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Antidepressants/SSRIs Experiences And Sexual Side Effects


Dec 13, 2014
I made a thread a year ago about my OCD and how severe it has gotten. I’m still pretty much in the same place and it’s gotten to the point that I’m seriously considering meds.

I have a big surgery coming up in a few weeks so I can’t start now (SSRIs increase risk of bleeding), but I will most likely start as soon as I can post op.

My Psychiatrist would like me to start on Prozac or Luvox.

My biggest concerns are the sexual sides, I already have a shitty drive being on trt after coming off all the stuff I was on before my liver complications. (Never felt the same since then).
I’m really afraid I won’t be able to ever get an erection again, especially after reading about PSSD (Post Ssri Sexual Dysfunction) which in majority of cases seems to be permanent.

Any experience with antidepressants/SSRIs use please post below, can be about anything related to them. Weight gain, performance in the gym, etc.
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I've been on SSRI's for decades, most of that time on venlafaxine. It does cause anorgasmia. However, even after all this time if I skip a day or more of venlafaxine the anorgasmia completely reverses itself so I don't appear to have PSSD.

Sometimes the psychs add bupropion to an SSRI to reverse the sexual inhibition. In the last month I started bupropion for the first time also but it doesn't do much for the anorgasmia. I did notice a big impact on depression though.

Some say the low libido is not a guarantee on SSRI's, since depression, and maybe OCD and anxiety lowers libido, so an AD might actually help. I have a high libido, I just get the anorgasmia.

I guess you just have to try and see.
I've been on multiple SSRI for decades as well and I also think it is dosage dependent. I don't notice the decreased sex drive or erection problems as long as I am consistent with my dosage. There has been times where I had mistakenly taken two doses of the same med and it made it difficult to get there during sex.
Hoping for more responses, as I am in the same boat as the OP. My OCD and anxiety issues have gotten much worse over the past couple of years, no doubt related to my long-term (5-6 years) use of Valium to go to sleep, which works less and less for me as time goes on, and I require higher amounts of Valium to get any sleep, so I'm sure long-term sleep deprivation is a major contributor to my problems. And having a new baby daughter doesn't help with the sleep deprivation, although I love her and she is the light of my life and the only thing keeping me going.

My psychiatrist keeps pushing me to get on an SSRI to help with the OCD, but I have resisted that because of the high risk of sexual side effects. I am already on Bupropion as an anti-depressant, and Trazodone to help get to sleep, but even with those, my libido and ability to get an erection have gotten much worse over the last year in particular, along with my depression and anxiety issues.

Any positive or negative experiences from other guys in a similar position will be greatly appreciated, thanks.
I tried Prozac but couldn’t stay awake on em. Made me super sleepy to where I had to take a nap multiple times a day.

Switched to Zoloft and got my life back!! I’m on 100mg daily. I’m 99% anxiety free. Only sexual sides I’ve experienced from Zoloft is it’s difficult for me to climax.

Zoloft’s sexual side effects are dose dependent for me as well. Proviron and cialis help a lot. I take 100mgs of Zoloft as well. It is hard for me to climax but I usually get there. Zoloft has been a god send for me!!!!
Anybody tried cannabis for OCD? There is a tremendous amount of research on CBD/delta9THC and the impact it has on OCD.

I’ve been deep diving the research lately because somebody very close to me suffers OCD and SRI medications don’t really help (they only help in 60% of OCD cases).

I think 100mg CBD in a full spectrum distillate with an additional 5-10mg of delta8THC twice a day AM and PM. Adding 9deltaTHCv (not a typo) at 5-10mg during AM would be a good idea too.
I've been on basically every SSRI/SNRI there is and they all cause anorgasmia to differing degrees.

The problem then multiplies because you are now on a med that helps you a lot (in most cases) but you're stuck with the sexual dysfunction. Add to that that sexual dysfunction is yet another reason to get depressed about.

Eventually I chose for my dick (😂) and decided to switch to Mirtazapine instead which is sexual side effect free.
Anybody tried cannabis for OCD? There is a tremendous amount of research on CBD/delta9THC and the impact it has on OCD.

I’ve been deep diving the research lately because somebody very close to me suffers OCD and SRI medications don’t really help (they only help in 60% of OCD cases).

I think 100mg CBD in a full spectrum distillate with an additional 5-10mg of delta8THC twice a day AM and PM. Adding 9deltaTHCv (not a typo) at 5-10mg during AM would be a good idea too.

Yes. I didn't use it for OCD but I noticed it basically cured me of the rituals I had especially before I went to sleep. I was old when I first tried it, 34 years old! (43 now), so it's still fresh in memory. At first I instinctively I thought this will spike OCD due to the increased paranoiac thinking patterns and perhaps rumination, but the OCD rituals just fell off. And it has persisted into periods I don't use.
Anybody tried cannabis for OCD? There is a tremendous amount of research on CBD/delta9THC and the impact it has on OCD.

I’ve been deep diving the research lately because somebody very close to me suffers OCD and SRI medications don’t really help (they only help in 60% of OCD cases).

I think 100mg CBD in a full spectrum distillate with an additional 5-10mg of delta8THC twice a day AM and PM. Adding 9deltaTHCv (not a typo) at 5-10mg during AM would be a good idea too.
So funny.. I was just reading the altcannabinoid reddit last night.
I've tried THCV and CBG isolate. Effects if any seem very subtle.
I may need to add a low dose of delta 8 or 9.
5mg of either orally send me to a different place. 1 to 2mg orally is more tolerable.
Before my daily runs I love to smoke a cbd dominant sativa and or mix in some high thc flower.
you are now on a med that helps you a lot (in most cases)

It's interesting how different people view the same statistics. Some will say the studies show the drugs are no better than placebo. Even in the literature they might say an AD has not been shown to work any better than placebo but psychiatrists keep using it in certain cohorts! :D

I certainly think they work. I started them due to panic syndrome from absolute hell and while high anxiety has persisted the outright panic attacks went away.

I'm on 3 AD's, venlafaxine, mirtazapine and now bupropion. They want me to taper down the venlafaxine and I'm down to 75mg from 225mg but I keep having problems if I try to stop it altogether so I will keep tapering slowly.
Zoloft made me feel crazy and caused anorgasmia, but wasn’t every time. I HATED this drug. Wellbutrin didn’t give me crazy mental sides like Zoloft did, but it did make it hard for me to get an erection ocassionally, especially once my doctor added pravastatin for cholesterol. I’ve since switched to buspirone and not only do I not have erection problems, it actually increased my libido and it’s helping my anxiety and ocd more than anything else that I’ve tried. I also take trazadone to help me sleep and for some additional anxiety relief
Yes. I didn't use it for OCD but I noticed it basically cured me of the rituals I had especially before I went to sleep. I was old when I first tried it, 34 years old! (43 now), so it's still fresh in memory. At first I instinctively I thought this will spike OCD due to the increased paranoiac thinking patterns and perhaps rumination, but the OCD rituals just fell off. And it has persisted into periods I don't use.
Awesome feedback. The person I’m trying to help has many rituals, many of them cause him get distress if they are not completely done.

Sorry not trying to hijack thread but that’s great to hear that cannabis helped you.
When you guys talk to your doctor or psychiatrist do you give them accurate information about your current trt hormone regimen or keep it to yourself?
It's interesting how different people view the same statistics. Some will say the studies show the drugs are no better than placebo. Even in the literature they might say an AD has not been shown to work any better than placebo but psychiatrists keep using it in certain cohorts! :D

I certainly think they work. I started them due to panic syndrome from absolute hell and while high anxiety has persisted the outright panic attacks went away.

I'm on 3 AD's, venlafaxine, mirtazapine and now bupropion. They want me to taper down the venlafaxine and I'm down to 75mg from 225mg but I keep having problems if I try to stop it altogether so I will keep tapering slowly.
I definitely think they work (for most people), that's undisputed for me.

Venlafaxine is indeed notorious for it's withdrawal effects... I remember when I took my dosage later in the day than I generally would, I'd already have withdrawal symptoms. You definitely need to taper off of it slowly.

But 3 AD's KS 😱 That's a little too much at the same time imo.

Also, since you are prone to anxiety and panic attacks, watch out with the Wellbutrin. It gave me constant and crippling anxiety and I'm used to harsher stimulants due to my ADHD.

There's something about Wellbutrin, I don't know what it is that causes it exactly but it sucks and they call it Hellbutrin for a reason 😂
It's interesting how different people view the same statistics. Some will say the studies show the drugs are no better than placebo. Even in the literature they might say an AD has not been shown to work any better than placebo but psychiatrists keep using it in certain cohorts! :D

I certainly think they work. I started them due to panic syndrome from absolute hell and while high anxiety has persisted the outright panic attacks went away.

I'm on 3 AD's, venlafaxine, mirtazapine and now bupropion. They want me to taper down the venlafaxine and I'm down to 75mg from 225mg but I keep having problems if I try to stop it altogether so I will keep tapering slowly.
I have a friend who was on Effexor at 300mg a day which I think is max dose.He tapered down every month and when he got to 75mg he was not the same and when completely came off he was in really bad shape mentally.It quickly went back up and now is ok at 225mg.His depression was worse when he came off it completely than before he went on it.Effexor is a very strong anti depressant and very hard to come off completely (in his case).I figured I would share that with you.
When you guys talk to your doctor or psychiatrist do you give them accurate information about your current trt hormone regimen or keep it to yourself?
Are we talking legally prescribed TRT or TRT done on your own?

If it's done on your own, I wouldn't mention it at all since the likelihood that they are going to blame the self prescribed TRT for all of your issues is high...

If it's done under medical supervision, that changes everything entirely and then I would always inform them.
When you guys talk to your doctor or psychiatrist do you give them accurate information about your current trt hormone regimen or keep it to yourself?

If the TRT is doctor ordered then yes you can tell them about it. If you do not have a prescription for TRT then DO NOT tell your doctor!!!!!!!!! I can’t stress this enough.. Keep the self administered TRT to yourself.

Anybody tried cannabis for OCD? There is a tremendous amount of research on CBD/delta9THC and the impact it has on OCD.

I’ve been deep diving the research lately because somebody very close to me suffers OCD and SRI medications don’t really help (they only help in 60% of OCD cases).

I think 100mg CBD in a full spectrum distillate with an additional 5-10mg of delta8THC twice a day AM and PM. Adding 9deltaTHCv (not a typo) at 5-10mg during AM would be a good idea too.
I live in CA and have been legally using it since 2006 for PTSD, it's a cultural thing here, but microdosing anything is a better way to attenuate existing symptoms starting off with more "experimental" compounds

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