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Boss's (first) NPC Prep

OK guys as promised here is a detailed workout and diet log from Sunday 8/7

Weight: 198.4
Protein: 238
Fat: 48
Carbs: 431

Meal 1: 6oz Chicken, 1.5 cups Jasmine Rice, 1 cup Veggies

Meal 2 (Post Workout): 166g cereal, 2 cups Choc Skim Milk, 2.33 scoops Protein

Meal 3: 6oz Ground Beef, 1.25 cups Jasmine Rice, .5 cup Veggies, 1 tbsp Sriracha Mayo

Meal 4: 6oz Talapia, 1.5 Cups Jasmine Rice, 1 cup Veggies, 1 tbsp Sriracha Mayo

Meal 5: 1 cup Choc Skim Milk, 2 scoops Protein

On my plan I have it split into 6 meals but depending on how much time I have in the day, and how hungry I am, it's not uncommon for me to merge two meals in one sitting, which is what I did with my post workout. Additionally, my ideal goal is to rely on only one shake per day (post workout) but again with time constraints sometimes I have to drink a few meals.

Here is the workout. Again the format I use is: weight x reps, sets separated by a comma / dropsets separated by the slash / (x sets in parenthesis). Grouping the exercises together so you can see what I supersetted. This is a pretty good example of a push day for me. It's always chest, triceps, shoulders, with a lot of supersets to get it done faster.

Cable Crossover: 44x10 / 33x10 / 22x10 (x3)
DB Lat Raise: 30x10 / 20x10 / 10x10 (x3)

Tricep Pushdown: 130x10 / 100x10 / 70x10 (x3)

Incline Db Press: 50x35, 60x25, 70x20 / 60x10 / 50x10
Upright Rear Row: 50x35, 60x25, 70x20 / 60x10 / 50x10

Flat Bench: 135x10, 185x10, 225x5, 275x5 / 225x6 / 135x11

Skull Krushers: 70x20 (x3)
Rope Pulldown: 100x10, 70x20 (x2)

Machine Shoulder Press: 90x10, 140x10, 165x20 (x3) / 140x5 / 90x15
Pec Deck: 150x10 (x2), 150x15 / 100x15 / 80x15
Single Tricep Pulldown: 40x10 (x3) / 30x10 / 10x10

Cable Rear Raise: 20x10, 20x20 (x2) / 10x10
Cable Lat Raise: 20x10, 20x20 (x2) / 10x10
Monday 8/8

Weight: 201.8
Protein: 239
Fat: 60
Carbs: 442

BB Squats
Narrow Stance Leg Press
Reverse Hack Squat
Single Leg Extension
Single Leg Curl
Walking Lunge
Ok guys I know I said pics on Tuesday but I ended up just taking video so here it is.**broken link removed**
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Tuesday 8/9

Today was supposed to be my high carb/refeed day. Unfortunately I got sick and missed my last meal. Still struggling to eat today but I got my work out in.
The weight is frustrating me I should be at least 198 by now.

Weight: 201.4
Protein: 201
Fat: 35
Carbs: 466

Lately my style is to just go in and get it done but I made another detailed work out log. This was a different gym and the workout felt a bit awkward. Wanted to go a bit heavier on the DB Press but they only went to 100.

Flat DB Press: 50x10, 75x10, 90x10, 100x15 (x3) / 50x20
High Cable Crossover: 60[each handle]x10, 80x10, 100x10 (x3) / 50x20
Incline DB Press: 60x20 (x3) / 30x20
Pec Deck: 120x20, 160x10, 200x10 / 100x20 / 50x20
Bench Press: Just did some quick light sets at the end for bonus points. Didn't track any sets or reps.
As of today I am running 200/e3d Sustanon till I switch at 4 weeks out.
Seems like there may be a problem with my sustanon. Not sure why as I have used it before and it was fine although I did mix it with other gear last time and this time I shot it straight. Last injection into my quad severely irritated it. Symptoms look to me like it crashed in the muscle. Red, swollen, and extrememly painful. I don't think it's infected. But I took it and mixed it with some enanthate and pinned it deeper into the glute this morning so we shall see if that helps.

Weight seems to be fluctuating a lot since I started the sust. Was all the way down to 195.6 last weekend, and I'm 201.2 this morning. Going to get impedence scanned today and see if it says my lean mass is higher.

I have not been tracking my workouts, just been going in and killing it trying to get it done. Strength levels have been pretty good. Energy seems to be down a bit. I crashed early last night and got about 12 hours of sleep. Did some HIIT this morning on my own accord. Just want to see if I can get the scale to trend back down a bit.

A few inj in to the sus/enanth combo is going well so far. Not sure if I just had a bad inj in the quad or what but no problem with glutes so far. Calories are the same and weight back down to 197 the last two days. Really enjoyed todays back work out. Here it is from memory so mostly accurate haha.

Dual Handle Cable Row: 3 sets warmup, 260x10 (x3) / 140x20
Conc Curl: 35x10 (x3) / 15x15

Rev EZ Curl: 90x10 (x2), 90x12 / 40x20
Dual Handle Pulldown: 200x10 (x2), 200x8 / 100x20

Cable Conc Curl: 40x10 (x3) / 20x20
Pullups: 15 (x2), 10 / Band assist x10

Single Rope Hammer Curl: 40x10 (x2)
Rope Hammer Curl: 85x10 / 40x20
Seated Row Machine: 180x10 (x3) / 90x10
Damn! Down to 195.4 today! Leaner by the day but still feeling impatient to be truly shredded. Had a great workout today.

Incline DB Press: 95x15 (x3)
Lat Raise: 45x15 (x3)
Skull Krush: 90x15 (x3)

Flat Bench: 185x15
Upright Row: 70x15
Cable Kickback: 30x15

High Cable Press: 38x15
Leaning Lat Raise: 30x15
Push Down: 100x15

Incline Bench: 135+light bands x15 (x3), 135x10, 95x10
Bent Over Rear Raise: 35x20 (x3)
Rope Pulldown: 70x20 (x3)
Guys anything you would like to see in the log let me know.

Legs yesterday. Squats warmed up with sets of 10 till about 225, hit sets of 3 till 405x2 (x3) don't be too impressed of course with my hamstring injury I haven't even been able to squat parallel any more but I do what I can do. This was followed by another set of 225x10 I believe before moving on to the leg press. Warmed up on LP wit a few sets of 10 working up to heavy sets of 5 probably had about 24 plates in there followed by a continuous dropset taking 4 plates off per set all the way to 4 plates x50 and sled x100. On to leg curls and ext.'s worked up to 190x10 and again dropsets. 1 set of lunges too much pain in the hamstrings moved on to flip some tires 5 sets I believe and finished with one set of "squats" 135x20
OK update time.
Calories still the same from what I previously stated. Still no cardio. Coach says everything is OK because averages are good. I definitley see that I am leaner but still have this last bit of fat that's driving me crazy.

Chest workout today and pics were taken which I will try to get uploaded tomorrow.

Incline DB Press: 70x10, 85x10, 100x10, 115x10, 115x10, 55x20

High Crossover Press: 49?x10 (x2), 33?x20

Incline Machine Press: 180x15 (x2), 90X20

Pec Deck: 150x15 (x3) / 120x10 / 90x10 / 60x10 / 30x10
I think dieting is different for everyone but sometimes I get in the groove and it seems easy and some days my brain won't shut the fuck up about eating some fat! I am ashamed to admit I broke and had a bad cheat meal and shot all the way up to 203 lbs. The crazy thing is I feel like it gave my metabolism a boost! Dropped the weight quick and hit 197.6 yesterday. I think I'm looking my leanest to date. Waiting to get a new phone in a couple days so no pics until then.
Averaging mid 196 right now. No changes in the diet. Added 3 HIIT cardio sessions per week and 30 min ss all other days. Less than 3 weeks to go!


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12 DAYS OUT!!!

Went from running 300 test P, added 100 Winny, then bumped Winny to 150 and dropped test to 240. Dropping test completely on Thursday. Cut SS cardio to 15 minutes as of today. Feels like I'm getting leaner every day and I definitely look the best I ever have! Definitely getting some looks and comments haha.
Dropped the test. Dropped winny to 50. Cut back cardio. Diet is pretty much the same for peak weak. A few less carbs than my usual refeed today. Last workout is tomorrow and then just pumping up for Saturday morning.
Good luck man, have fun on stage. All the hard work is done now it's time to enjoy.

3rd in class novice. I'm happy with it. Definitely an interesting experience. Fun but at the same time very challenging and exhausting. Got some other stuff going on right now that made doing this show even more challenging so I'm glad it's over. Got a lot of other things to focus on. And it's time to put on some size.
Congrats on the placing , first show is always a shock to the psyche but now you know what to expect next time. Your condition is great but I agree time to add some muscle esp arms.
Congrats! I was there working the Nutrithority booth.

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