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? About bad bloodwork from orals


Jun 2, 2023
A friend of mine who ran winstrol went to get bloodwork his doctors jaw dropped when he seen his hdl ldl cholesterol levels, doc said he never in his career seen such awful levels , well we know that’s what orals especially winstrol does , my question, when you come off the winstrol do your levels return to normal ,or are they permanent unless to take statins etc ? So if he dropped orals and retested a month later would his numbers be normal or no ,I never used orals so I don’t know
A friend of mine who ran winstrol went to get bloodwork his doctors jaw dropped when he seen his hdl ldl cholesterol levels, doc said he never in his career seen such awful levels , well we know that’s what orals especially winstrol does , my question, when you come off the winstrol do your levels return to normal ,or are they permanent unless to take statins etc ? So if he dropped orals and retested a month later would his numbers be normal or no ,I never used orals so I don’t know

Yes, they will return to baseline (whatever that was).
What was his oral, dosage and hdl?
A friend of mine who ran winstrol went to get bloodwork his doctors jaw dropped when he seen his hdl ldl cholesterol levels, doc said he never in his career seen such awful levels , well we know that’s what orals especially winstrol does , my question, when you come off the winstrol do your levels return to normal ,or are they permanent unless to take statins etc ? So if he dropped orals and retested a month later would his numbers be normal or no ,I never used orals so I don’t know
I would pre order a coffin
A friend of mine who ran winstrol went to get bloodwork his doctors jaw dropped when he seen his hdl ldl cholesterol levels, doc said he never in his career seen such awful levels , well we know that’s what orals especially winstrol does , my question, when you come off the winstrol do your levels return to normal ,or are they permanent unless to take statins etc ? So if he dropped orals and retested a month later would his numbers be normal or no ,I never used orals so I don’t know
Your “friend” probably needs to work on “their” diet. I just had bloods done on full cycle with winstrol and my doctor thought I was ON a statin my cholesterol was so good. Not even joking…
Cardarine does wonders for lipids running orals, but is a decision with possible negative aspects of it. Like said your diet is a big factor. Get in your good fats. Lipids can change greatly week to week, but I expect them to be worse running an oral. It's a pay to play type of thing.
What a relief

i just assumed that with each successive winstrol cycle my cholesterol would continually compound itself until i died
Nah no worries, that only happens with ex-wives.
Best thread for funny comments. So glad I read this. :)

OP usually bloods return to normal within 4 weeks, maybe 6. Also everyone is affected differently. Orals aren't helping anyone's bloods but everyone has a different more/less severe hit on liver and lipids.
Nothing to worry about. Orals do that.
Olive oil will do wonders for your hdl.
He'll be fine once he takes a break. Not t everyone with bad cholesterol is going to drop dead. Predisposition to heart issues in the family is another story.
Cant imagine having good bloodwork while on orals. My hdl tanks even with niacin, fish oil and high amounts of good fat. That's why I dont do them very often and for no more than 8 weeks. Like everyone said, they should bounce back after 4-6 weeks if you eat a good diet and maybe take supplements to improve hdl.
Cant imagine having good bloodwork while on orals. My hdl tanks even with niacin, fish oil and high amounts of good fat. That's why I dont do them very often and for no more than 8 weeks. Like everyone said, they should bounce back after 4-6 weeks if you eat a good diet and maybe take supplements to improve hdl.
Ya man never used orals so I can’t comment ,all I know is my friends doctor was horrified at his numbers minded my friend never told doc he was running winstrol lol ,hearing guys say he must have had a bad diet, but according to him not at all , that was my mistake though,when I ran my cycle my diet wasn’t on point and took way to much , but from what other guys told me , they don’t care how good your diet is ,winstrol being a nasty steroid for side effects ,it will most definitely tank your cholesterol regardless end of story , but again I can’t comment if it’s true but according to people I’ve talked to winny is pretty nasty but very effective , so I guess weigh pros and cons and see if it’s worth it for the certain individual, do you remember dr rand on YouTube, he said he had a guy come in get bloodwork and when it came back doc said ah I see your running winstrol he knew without being told the guy was running winny lol
Ya man never used orals so I can’t comment ,all I know is my friends doctor was horrified at his numbers minded my friend never told doc he was running winstrol lol ,hearing guys say he must have had a bad diet, but according to him not at all , that was my mistake though,when I ran my cycle my diet wasn’t on point and took way to much , but from what other guys told me , they don’t care how good your diet is ,winstrol being a nasty steroid for side effects ,it will most definitely tank your cholesterol regardless end of story , but again I can’t comment if it’s true but according to people I’ve talked to winny is pretty nasty but very effective , so I guess weigh pros and cons and see if it’s worth it for the certain individual, do you remember dr rand on YouTube, he said he had a guy come in get bloodwork and when it came back doc said ah I see your running winstrol he knew without being told the guy was running winny lol

Was he using a lot? I know for myself and many others you can take smaller or moderate doses and bloods don't look great, but there is a point where if you up the dose you do get major physique improvements but a multiplier that is not 1 to 1 with health. Meaning, on 20mgs of winstrol a day (5 days a week) I get moderate results but also small impacts to bloods. If I double that to 40mgs it's a trainwreck. It just seems like with most orals it's so delicate to find the right spot where you get worthwhile results while also keeping health in order.

The problem is, most are quite effective at quickly enhancing the physique so going to 100mgs+ of anadrol, 100mgs+ of winstrol, 70mgs of anavar is quite tempting because they change a physique and performance quickly.
Was he using a lot? I know for myself and many others you can take smaller or moderate doses and bloods don't look great, but there is a point where if you up the dose you do get major physique improvements but a multiplier that is not 1 to 1 with health. Meaning, on 20mgs of winstrol a day (5 days a week) I get moderate results but also small impacts to bloods. If I double that to 40mgs it's a trainwreck. It just seems like with most orals it's so delicate to find the right spot where you get worthwhile results while also keeping health in order.

The problem is, most are quite effective at quickly enhancing the physique so going to 100mgs+ of anadrol, 100mgs+ of winstrol, 70mgs of anavar is quite tempting because they change a physique and performance quickly.
He did 50mg Ed for 6 weeks so maybe that’s why
He did 50mg Ed for 6 weeks so maybe that’s why

Either he is far down the spectrum of bad reactions to orals OR his doctor is nuts. Not mutually exclusive either.

My normal HDL is 39-43. After 10 weeks of tren from 350-525mg and 8 weeks of winstrol at 50mg ED I posted an HDL of 23. LDL was elevated from my norm but well within range. Hell 600mg of primo takes my HDL to 27 and the former is infinitely more effective.

No idea what your friend's numbers were but that's some context. Others have done 6 weeks of winny or var and had single digit HDL so maybe that's like your buddy.
He did 50mg Ed for 6 weeks so maybe that’s why
It hits everyone different. For me I use Avocado or olive oil with most meals, take 4-5 grams of krill oil daily and take other supplements.

I also never run orals longer than 8 weeks. Orals CAN absolutely mess lipids so apologies as I want to be helpful. I just work hard to make sure mine aren’t touched.

Orals are something I reserve for pre-contest only because they can be risky.

This is why most guys just do TRT in your friends case- he’d get a lot more out of it IMO.

But as others have said- they will go back to what their normal baseline was before using the winstrol. 😊

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