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Adderall.......anyone have a doctor that just won’t prescribe it?

I agree, if i take adderall two days in a row the second day it does nothing but make me feel like shit. I own the business so I’m not working for anyone, if I’m coming back from a trip or something of that nature and I know I’m going to be slammed the day I return because everything is backed up I’ll take one in the morning burn myself out all day go home and pass out. Usually once every couple months, I’m not the biggest fan of the stuff the very first time I took one a few years back it was like a miracle but now it’s just a boost and not much more.

I couldn’t even imagine taking it twice a day every single day like some people I know do, that is beyond crazy to me. Wtf happens when you stop taking it? Are you just supposed to stay in it forever? I’m actually really against a lot of prescription drugs that I feel like some people use as a crutch. To me it’s just another tool in the box, not a real solution to a problem.

Regardless thanks for the help everyone, I’m extra leery of it now but I am indeed going to try and get some from a UGL let’s see what happens...

If you are only wanting to take adderall for a few times a month, you dont need it. No doc is prob going to prescribe it for an occasional use.
If you are only wanting to take adderall for a few times a month, you dont need it. No doc is prob going to prescribe it for an occasional use.

Yep already got that covered, funny how it works isn’t it? I can get it if I want to be a full blown abuser but not if I want to use it sparingly as needed....
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Francis, have you thought about giving mike arnolds new product a try to see if its close enough to what you are looking for? Just thinking out loud here...
Yep already got that covered, funny how it works isn’t it? I can get it if I want to be a full blown abuser but not if I want to use it sparingly as needed....

Not everyone that takes adderall is an abuser, some of us actually need it. And I took it as prescribed. I dont take it anymore, don't need to.
I agree, if i take adderall two days in a row the second day it does nothing but make me feel like shit. I own the business so I’m not working for anyone, if I’m coming back from a trip or something of that nature and I know I’m going to be slammed the day I return because everything is backed up I’ll take one in the morning burn myself out all day go home and pass out. Usually once every couple months, I’m not the biggest fan of the stuff the very first time I took one a few years back it was like a miracle but now it’s just a boost and not much more.

I couldn’t even imagine taking it twice a day every single day like some people I know do, that is beyond crazy to me. Wtf happens when you stop taking it? Are you just supposed to stay in it forever? I’m actually really against a lot of prescription drugs that I feel like some people use as a crutch. To me it’s just another tool in the box, not a real solution to a problem.

Regardless thanks for the help everyone, I’m extra leery of it now but I am indeed going to try and get some from a UGL let’s see what happens...
Well if it's taken for ADD and or purposes that it is made for, yeah you may take it forever. Like if you are a diabetic or if you are on HRT.
Well if it's taken for ADD and or purposes that it is made for, yeah you may take it forever. Like if you are a diabetic or if you are on HRT.

Those two replace something naturally in your body that it is deficient in, nobody’s body has an amphetamine deficiency.
Absolutely no one needs adderrall to function properly. There are other things you can do to actually permanently make yourself laser-focused, all the time. I have several friends who have gone through therapies for it and are machines.
If you never taken it, you will never know. If I didnt take it, I wouldn't have graduated college or pass the bar exam.. It works extremely well. I don't take it anymore, but it does wonders to keep you focused and concentrate. My mind always wandered when I was studying, if I took adderall, I was a totally different person.
I tried Ritalin before that, but that was no comparison to Adderall.
How are you able to get by now without it at all? I thought that the condition requiring someone to take it was a lifetime thing. Did you just learn coping strategies to deal with it? I think its great you don't have to take it anymore.
If you are only wanting to take adderall for a few times a month, you dont need it. No doc is prob going to prescribe it for an occasional use.

Not necessarily true, some people are prescribed to take it on an "as needed" basis because they dont like th side effects but need for busy days at work, school etc. Even children that are prescribed it for school are often directed to take a drug holiday on weekends.

OP - it's not the hardest drug to obtain, far easier than any sort of opiate. Call local psychs and ask if they treat Adult ADHD and if theyre taking new patients. Dont ask for adderall by name, just describe ADHD symptoms and be willing to play along. They might want to try 1-2 other medications first
Not necessarily true, some people are prescribed to take it on an "as needed" basis because they dont like th side effects but need for busy days at work, school etc. Even children that are prescribed it for school are often directed to take a drug holiday on weekends.

OP - it's not the hardest drug to obtain, far easier than any sort of opiate. Call local psychs and ask if they treat Adult ADHD and if theyre taking new patients. Dont ask for adderall by name, just describe ADHD symptoms and be willing to play along. They might want to try 1-2 other medications first

Be careful with how you describe that. Though there's some truth to it, we're not filling prescriptions based on a need for only busy days, school, etc... That just isn't how that works, and we'd all lose our license if that were the case.

Foremost, you have to be diagnosed with a condition requiring this type of medical care. You won't be getting dispensed Adderall because you need a stimulant or cognitive performance enhancement (i.e., busy days at work), we're giving it to you to treat a condition - Period. No physician is doing otherwise, unless if they have a great lawyer, insurance, and retirement plan. Personally, I can't say I've done this, but some colleagues have suggested to patients that have concerns about the side-effects outweighing the benefit, to take it on a more 'as-needed' basis, or breaks on weekends or days where they're under less load, to help ease their side-effects. This is done after dose adjustments, alternative medications are considered, etc...

Adderall is not a fun drug. I could describe horror stories for hours. Quite honestly, it's one of my least favorites to ever consider for treatment. If you don't need it, stay away from it. And for the love of God, don't consider underground sources for it. Most of the time, you're getting a low dose of Methamphetamine or another similar, albeit cheaper Amphetamine.
If you never taken it, you will never know. If I didnt take it, I wouldn't have graduated college or pass the bar exam.. It works extremely well. I don't take it anymore, but it does wonders to keep you focused and concentrate. My mind always wandered when I was studying, if I took adderall, I was a totally different person.
I tried Ritalin before that, but that was no comparison to Adderall.

Same. The doctor is making me jump through all these hoops. Saw a physiatrist, she wants me to do psychometric testing with another damn doctor. I've been prescribed in the past and have an old script! Docs are really weird about prescribing it. Only time I've gotten A's in college was on it.
So my doctor and I have a great relationship, his father was my doctor when I was born then he retired and later passed, then his mother was my doctor then she retired and now the son who is somewhat close to my age is my doctor. Really cool guy we kinda grew up together I can tell him anything.

I use adderall probably once a month if that, only sometimes when I’m super slammed at work and have to make sure everything gets done. I ask my doc for a script, some small amount with no refills needed, and he acts like I asked him to put a heroine needle in my arm and starts interrogating me. Not interrogating me about drug use but about my symptoms and things like and other non adderall things i can do, doesn’t want to give me the script for my own benefit. Don’t get me wrong I don’t necessarily see this as a bad thing, the guy acts as a real doctor not just some guy that throws pills at you. I know a lot of people whose doctor will give them anything they want and I always tell them to go and get a real doctor because that’s not medicine they’re just pill dispensers. Idiots even brag about it getting all this crazy amount of unneeded drugs and I always tell them good luck when you need a real doctor.

Well in this case it’s biting me in the ass, don’t get me wrong I can live without the adderall but it helps sometimes so why not have the tool in the box. RussianStar is offering some adderall i just noticed so I’m going to try and see how that goes and maybe pick up a “lifetime” supply but I don’t know I feel iffy about UGL adderall as silly as that may sound considering i shoot shit up with a needle from a UGL.

Does anyone have two doctors, one they go for with actual problems and one they go for prescriptions? I don’t want to change my primary physician just for a few adderall don’t really know how that shit works...
You need to branch out to a specialist; a psychologist that only works with individuals for adhd. I went thru the same struggle with my primary care physician. There’s a lot of pressure on them after the whole opioid over prescription thing. I mentioned to the receptionist I wanted to talk to my doc about getting prescribed adhd meds and she immediately changed her tone and put me on hold. Eventually after setting an appointment and her calling me canceling that appointment she told me I would have to go to a specialist first. Anyway, I went out of network and found one and it was like going to see someone at a vitamin store. So my advice is get on google and search for a psychologist only treating ppl for adhd and set an appt. it might be a little pricey but if you’re looking to get yourself set up it’s the best and easiest way imo
Ya any controls are becoming a nightmare to get. Even if you get the script (easiest part) it the pharmacist or the insurance that will fuck you. I had to start fill my testosterone script at a major pharmacy and the doc wrote out perfectly 10 ml bottle. Now I know my insurance will not give me that large amount so I tell the pharmacist that I don’t want to use my insure and will pay out of pocket. It’s only $60 so I really don’t care BUT the pharmacist recessed to fill the script like I wanted and said they are not comfortable filling controlled substances for doaymore than a month supply. Of course I argued and I gotwhat the pharmacist was tring to tell me (nice guy) it looks bad on their part if they aren’t billing Insurance for a controlled when you have it and also when it goes on your controlled list it looks bad and the kicker issssssss that insure wants to rack up these crazy amounts for drugs that they paid for you the whole year so they can use it for their benefit. So I have 2 options get 4 1 ml vials or take it to a mom n pop pharm. BUT back for you instance if I were you I would find a doctor that is older. From personal experience the younger new docs are so terrifyed for the new law and the DEA and they just spent 10 year of their life on this profession and they don’t get paid what they should anymore sooo they are way less likely to write ANY control subs. If you have you records from you old doc it should not be an issue for the new one to maintain the treat you were on if it’s not outside the guild lines. They will probably try to put you on some new adhd med that is not cheap like aderal though, and don’t say you only use it here and there. That’s a red flag that you don’t have adhd and you abuse it for proformance. If you have big gapes in your fills say he wrote me a higher dosage and I split they in 4s and and use then everyday or say 5-6 days for work because you do have adhd and need your medication because life quality is going down because you haven’t gotten your meds. You are clearly not addict because the gaps in time so I don’t see why it would be hard. Ohhhhh and you will have more success if you actgo to a doc that is supposed to be written these controlls (psych) NOT you GP.

the HCG was 3000 fucking dollars for 10,000 units lol, of I feel bad for people who don’t do their research on that one.
Absolutely no one needs adderrall to function properly. There are other things you can do to actually permanently make yourself laser-focused, all the time. I have several friends who have gone through therapies for it and are machines.
This statement is not true. There are people who, when taking Adderall, function "properly" or at least better than prior to taking it.
This statement is not true. There are people who, when taking Adderall, function "properly" or at least better than prior to taking it.

We get it dude give it a rest....
OP, if you're in the DC metro area my GP "listens" and if you're a candidate she won't hesitate to prescribe.

I'm 48 and just started treatment 18 months ago. It has been a life changing experience for me. I cringe when I think back to who I was before I started treatment. I never want to be that person again!

I don't know if it's considered a high dose or not but I'm prescribed 20IR in the morning and 10IR after lunch. I don't feel too different when I'm off but after a few weeks of not taking it I'm back to the old habits that have plagued my life.

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