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44 years old first competition since shoulder replacement 16 months ago.


Mar 31, 2008
I started out power lifting when I was younger nothing phenomenal had a 535 raw bench 600 squat and 600 deadlift. Ended up blowing my right tricep twice and left once requiring surgery o repair. Hurt my left shoulder playing"flag" foot ball lol which ended up causing it to be replaced 5 years later.Slowly got heavier started around 240 ended up somewhere above 335 that's just the highest I saw on scale quit looking after that. I had ruptured my l-5/s-1 disc and got to the point where I would have to stop every 25 feet or so when walking from back pain.Had back surgery in February of 2011 they had to take part of stomach a tumor had attached to during surgery .I dropped from 335lbs to 210 lbs on stage at 40 years old for my first competition. Competed 3 times then had to stop because of left shoulder it got to point I couldn't train it hardly at all and couldn't hit most of my upper body mandatory poses because shoulder had been locked up so bad. On Dec 9 th 2014 I had my left shoulder humeral head replaced and my glenoid cavity reamed out, they had to detach anterior head of delt and some of the pectoral tie in tendons to perform this. Over the next 16 months I slowly rehabbed my shoulder spending the first few months just waving my hands around in the gym regaining range of motion.
Well I finally got back on stage on May 7 th at the Nor-cal Classic .I placed second in the open heavies and second in the masters over 40. Should have been drier and leaner but over all just happy I was able to get back on stage and I felt it was the best I have brought to date. Posting pics shortly. I was 220 lbs this contest.

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Whene I started at 335 to 210 on stage . Then next pic is low weight of 190 lbs after shoulder replacement in April 2015 then on my 44th birthday Dec 6 2015 at 230 lbs

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Good for you.. I just had a total knee replacement.. Still recovering.. But have a good friend that had a hemi cap shoulder replacement.. 3 months later he is easing his way into lifting .. But says it feels great .. Did they ever tell Ya not to lift for fear of " wearing" it out to soon.. ? I know they gave him no limitations on the hemi cap version.. But they gave me some limitations on my knee replacement.. Good to see the drive Ya have in your training and recovery..
Good for you.. I just had a total knee replacement.. Still recovering.. But have a good friend that had a hemi cap shoulder replacement.. 3 months later he is easing his way into lifting .. But says it feels great .. Did they ever tell Ya not to lift for fear of " wearing" it out to soon.. ? I know they gave him no limitations on the hemi cap version.. But they gave me some limitations on my knee replacement.. Good to see the drive Ya have in your training and recovery..

That's why I chose the ream and run procedure . It was the best option to allow me to continue training, I have experienced a good loss of strength on that side but the left side is now up to two triceps and the shoulder replacement so considering that I'm pretty happy. Doctors just said work out but use common sense.
Good for you.. I just had a total knee replacement.. Still recovering.. But have a good friend that had a hemi cap shoulder replacement.. 3 months later he is easing his way into lifting .. But says it feels great .. Did they ever tell Ya not to lift for fear of " wearing" it out to soon.. ? I know they gave him no limitations on the hemi cap version.. But they gave me some limitations on my knee replacement.. Good to see the drive Ya have in your training and recovery..

I feel for both you guys. Went threw a hip replacement. Problem was I waited too long. Doc said the socket was the worst he ever seen. Pain was unbearable.
Now from what I hear, Knee and shoulder replacements are far worst. Much more involved and longer recovery. How were you guys able to sleep is beyond me...
Mine has sucked lol.. Once you feel like you've turned the corner and it's getting better Ya wake up with a new pain and its two more weeks of limping.. Lol.. It's been 6 weeks and everyone says it gets better on week 8 .. I think I'm going to call bulls$&@!!! Lol
Not meaning to hijack Juggernaught's thread, but Lats and Stevo,

Just curious, but how did you guys get so beat up (knees and hips)? Was it strictly just from all of your hard/heavy training over the years or was there some additional wear and tear that accumulated over time from other causes (maybe job related, car accident, etc...)?
Not meaning to hijack Juggernaught's thread, but Lats and Stevo,

Just curious, but how did you guys get so beat up (knees and hips)? Was it strictly just from all of your hard/heavy training over the years or was there some additional wear and tear that accumulated over time from other causes (maybe job related, car accident, etc...)?

Years of lifting, and heavy construction for me. Weight prob played a part. 287lbs for quit a while.
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I'm sure my job didn't help.. On hard concrete every day weighing 270 pounds.. Up and down ladders.. My dr said he didn't feel the heavy lifting did it.. He thinks mainly genetic predisposition.. My mom had hers replaced at a early age as did my brother.. So all that together.. Plus I rode bmx racing hard into my teens.. So who knows really.. Joint integrity is a lot of genetics.. I had already developed numerous meniscus tears and arthritis at a pretty early age..
I feel for both you guys. Went threw a hip replacement. Problem was I waited too long. Doc said the socket was the worst he ever seen. Pain was unbearable.
Now from what I hear, Knee and shoulder replacements are far worst. Much more involved and longer recovery. How were you guys able to sleep is beyond me...

Yup me 2 , spent many years working masonry and lumber mills. Here's a pic of before and after on shoulder joint. After is my one year follow up as well.


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Here's a pic of one of my tricep ruptures.


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Pains me to see that really. So we were all into concrete at one time. Lats is right, I think it has alot to do with with genes and so on. Unless I spent most of my time behind a desk it was going to happen. Still have my
MRI's too but won't look at them. Anyway for you to come back from that is remarkable....
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Thanks Stevo 47, it has been a long difficult journey

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That's amazing. You look good brother. Congrats to you. I like come back stories like this. Totally inspirational
still going strong. Started my busy season at work and just got a promotion . It was announced today, feeling pretty good about life in general (the celebratory beers are helping im sure lol. Was made a Superintendent and now am in charge of a 400-500 man crew depending how many can lines we are running that day. Keeping body weight around 225 but its difficult to hold weight right now. Im working 7 days a week roughly 77 hours a week on the 2-1130 pm shift pedometer says im walking 8-10 miles a shift which is playing hell with my back lol
Keeping sups [pretty low 400 test a week and 400 deca.This is the first time running deca for extended period hoping to see some synergy and hopefully strengthen the tendons .
I started out power lifting when I was younger nothing phenomenal had a 535 raw bench 600 squat and 600 deadlift. Ended up blowing my right tricep twice and left once requiring surgery o repair. Hurt my left shoulder playing"flag" foot ball lol which ended up causing it to be replaced 5 years later.Slowly got heavier started around 240 ended up somewhere above 335 that's just the highest I saw on scale quit looking after that. I had ruptured my l-5/s-1 disc and got to the point where I would have to stop every 25 feet or so when walking from back pain.Had back surgery in February of 2011 they had to take part of stomach a tumor had attached to during surgery .I dropped from 335lbs to 210 lbs on stage at 40 years old for my first competition. Competed 3 times then had to stop because of left shoulder it got to point I couldn't train it hardly at all and couldn't hit most of my upper body mandatory poses because shoulder had been locked up so bad. On Dec 9 th 2014 I had my left shoulder humeral head replaced and my glenoid cavity reamed out, they had to detach anterior head of delt and some of the pectoral tie in tendons to perform this. Over the next 16 months I slowly rehabbed my shoulder spending the first few months just waving my hands around in the gym regaining range of motion.
Well I finally got back on stage on May 7 th at the Nor-cal Classic .I placed second in the open heavies and second in the masters over 40. Should have been drier and leaner but over all just happy I was able to get back on stage and I felt it was the best I have brought to date. Posting pics shortly. I was 220 lbs this contest.

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Man talk about commitment! That's a tough rehab, and an even tougher road back to the stage. Good job man! I've been through some knee, shoulder, and biceps surgeries, and I know, those setbacks suck! But we just keep going. I always said, since my first surgery, "I'll just do what i can, and not worry about what i can't do".

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