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8 week winstrol, anavar, and test progress pic


Active member
May 17, 2009
Hopefully this is right forum and I apologize if not. Recently finished 8 week cycle. 4 weeks winstrol 50, 4 @ 75. Last 6 weeks anavar 50 daily. This was a cut cycle for me, started at 223 with goal of being at 210 at end of 8 weeks but was down to 205 by 4th week so added in some calories bc I felt was losing too much. My diet and cardio were spot on for me. Normal gym not a competitor or as serious as some of you but I'm trying to get better!
Nice work bro..!! All your hard work really shows.......great job :)
Looking good! Care to share your diet and workout plans too?
You did great. What’s the plan from here?
nice job, im sure diet was 90% but the var and winny helped retain muscle. how many calories, and total lbs lost?
Nice work, well done.
well thats motivationg. I cant use npp or tren anymore. waaaay too much of a trigger for my anxiety. i dont even know if i can use masteron. if it does set off my anxiety it will be hell cuz all the mast i have is long ester. sooooo, i was thining orals be way to go. short half life if they should make me feel bad. I have winni on hand....
thanks for sharing results. i def wanna know more too lol
your age?
test dose?
Looking good! Care to share your diet and workout plans too?

On May 1, I weighed 223 lbs. My goal was to get to 210 by the end of the 8th week. As far as cardio goes, I did 40 mins on the stairstepper first thing every morning then another 40 mins every evening. I am able to burn 800 calories in that 80 mins. Of the 56 days, I only took one day completely off and that was Father's Day. Two of the days, I was only able to get 40 of the 80 mins in bc I was wore out.

My lifting routine was a 4 day split, shoulders/traps, Bi/Tri, Legs, Chest. I eliminated my back day bc I had been focusing on that over the last yr and just wanted a break. Of the 56 days, I took 2 days off, and I know that was dumb.

My diet consisted of mainly protein shakes, salads, beef jerky, tuna, peanutbutter sandwiches, and cottage cheese. I eliminated milk altogether. I was hitting around 2000 calories a day, which put me at 1200 after what I burnt with the cardio. I drank a ton of water, around 150 oz a day.

I lost weight way faster than I expected and was down to 205 by the end of the 4th week but I felt my strength and energy was going down too, so I added 750-1000 calories a day back to my diet for the remainder and my strength and energy came back. I ended around 212.
Damn thats impressive, the gear just served to retain muscle sounds like you busted your ass on the stair master and definitely were willing to suffer with low cals.

Did your legs get fatigued, or did you experience overall fatigue from 80m per day on the stepper? I don't know if I could do that my legs would be jello and numb by the end (the stepper with low calories drains them for some reason).
I am 41 and I used test-e 2x 250 a week, so 500 total. 500 is about all I have ever used for any cycle and I've never been able to tell any difference between test e or c.
I am 41 and I used test-e 2x 250 a week, so 500 total. 500 is about all I have ever used for any cycle and I've never been able to tell any difference between test e or c.
excellent. i am 42 yrs old. i think 500mg is def enough. i am currently running 75mg test prop m/w/f and look and feel good. 500mg is most i will ever do IF i ever increase test. prostate cancer in my family so i gotta start being careful.
guess its orals for the win.
Looks good thus far. Now turn and face the back of the room. :cool:

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