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Citrus bergamot brand

Honestly in the past I've never seen it move the dial on bloodwork so after years of playing with it I dropped it.

Then @bbxtreme recommended using an "Italian" version.

I incorporated back in addition to my "regular lipid routine" about 8 weeks ago.

Just got labs back this week on a decent sized blast. HDL came back at 36 so I think I'll keep it in.

Here's the brand I'm using. 2 a day

What brand does everyone here use?
Naomi is the ONLY brand I’d use. It’s Italian citrus bergamot (source matters). It also has resveratrol and olive leaf as well.

My LDL is 40 on it. HDL is 30. My cardiologist swears I’m using statins and not telling him. 😂

Make sure you take it on an empty stomach first thing in the AM. 2 caps as said above.
Naomi is the ONLY brand I’d use. It’s Italian citrus bergamot (source matters). It also has resveratrol and olive leaf as well.

My LDL is 40 on it. HDL is 30. My cardiologist swears I’m using statins and not telling him. 😂

Wow. That’s nuts. Lol

Good info. Thanks man.
Just started using nutricost 2x a day. Got it from Amazon. Haven't gotten my levels checked yet. Will check after I've used it for a bottle or so.
Naomi is the ONLY brand I’d use. It’s Italian citrus bergamot (source matters). It also has resveratrol and olive leaf as well.

My LDL is 40 on it. HDL is 30. My cardiologist swears I’m using statins and not telling him. 😂

Make sure you take it on an empty stomach first thing in the AM. 2 caps as said above.

It's the Bergamonte branded ingredient by HP Ingredients that makes the difference.

When we release our LIPID product it will contain 1000mg per serving of Bergamonte! As well as 3-4 other ingredients.

NAOMI is 500mg.

I will send you a bottle free :)
It's the Bergamonte branded ingredient by HP Ingredients that makes the difference.

When we release our LIPID product it will contain 1000mg per serving of Bergamonte! As well as 3-4 other ingredients.

NAOMI is 500mg.

I will send you a bottle free :)
Exactly. That’s what counts. They overcharge IMO for the product. I have NO affiliation with them. Would love to try yours once it’s ready!
been using jordan's tbjp-Love Heart
Used a variety of brands over the years and never noticed a change.

I'd say use NAOMI or skip it altogether.
Then Jarrow wasn't the problem. They have one of the highest quality controls in the business. I've never even heard of NAOMI. Maybe you are a non responder of some sort. However, just because your lipids didn't change much doesnt mean you weren't reading other benefits from it.

The reason I recommend Jarrow for CB or Vitamin Shoppe Astragalus is due to years of seeing results with people and understanding their sourcing and quality control protocols.
only thing that made a real impact on my HDL was citrus bergamot, 500mg morning and night at all times, 1000mg morning and night when blasting.
Then Jarrow wasn't the problem. They have one of the highest quality controls in the business. I've never even heard of NAOMI. Maybe you are a non responder of some sort. However, just because your lipids didn't change much doesnt mean you weren't reading other benefits from it.

The reason I recommend Jarrow for CB or Vitamin Shoppe Astragalus is due to years of seeing results with people and understanding their sourcing and quality control protocols.

Not sure if you saw my response earlier in the thread (#3).

I use a lot of Jarrow supps in my regimen and yes their quality is excellent. I had years of labs while on their citrus bergamot. It wasn't until I retried the "Italian" version that it did anything positive with my bloodwork. If I'm taking something specific to improve labs and it doesn't I'm not sure it makes sense to keep it in. I had never notice any other positive effects like improved BG, inflammation, etc so that's why it was dropped.
It's the Bergamonte branded ingredient by HP Ingredients that makes the difference.

When we release our LIPID product it will contain 1000mg per serving of Bergamonte! As well as 3-4 other ingredients.

NAOMI is 500mg.

I will send you a bottle free :)
Where can I buy your product? Will you ship to Canada? Can I too have 1 free bottle lol?

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