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But then again, we gave you the best steroids in history. Anyone can get relatively big with ease. The steroids and nutrition are easy anymore. What makes it special? I don't mean nothing by it, but who chosen the winners and losers. Not just your average people are steroid bound assholes, but worse, we have jack shit Instagram models and movie stars being worshiped for no cause of there own.
Lmao the code words xD
Lol, yeah I thought some might think it was code. In reality I really did order a priest video. Gave up juice after my heart attack.
I'll give you guys an update on what's going on since I am from China myself. So a lot of larger raw companies like Landmark Chem and Alliance raw has fired all their employees because they're afraid that their employees will snitch on the bosses ( being the bosses are generally assholes) Landmark is making cinnamon now and alliance is selling fake hair. I mean you can tell by selling how many sponsors went off the board on professional muscle. But a lot of factories are still producing and a lot of middlemen are still working in the area. But this is going to be like prostitution and fake alcohol in China. What I mean by that is there will be sudden and random crack downs on and off. It has become a higher risk game to play in China and almost all the larger company has disbanded leaving smaller middlemen. The factories that are manufacturing the raws are still selling under table to the middle men to sell to you guys, because that's literally the bulk of their income and they can't afford to lose that. Just a week ago there was a bigger player in China, we'll call him Zhang, he got busted for 10k vials of hgh, but i heard he got out the next day after paying a huge fine. So it's really a cat and mice game. And people can avoid prison by paying up, but like the Zhang guy, reportedly paid 2 years of his revenue as fine to get out of trouble, and the HGH factory he was ordering from was shut down and the people were arrested too. So crackdown are sporadic, but in the long run I am sure the government will continue to crack down bit by bit. It's like how they cracked down prostitution in China. prostitution still exist, but they been cracking down for the past 10 years and it has really drastically reduced. So the Chinese government is going to probably use the same approach. Crack down slowly but surely until everything is rooted out, but the process might take years. Because to be honest, this isn't a top priority for the government, but how the Chinese work is different. In the US, getting caught is a high probability, low impact incident. In china it's a high impact low probability incident. They really believe in making a statement. like how they executed the fentenyl dealer like a few months ago.


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I don't think the risk has changed for customers in the US. As for China, well the enforcement is a very different matter in China compare to the US. In the US, when the gov said they are going to enforce, they actually do enforce. and there's always a right or wrong. In China, the law is one thing the enforcement is another thing. For example, China is supposely a communist state, but right now it's more capitalistic then ever. Take another example. prostitution is supposely illegal, in fact it has never been legal, but it's so rampant in China it's not even a joke. To the chinese there's not really "laws" but "enforcements" and right now at this moment, they are not enforcing in China, they were last year, but not now. It's always an on and off thing. Actually AAS has ALWAYS been illegal in China, but you see these big companies in China blatantly sell AAS and paying taxes for it too. The Chinese cracked down on AAS in 2008 (see operation gear grinder) along with the US before the Beijing Olympics, and then they stopped enforcing afterwards. it's always just a cat and mice game. Because really in the end of the days the chinese dont give a damn about AAS, because chinese people just dont use it and even if they do, in the chinese gov's opinion, they are just doing harm to themselves and no one else, it's not causing any social consequences. The only reason they ever enforce is to appease with the Americans.
...really in the end of the days the chinese dont give a damn about AAS, because chinese people just dont use it and even if they do, in the chinese gov's opinion, they are just doing harm to themselves and no one else, it's not causing any social consequences...
When china stays out of your life more than the US, them's fighting times.
I don't think the risk has changed for customers in the US. As for China, well the enforcement is a very different matter in China compare to the US. In the US, when the gov said they are going to enforce, they actually do enforce. and there's always a right or wrong. In China, the law is one thing the enforcement is another thing. For example, China is supposely a communist state, but right now it's more capitalistic then ever. Take another example. prostitution is supposely illegal, in fact it has never been legal, but it's so rampant in China it's not even a joke. To the chinese there's not really "laws" but "enforcements" and right now at this moment, they are not enforcing in China, they were last year, but not now. It's always an on and off thing. Actually AAS has ALWAYS been illegal in China, but you see these big companies in China blatantly sell AAS and paying taxes for it too. The Chinese cracked down on AAS in 2008 (see operation gear grinder) along with the US before the Beijing Olympics, and then they stopped enforcing afterwards. it's always just a cat and mice game. Because really in the end of the days the chinese dont give a damn about AAS, because chinese people just dont use it and even if they do, in the chinese gov's opinion, they are just doing harm to themselves and no one else, it's not causing any social consequences. The only reason they ever enforce is to appease with the Americans.

It does appear that the ban of AAS is more about the Olympics, and using AAS as bargaining chip towards the U.S. I feel like fentanyl enforcement is what America cares about, and rightfully so.
It does appear that the ban of AAS is more about the Olympics, and using AAS as bargaining chip towards the U.S. I feel like fentanyl enforcement is what America cares about, and rightfully so.
I'll let you in a lil secret. All the AAS makers in China were also making fentenyl a few yrs ago, especially the company Yuan chen. I mean the process isn't very different, they just toss it in to a reactor and kaboom, chemicals are created. In fact all chemicals are made this way. Just pre-cursors, toss in to a reactor, adjust heat and pressure, and wait for a certain amount of time (each chemical is different) then out comes the API.
I'll let you in a lil secret. All the AAS makers in China were also making fentenyl a few yrs ago, especially the company Yuan chen. I mean the process isn't very different, they just toss it in to a reactor and kaboom, chemicals are created. In fact all chemicals are made this way. Just pre-cursors, toss in to a reactor, adjust heat and pressure, and wait for a certain amount of time (each chemical is different) then out comes the API.
Interesting... I didn't know that. That makes sense though. Money makes the world go round. I don't agree with Fetenyl but people love drugs. Not me. Just give me my AAS.
Interesting... I didn't know that. That makes sense though. Money makes the world go round. I don't agree with Fetenyl but people love drugs. Not me. Just give me my AAS.
Actually, i'll tell you what people do with fentenyls. Americans are hook on to opiates like oxy and stuff but oxy need to be made from baline which is derived from real poppy plants grown in Australia (Yes there are commercial poppy farmers in the aussie growing shit for big pharmas). So it's impossible to obtain that stuff.. that's why they use fentenyl to replace any opiates. Fentenyl is basically synthetic opiates. After a while they realize fentenyl is such a great bang for the buck they just started tossing that shit in coke. E and everything in between. I'll give you a figure.. 1 kg of fent prob goes for like 80k in the USD right now.. Product cost for 1 kg of fen will not exceed 50 bucks probably more like 20
Actually, i'll tell you what people do with fentenyls. Americans are hook on to opiates like oxy and stuff but oxy need to be made from baline which is derived from real poppy plants grown in Australia (Yes there are commercial poppy farmers in the aussie growing shit for big pharmas). So it's impossible to obtain that stuff.. that's why they use fentenyl to replace any opiates. Fentenyl is basically synthetic opiates. After a while they realize fentenyl is such a great bang for the buck they just started tossing that shit in coke. E and everything in between. I'll give you a figure.. 1 kg of fent prob goes for like 80k in the USD right now.. Product cost for 1 kg of fen will not exceed 50 bucks probably more like 20

Americans love opiates. I don't get it, but they do. I didn't know oxy's were made poppy plants. Probable one reason why america military use to guard the poppy farms in Afghanistan... I've read Fent was being used in E. That cost to make a KG is nuts. Fent is a terrible drug.
I'll let you in a lil secret. All the AAS makers in China were also making fentenyl a few yrs ago, especially the company Yuan chen. I mean the process isn't very different, they just toss it in to a reactor and kaboom, chemicals are created. In fact all chemicals are made this way. Just pre-cursors, toss in to a reactor, adjust heat and pressure, and wait for a certain amount of time (each chemical is different) then out comes the API.

That brings up a good point. If there not regulating the pre cursors then product can be produced freely. Which is a loophole left probably on purpose. Are there government run labs?
pre cursors are hard to ban. i'll give you an example. the pre cursors for AAS is basically soybeans. They get DHEA from soybeans and use DHEA to make AAS. How are you going to ban soybeans. Pre cursors are usually some type of plant derivatives that's very common. I'll give u another one. Do you know the pre cursor for estacy is basically some oil from a root of a very very popular plant.. forgot what's it's name, but u can probably find it in your backyard
pre cursors are hard to ban. i'll give you an example. the pre cursors for AAS is basically soybeans. They get DHEA from soybeans and use DHEA to make AAS. How are you going to ban soybeans. Pre cursors are usually some type of plant derivatives that's very common. I'll give u another one. Do you know the pre cursor for estacy is basically some oil from a root of a very very popular plant.. forgot what's it's name, but u can probably find it in your backyard

That’s pretty amazing. I don’t know the synthesis process for AAS. For E your thinking of safrole. They do monitor purchases of it in the US. They also monitor ergot which is a precursor for LSD. Probably impossible to monitor all the soy bean purchases. Thanks for the knowledge. I had no idea.
That’s pretty amazing. I don’t know the synthesis process for AAS. For E your thinking of safrole. They do monitor purchases of it in the US. They also monitor ergot which is a precursor for LSD. Probably impossible to monitor all the soy bean purchases. Thanks for the knowledge. I had no idea.
For almost everything simple/popular there are synthesis guides/processes online. Not always in a simple step format but close enough if you got some time to sit down and read that you can do it.

I know the gov tracks glassware, pill pressers, and a whole lot of shit. They definitely can't ban it all. I'm slowly getting shit now before their data centers and processing powers are good enough to see ALL of it in real time. I'm pretty sure right now everything is saved anyways tho.

Remember after that scare pressure cookers got you on a list too? fking lmao
For almost everything simple/popular there are synthesis guides/processes online. Not always in a simple step format but close enough if you got some time to sit down and read that you can do it.

I know the gov tracks glassware, pill pressers, and a whole lot of shit. They definitely can't ban it all. I'm slowly getting shit now before their data centers and processing powers are good enough to see ALL of it in real time. I'm pretty sure right now everything is saved anyways tho.

Remember after that scare pressure cookers got you on a list too? fking lmao

I threw my pressure cooker away when I head that shit. No lie! Lmao.

The irony that safrole is illegal but the oil isn't. There are some hilarious contradictions. They can't watch it all but I had no clue some labs used soy beans to synthesize AAS. Probably some of the same soy beans we spray round up on and then export.
I threw my pressure cooker away when I head that shit. No lie! Lmao.

The irony that safrole is illegal but the oil isn't. There are some hilarious contradictions. They can't watch it all but I had no clue some labs used soy beans to synthesize AAS. Probably some of the same soy beans we spray round up on and then export.

I miss GHB & GBL. Now the penalty is so harsh that it is no way worth the risk. They keep taking our freedom away one chip at a time.
I miss GHB & GBL. Now the penalty is so harsh that it is no way worth the risk. They keep taking our freedom away one chip at a time.

it's not as good as ghb/gbl, but i've been playing around with a "precursor" that is legal called 1.4 butanediol. You can get it on Amazon. It's still a similar great "euphoric" relaxing feeling, but just not as intense as ghb/gbl.

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