?) fibre.
Fruit, oats, rice cakes for me. Never been a fan of rice doesn't fill me up and it's a pain in the ass to cook.
I eat white rice. It requires no effort to cook it in water on the stove and it's ready in 20 minutes. I add iodized sea salt, sriracha, and sometimes avocado oil and it tastes great. Feeling Sluggish from rice, or any carb, is from either huge portions or declining insulin sensitivity.
Rice has been ranked as one of the food who the lowest satiety.

This is great if you’re a bigger guy bulking on 500g+ carbs. This is shitty if you’re deep into a diet.

Bulking I’ll put how much rice I’m going to eat for the day into my rice cooker, and I don’t really measure the portions thru out the day because I know how much rice I ate total for the day.

During my cutting phases, I do still eat rice, but often swap it for more filling carbs like potatoes, bread and pasta
I love pudding rice - has smaller grains. Also arborio or sushi rice. What i found that cooking in coconut or almond milk with spoon of cinnamon make it taste amazing. But like guys says wash it before to remove all dirt and starch. You can add teaspoon of coconut oil to it so it remove stickiness.
I can't believe all the rice hate on the board lately. Its out of control, where are the moderators?

I love rice and find it easy to measure, proportion and make. It digests so well for me. I go brown if I want sustained satiety and white if I want my carbs now. I make stir-fries nightly. A protein, many veggies, rice and avocado a little spice and things end up nice.

I forget the screen name but the PM member who is a bounty hunter is like the rice guru. But measure 1 unit of rice to 1.5-1.75 units of water, heat water until it begins to boil and place on low to low-medium. Brown rice seems to like greater temperature than white but you want lower heat and not rapid boiling. Wait 10 minutes for white and 15 for brown and pull from heat. Let stand and easy to measure carbs.
I can't believe all the rice hate on the board lately. Its out of control, where are the moderators?

I love rice and find it easy to measure, proportion and make. It digests so well for me. I go brown if I want sustained satiety and white if I want my carbs now. I make stir-fries nightly. A protein, many veggies, rice and avocado a little spice and things end up nice.

I forget the screen name but the PM member who is a bounty hunter is like the rice guru. But measure 1 unit of rice to 1.5-1.75 units of water, heat water until it begins to boil and place on low to low-medium. Brown rice seems to like greater temperature than white but you want lower heat and not rapid boiling. Wait 10 minutes for white and 15 for brown and pull from heat. Let stand and easy to measure carbs.
I love white rice. Hand rolls all day eryday.

I just toss it in the rice cooker. Easiest thing out there to make.
Two words.

Instant Pot.

How anybody (ask Max) can thrive in the kitchen without one is beyond me.
I just toss it in the rice cooker. Easiest thing out there to make.
Was gonna say.... can't get any easier than that.. Perfect every time
Was gonna say.... can't get any easier than that.. Perfect every time
If we can over complicate cooking rice imagine what we are capable of when it comes to steroids, GH and slin 😉, right?
Rice cooker! I only buy California grown rice and there is a lot of fake rice out there ( recycled grocery bags ).
I usually go straight Basmati Rice....put man I do love Rice Pilaf.
I usually go straight Basmati Rice....put man I do love Rice Pilaf.
Carolina Gold rice.

I find it superior to every other rice I have ever tried.

It’s a bit dear but worth every penny to me.

Now . . . back to cookers.

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