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Full Body: One set to failure (daily) training / My Experience

In the spirit of experimenting, I'm going to move my full body training to 4 days a week. I'm just not taking the drugs or eating the food to maintain 6-7 days a week and actually make progress. In just a week of going to essentially EOD full body it feels much, much better. I still may end up doing back to back days here and there but keeping it to 4 maximum.

I was really able to go deep on the sets (still one set to failure) and push it harder. I am eating 3,500-4,000 calories on training days and ~2,500 on non training days. I'm going a little slower during workouts to have a bit more rest and push it a bit harder.

I may go back to full body daily at times, but I feel that 4 and up to 5 days max is probably the sweet spot for me.
Yesterday was this...all sets are 1 to failure. I do a good bit of supersets because I just like it I don't necessarily think they are magic or anything. I can keep the weight lower (while still focusing on progressive overload) and just like the way it feels.

  • Hamstring Curls
  • Leg extensions s/s with squats
  • Calves
  • Rope pullovers s/s with supinated grip lat pulldowns
  • Pushups (deep, hands are on blocks), s/s with incline bb press
  • Deadlifts
  • OHP
  • Dips
  • BB curls

I was doing full body in about 35 minutes. This took me 58 minutes from first warmup (after 10 minutes on a bike) to the last set.
To be honest i think full body could be fun but for building real muscle it's very hard to do. If you want a break from weights just do boxing or mma or something were you would actually learn something.
Upper lower though can be very good for building muscle, Dorian Yates used to do that before he switches to his 4 way split.
To be honest i think full body could be fun but for building real muscle it's very hard to do. If you want a break from weights just do boxing or mma or something were you would actually learn something.
Upper lower though can be very good for building muscle, Dorian Yates used to do that before he switches to his 4 way split.

I'd be curious for you to expand the rationale on the bolded part. It argue, full body is a tried and true way to add muscle by focusing on the basic movements and progressive overload.

I'm certainly not taking a break from the weights with full body. I deadlifted 585 last night after squatting 315 with slow, paused reps for 20. I think that is sort of the key...you can't turn it into a calisthenics workout. When Hernan started doing it (he actually started full body when he was at the tail end of his bbing career), he did the same thing. Heavy as heck, one set to failure, but really hard and heavy focusing on getting better each workout.

My biggest concern is will the recovery allow you to gain muscle if you do it high frequency (5-7 days a week). Now in that sense, I think your point stands perfectly. It may be very difficult (or impossible) to build muscle with this kind of frequency on full body.
I'd be curious for you to expand the rationale on the bolded part. It argue, full body is a tried and true way to add muscle by focusing on the basic movements and progressive overload.

I'm certainly not taking a break from the weights with full body. I deadlifted 585 last night after squatting 315 with slow, paused reps for 20. I think that is sort of the key...you can't turn it into a calisthenics workout. When Hernan started doing it (he actually started full body when he was at the tail end of his bbing career), he did the same thing. Heavy as heck, one set to failure, but really hard and heavy focusing on getting better each workout.

My biggest concern is will the recovery allow you to gain muscle if you do it high frequency (5-7 days a week). Now in that sense, I think your point stands perfectly. It may be very difficult (or impossible) to build muscle with this kind of frequency on full body.
This thread is really making me want to try the Hernon routine I posted earlier..............
So as you all can tell, I'm in the experimenting part of this full body training at this point. One thing I miss is a little bit of focus on a bodypart. Not high volume focus as I've always been more of a DC/HIT type of guy. I'm breaking it up like this now for the next 4 weeks to experiment. The experiment is more about how I feel I am recovering and my enjoyment level than anything else.

Day 1: Back/ham/bi focus + full body All are 1 set to failure
  • Hyperextensions (hams/low back)
  • Lat pulldown (back)
  • bb row (back)
  • Deficit Deadlift (back, hams, glutes, quads)
    • I do one light backoff set at a very high deficit to have more quad involvement. Yesterday was 315 for 25 reps
  • BB Curl (bis)
  • Dips (chest, shoulders, tri)
Day 2 Chest/SH/Tri focus + full body All are 1 set to failure
  • Deep Pushups-feet elevated/hands on blocks/weight vest superset with Incline BB press (Ch/SH/Tri)
  • DB side laterals superset with OHP (SH/CH/Tri)
  • Weighted Dips (Tri/CH/SH)
  • Low Cable Row (back)
  • Leg Press (Legs)
  • DB Curl
Day 3 Leg Focus + Full Body All are 1 set to failure
  • Leg Curls (hams)
  • Leg Extension superset with Squats (hams/glutes/quads)
  • Leg Press
  • Calf raises
  • Supinated lat pulldown (back/bi's)
  • Dips (bodyweight) (chest/sh/tri's)

I'll then likely take a day off and repeat. I did "day 1" yesterday and it was really enjoyable. It has kind of a fortitude feel to it, which I did for many years. You hit a focus area and then touch the others essentially.
So as you all can tell, I'm in the experimenting part of this full body training at this point. One thing I miss is a little bit of focus on a bodypart. Not high volume focus as I've always been more of a DC/HIT type of guy. I'm breaking it up like this now for the next 4 weeks to experiment. The experiment is more about how I feel I am recovering and my enjoyment level than anything else.

Day 1: Back/ham/bi focus + full body All are 1 set to failure
  • Hyperextensions (hams/low back)
  • Lat pulldown (back)
  • bb row (back)
  • Deficit Deadlift (back, hams, glutes, quads)
    • I do one light backoff set at a very high deficit to have more quad involvement. Yesterday was 315 for 25 reps
  • BB Curl (bis)
  • Dips (chest, shoulders, tri)
Day 2 Chest/SH/Tri focus + full body All are 1 set to failure
  • Deep Pushups-feet elevated/hands on blocks/weight vest superset with Incline BB press (Ch/SH/Tri)
  • DB side laterals superset with OHP (SH/CH/Tri)
  • Weighted Dips (Tri/CH/SH)
  • Low Cable Row (back)
  • Leg Press (Legs)
  • DB Curl
Day 3 Leg Focus + Full Body All are 1 set to failure
  • Leg Curls (hams)
  • Leg Extension superset with Squats (hams/glutes/quads)
  • Leg Press
  • Calf raises
  • Supinated lat pulldown (back/bi's)
  • Dips (bodyweight) (chest/sh/tri's)

I'll then likely take a day off and repeat. I did "day 1" yesterday and it was really enjoyable. It has kind of a fortitude feel to it, which I did for many years. You hit a focus area and then touch the others essentially.
I'm pretty interested in how this plays out as I've recently restarted doing the 1 set full body 5-6 days a week routine but don't feel like I can do it in under an hour like I used to used to just a year or so ago. So that show's me I need to get in better cardio shape, as I think the better it is the better my muscular endurance seems to be. Often thought of modifying my routine somewhat tho just to see if I could have similar or better results using something like what you say but doing it for 2 sets with a to failure on 2nd set
To truly fail at 8reps is much easier than 20-30reps. Especially larger compound movements. An 8 rep squat is hard. A 20rep to failure squat will wear you out.
I remember this old video of Tom Platz doing squats for 23 reps ass to grass with 525 lbs. Even watching it is painful to me. Despite his genetics platz didn’t play around in the gym. When is this video from?
Would this sort of workout be useful for older guys, even with a bit of adaptation? This sounds like a killer program but the volume in that short a time might be a bit daunting for some older lifters.
Would this sort of workout be useful for older guys, even with a bit of adaptation? This sounds like a killer program but the volume in that short a time might be a bit daunting for some older lifters.

I totally think it could be. I'm 41...maybe not old...but I've been training since 15 yrs old so I'm old-ish in the sense of training. The #1 issue by far I see with older people is they lift the same way most people do and they end up with a lot of joint pain and issues.

I think form must be impeccable, consisting of zero momentum reps. I'm not talking weird super slow type stuff. But here is the difference. I could muscle f*** 495 on squats with form most people would think is ok but if I did it daily it would kill my knees. If I do that once a week they feel "good enough" by the next week (although still not a reason to keep training like that). If we are primarily concerned with maximum muscle tension we need to do that in a way to ease joint stress. On Saturday I did squats with 365 for 10 reps. 3-4 seconds down, 2 second pause (extremely deep), then up. My quads, butt, hams were so sore friday I could hardly move but my knees felt great. I could literally add almost 150 pounds to that if I did reps like I used to.

This is also where people get messed up. I'm not talking about "fluff and pump" work. I'm not talking about "taking it easy" or super slow with pink dumbbells. I'm talking about maximum tension with absolute zero momentum. My joints feel better now than they ever have...even compared to my 20's.

As far as volume, it could be tough. The volume in a single workout isn't terrible but stacked up day after day, it gets tough. When I started I did 2-3 days in a row then took 1-2 days off and then it became 4 days in a row and one day off and so on until it was 6-7 days a week.
I'm pretty interested in how this plays out as I've recently restarted doing the 1 set full body 5-6 days a week routine but don't feel like I can do it in under an hour like I used to used to just a year or so ago. So that show's me I need to get in better cardio shape, as I think the better it is the better my muscular endurance seems to be. Often thought of modifying my routine somewhat tho just to see if I could have similar or better results using something like what you say but doing it for 2 sets with a to failure on 2nd set

Yeah I totally get that I was at 90 minutes when I started and now it really never takes me more than 45-50 minutes. I think it just takes a little time to get into shape for it.

I'll probably continue to modify it until I find what I enjoy the most. The way I look at it, if I'm in the gym often lifting hard almost anything will work but I'm also trying to find what I enjoy the most.
Bumping this up to see how things are going or if anyone else has did this method?
I'm still experimenting, but sticking with it. Some of the experiments I know right off "yeah, I don't like it" and cease asap. I want to go another 10 weeks training every 3rd day, which I've been doing two weeks. Obviously, MUCH different than the heart of this thread that was all about daily training. I'm also altering my diet for 10 weeks.

I've noticed I feel more motivated, am hitting major PR's. I just did 500 on deads for 15 reps and that is better than I could do when I was 40 pounds heavier on a decent cycle. In a 30 day month that means I go from training like 26 times a month (I never did 100% everyday) to 10 times a month. Maybe I just needed a break and my progress will slow and then I'll jack up frequency again...who knows.

I am also eating meat only except for some occasional fruit post workout (<50 grams of carbs a day) and then a high carb day on Saturday. 90% red meat and fish. I feel so much better and my mind feels unbelievably sharper.

So notable changes for next 10 weeks (12 weeks total)

  • Calories will be 90%+ from carnivore eating, carbs <50 grams a day Sun-Fri. Saturday carb up day
  • Training will be full body with an extreme focus on progressive overload every 3rd day.
  • Drugs will be 50mgs of test EOD

I'm curious how my body will react and if that volume will be enough with the reduction of frequency, and if so, how long.
I'm still experimenting, but sticking with it. Some of the experiments I know right off "yeah, I don't like it" and cease asap. I want to go another 10 weeks training every 3rd day, which I've been doing two weeks. Obviously, MUCH different than the heart of this thread that was all about daily training. I'm also altering my diet for 10 weeks.

I've noticed I feel more motivated, am hitting major PR's. I just did 500 on deads for 15 reps and that is better than I could do when I was 40 pounds heavier on a decent cycle. In a 30 day month that means I go from training like 26 times a month (I never did 100% everyday) to 10 times a month. Maybe I just needed a break and my progress will slow and then I'll jack up frequency again...who knows.

I am also eating meat only except for some occasional fruit post workout (<50 grams of carbs a day) and then a high carb day on Saturday. 90% red meat and fish. I feel so much better and my mind feels unbelievably sharper.

So notable changes for next 10 weeks (12 weeks total)

  • Calories will be 90%+ from carnivore eating, carbs <50 grams a day Sun-Fri. Saturday carb up day
  • Training will be full body with an extreme focus on progressive overload every 3rd day.
  • Drugs will be 50mgs of test EOD

I'm curious how my body will react and if that volume will be enough with the reduction of frequency, and if so, how long.
Good stuff. The more I think about it, 1 set Ed is genius. So simple in a world where we overanalyzing training. My only concern like you said, the repeated bout effect and is that 1 set stimulus sufficient to get a response.

I recently started doing calesthenics for chest, back, legs. Tried this yesterday

1 pull (chins)
1 push (dips)
Legs (high rep in squats)
Then a set for side, rear delts, bis, and Tris. 21 minutes.

Then you can adjust as needed, double volume and go EOD. Or make the isolation bro split style...1 set Ed for compounds then pick 1 small part and nail it that day, then amount the next day.

3 drop sets of Tris

Tomorrow bis, next day side delts, etc
Good stuff. The more I think about it, 1 set Ed is genius. So simple in a world where we overanalyzing training. My only concern like you said, the repeated bout effect and is that 1 set stimulus sufficient to get a response.

I recently started doing calesthenics for chest, back, legs. Tried this yesterday

1 pull (chins)
1 push (dips)
Legs (high rep in squats)
Then a set for side, rear delts, bis, and Tris. 21 minutes.

Then you can adjust as needed, double volume and go EOD. Or make the isolation bro split style...1 set Ed for compounds then pick 1 small part and nail it that day, then amount the next day.

3 drop sets of Tris

Tomorrow bis, next day side delts, etc

yeah I like that it will be interested to see what you think! I do agree. One set to failure on every body part is genius. It's amazingly simple. Focused effort without a lot of thinking. I stuck with 6-7 days of training full body a long time, which is why the pullback on frequency is probably helping me right now. I would have never thought years ago I'd be doing full body workouts lol.
Just saw the diet part you posted, looks very similar to the anabolic diet. I may adopt something similar. Typically I'd have high/low days with carbs on training days. But if I'm training 6-7x a week May just do low carb with 2-2 high days on weekend. Like the routine simple and effective
Thanks for taking the time to write all of this up. I have thought about training like this for a while. I do something similar when coming back from a vacation, break, or injury, and always feel great. I dont know why I have not implemented it yet. Being near your age (40 in June) I don't have the drive to train as i did in my mid-20s or lower-30s nor do I think it was the most efficent way (beat the muscle to high hell and back). I burn myself out motivation-wise and end up not seeing things through when I get too focused and end up with anxiety so I think I will give this a shot when I get back from the Galapagos in about 12 days.
Looking forward to watching your progress with this program. Thanks!

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