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1 day of eating like crap


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Oct 10, 2007
So yesterday i said screw it, im going to eat whatever the hell i want all day. and i did.
had a couple of these microwaveable asian noodle bowls my GF keeps around the house, a pizza, a couple of cheese burgers, Mac and cheese, a bowl of cereal, and some chocolate ice cream with Choc LBA on top.

So as some of you may know im kind of a nerd. Remember that because its pertanent information for later. My girlfriend loves to hang out in bed when theres nothign to do, watching TV, going online, reading etc. When the weather is crappy and i have notheing to do i play world of warcraft. Yes i just admitted that, and it really sucks you in for hours at a time.

Well I always play on the computer in the living room, without going further into it you need a mouse to play. That crappy one on a lap top just doesnt cut it. Anywho, she got a wireless mouse for the laptop so id spend more time hanging out with her. She is always complaining that she wants me to hang out in the room with her. And no before you get started she isnt thinking sex, ok well sometimes she is, but thats usually my idea. so there we were in the bedroom all day, she's watching whatever it is she watches on TV, and im sitting next to her playing my game, and eating like shit.

So 11pm rolls around and she rolls over to fall asleep. Well about an hour later MY decision to eat horribly comes back at me. I feel the low belly rumble that can only be leading to one of those really hot farts. i look over, nudge her alittle bit, and get no reaction. I am officially safe to let it fly. I do. And dear jesus in heaven the smell. Like sulphur, rotten eggs and crap.

Naturally i start to laugh alittle and how horrible this was, and how she wouldnt be able to partake. well i was wrong. This smell, literally woke her out of a deep sleep. How do i know? well im glad you asked.

These words come out of her mouth. "aww, damnit babe, your ass is so gross. whats wrong with you?"

That obviously makes me laugh even more. I was proud of the manly potency of my bad dieting decision.

I felt better, thinking i got the big one out, im all done. Did i mention the cereal was fiber one? It was. I get the next wave a few min later, and seeing as how i dont want a stomach ache im not going to hold it in. so i let that one fly too. Oh my god it was worse than the first one.

This continues all night, even in my sleep. around 3 AM i guess she had enough. She rolls me out of bed. Yup just rolls me out, onto the floor, with a thud. " go sleep on the couch you smelly bastard!" she says. I justwant to get some sleep so i olbige.

She comes into the living room sometime around 6 am to get ready for work and im on the couch. Thats when i hear " Goddamnit babe! the whole room stinks. go back to bed so i can get ready for work. Damnit, im probably going to smell like your ass all day."

So next time you decide to have a cheat day, keep in mind that you may be hurting the ones you love the most with it.
Good story,lol. I've been there and done that. When it happens its not like you can hold it in or run off to the bathroom every time!
A similar situation happend to me when I was first dating my wife. I then knew that she was a keeper because she still stood by me and came over to visit the very next day!
So yesterday i said screw it, im going to eat whatever the hell i want all day. and i did.
had a couple of these microwaveable asian noodle bowls my GF keeps around the house, a pizza, a couple of cheese burgers, Mac and cheese, a bowl of cereal, and some chocolate ice cream with Choc LBA on top.

So as some of you may know im kind of a nerd. Remember that because its pertanent information for later. My girlfriend loves to hang out in bed when theres nothign to do, watching TV, going online, reading etc. When the weather is crappy and i have notheing to do i play world of warcraft. Yes i just admitted that, and it really sucks you in for hours at a time.

Well I always play on the computer in the living room, without going further into it you need a mouse to play. That crappy one on a lap top just doesnt cut it. Anywho, she got a wireless mouse for the laptop so id spend more time hanging out with her. She is always complaining that she wants me to hang out in the room with her. And no before you get started she isnt thinking sex, ok well sometimes she is, but thats usually my idea. so there we were in the bedroom all day, she's watching whatever it is she watches on TV, and im sitting next to her playing my game, and eating like shit.

So 11pm rolls around and she rolls over to fall asleep. Well about an hour later MY decision to eat horribly comes back at me. I feel the low belly rumble that can only be leading to one of those really hot farts. i look over, nudge her alittle bit, and get no reaction. I am officially safe to let it fly. I do. And dear jesus in heaven the smell. Like sulphur, rotten eggs and crap.

Naturally i start to laugh alittle and how horrible this was, and how she wouldnt be able to partake. well i was wrong. This smell, literally woke her out of a deep sleep. How do i know? well im glad you asked.

These words come out of her mouth. "aww, damnit babe, your ass is so gross. whats wrong with you?"

That obviously makes me laugh even more. I was proud of the manly potency of my bad dieting decision.

I felt better, thinking i got the big one out, im all done. Did i mention the cereal was fiber one? It was. I get the next wave a few min later, and seeing as how i dont want a stomach ache im not going to hold it in. so i let that one fly too. Oh my god it was worse than the first one.

This continues all night, even in my sleep. around 3 AM i guess she had enough. She rolls me out of bed. Yup just rolls me out, onto the floor, with a thud. " go sleep on the couch you smelly bastard!" she says. I justwant to get some sleep so i olbige.

She comes into the living room sometime around 6 am to get ready for work and im on the couch. Thats when i hear " Goddamnit babe! the whole room stinks. go back to bed so i can get ready for work. Damnit, im probably going to smell like your ass all day."

So next time you decide to have a cheat day, keep in mind that you may be hurting the ones you love the most with it.

All I can do is laugh histerically during your thread. Our poor bedroom window gets dizzy from the amount of up and down it sees during the nite. Words of Wisdom that I can pass (no pun) from my wife, to yours, have her keep a fully loaded and trigger in the on position, container of Fabreeze, it actually works!!!!

LOL....... word for word I could have posted the same thread...........even being woken out of a sleep!!!!
its not until you go out of the room and come back in that you realise just how nasty these farts can be.

keep a can of fabreeze close at all times when crap loading
Now that was f**kn funny bro. I'm usually downstairs and no one will come down because it smells like a f**kn gas station. The wife and kids stay up stairs. I love it for the sake of the peace and quiet.
I guess I'm a weird guy because I never, ever, ever blow ass around other people. That goes for anyone; even people I've known my whole life.

I guess I just prefer not to shoot a cloud of shit in the room because I had a cheeseburger earlier. It's pretty unpleasant. I know I wouldn't wanna smell that coming from someone else.
thx for the story i needed that.....it's been a rough couple of days
HOLY SHIT, I'm in tears here!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D

When I eat a bunch of eggs around 9, my wife goes through the same "shit". She hates it, but great story.
My cat gets tired of taking all of the heat for my ass bombs.
roflmao! thats awesome...lol....all i can do is laugh when my wife looks and tells me there is something seriously wrong with me to emit those kinds of odors...:D
SWEET!!! LMAO I love the story T. LOL
My wife read this last night, she started laughing her ass off. She says "OMG, you're not the only one with this problem!!!"
You need to get a dog and put the blame on the dog. I did that for years and my poor dog when I cut one would lower her ears knowing she was going to be blamed. But what got me was when she the dog cut one I would get the blame??? She probably was laughing as her's was worse then mine.
Call me disgusting, but when my farts smell that bad I try not to shit for a day or two so I can keep the smell going.

By the way, my girlfriend sleeps with her own separate blanket now.

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