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Cupping for tight muscles and Muscle soreness


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2012
Does anybody know if cupping actually helps with tight muscles and soreness? I've seen it done on people, but I don't really know if it works or makes it better. Any opinions?
I have it done with massage and grafston. The marks suck but it works.
Leaving the cups in one place isn’t super beneficial. Find a practitioner who applies them and then slides them around, and that’s where the real magic happens
That's the scraping one, right? What does that do? Does it help loosen muscles
Yes, the scraping one. It breaks up adhesions in the muscle, and loosens areas where the skin adheres to the muscle facia. Your skin should slide around, if it doesn’t you end up with range of motion issues. Pull the skin on the top of your hand back towards your elbow woth your other hand, and then try to bend your wrist. You won’t get very far. Cupping mostly deals with the adhesions, grastons gets much deeper and will leave you sore and bruised. And they do it while moving the limb which is helpful
Leaving the cups in one place isn’t super beneficial. Find a practitioner who applies them and then slides them around, and that’s where the real magic happens
And it feels like it's peeling the facia apart from the muscle , hurts like a mother fucker but definitely works. There is a guy her in New Orleans that has a handful of IFBB pros , as well as a bunch of pro athletes that fly him all over the country constantly. He's definitely worth the cost and wait. It's definitely help with my mobility as well
It does hurt, but that’s exactly what your doing. Your skin is held down by adherens junctions which are kind of like little tissue hairs that hold the skin to the facia. This can become scarred and bound up prevent sliding surfaces. The cupping and sliding literally pees this part like Velcro. Derek Farnsworth does amazing works with grastons and stuff
And it feels like it's peeling the facia apart from the muscle , hurts like a mother fucker but definitely works. There is a guy her in New Orleans that has a handful of IFBB pros , as well as a bunch of pro athletes that fly him all over the country constantly. He's definitely worth the cost and wait. It's definitely help with my mobility as well
Cupping does NOTHING of benefit. Whenever I see a guy with those cupping hickeys on his body, I am always reminded of the Emperor and his New Clothes. Graston can often do far more harm than good.

ART (Active Release Techniques) is beneficial though.
I do it every week as part of my discharge physiotherapy and it works as a part of a whole.
Cupping does NOTHING of benefit. Whenever I see a guy with those cupping hickeys on his body, I am always reminded of the Emperor and his New Clothes. Graston can often do far more harm than good.

ART (Active Release Techniques) is beneficial though.

Are any of these techniques supported by good science? Including ART? Or maybe they all work but not in the manner proposed. It just feels good.
I don't think cupping does nothing, but I usually do use it in conjunction with other therapies.

When I have money I like A.R.T and Graston (or gua sha) best. I'm also to the point where I can do both on a lot of parts of my body myself.
Cupping does NOTHING of benefit. Whenever I see a guy with those cupping hickeys on his body, I am always reminded of the Emperor and his New Clothes. Graston can often do far more harm than good.

ART (Active Release Techniques) is beneficial though.

Maybe you are taking about the little plastic cups that they stick on and leave there for 10 minutes and does nothing more than leave a hickey.

But when the single cup is hooked to a machine that steady builds suction and they drag that bitch down the facial plains it's definitely doing something.!!!
The increase is mobility and range of motion I got after my first session with Arrid Hansel was more than I had gotten from months of physical therapy because what he had done was broke lose major adhesions that physical therapy wasn't even touching..
I'd see him once a week if I could afford it.
Maybe you are taking about the little plastic cups that they stick on and leave there for 10 minutes and does nothing more than leave a hickey.

But when the single cup is hooked to a machine that steady builds suction and they drag that bitch down the facial plains it's definitely doing something.!!!
The increase is mobility and range of motion I got after my first session with Arrid Hansel was more than I had gotten from months of physical therapy because what he had done was broke lose major adhesions that physical therapy wasn't even touching..
I'd see him once a week if I could afford it.
I am indeed talking about that form of cupping, as well as the Chinese-style cupping I received as an introduction. It was like they used some device that created a vaccuum through my skin if that makes sense, which felt like I was bleeding, and looked like it did some real damage. All that I can say, is that when my training was poorly constructed (too much volume), I felt I needed massage and all this shit to break down adhesions. It turns out, recovery and SLEEP being prioritized more than these variables seems to be better, at least for me, than constantly overreaching and believing too strongly (IMO) in methods that "break down fascial planes." I definitely believe in some recovery methods including massage, ART as mentioned, sauna. I'd attribute this benefit mostly to the power of relaxation during stressful training phases, and partly why I think these invasive manipulations (Graston on the extreme end) of muscle adhesions can do more harm than good.
Are any of these techniques supported by good science? Including ART? Or maybe they all work but not in the manner proposed. It just feels good.
Cupping is definitely characterized as practically useless by the science, that's my understanding. I haven't delved into the topic a great deal in a long while, but I would suspect that things like relaxed massage, similar to tai chi, has some real scientific support.

Still, there's not much good science to support much of even standard chiropractic treatment modalities (which would likely include ART) that are considered standard ("real") treatment, that is, that are covered by insurance.

Variously, contrast showers have real benefit. Sauna is somewhat equivocal. Tai chi and massage have some scientific support.

Recognize though, with these practices, you're always going to run into definitional differences and individuals arguing that their favorite practitioner does things differently, et cetera. I will look more into the topic as well as how ART ties in though, I am interested to see if there is more literature on the topic since I last looked.
Cupping Therapy (CT) is an ancient method and currently used in the treatment of a broad range of medical conditions. Nonetheless the mechanism of action of (CT) is not fully understood. This review aimed to identify possible mechanisms of action of (CT) from modern medicine perspective and offer possible explanations of its effects. English literature in PubMed, Cochrane Library and Google Scholar was searched using key words. Only 223 articles identified, 149 records screened, and 74 articles excluded for irrelevancy. Only 75 full-text articles were assessed for eligibility, included studies in this review were 64. Six theories have been suggested to explain the effects produced by cupping therapy. Pain reduction and changes in biomechanical properties of the skin could be explained by "Pain-Gate Theory", "Diffuse Noxious Inhibitory Controls" and "Reflex zone theory". Muscle relaxation, changes in local tissue structures and increase in blood circulation might be explained by "Nitric Oxide theory". Immunological effects and hormonal adjustments might be attributed to "Activation of immune system theory". Releasing of toxins and removal of wastes and heavy metals might be explained by "Blood Detoxification Theory". These theories may overlap or work interchangeably to produce various therapeutic effects in specific ailments and diseases. Apparently, no single theory exists to explain the whole effects of cupping. Further researches are needed to support or refute the aforesaid theories, and also develop innovative conceptualizations of (CT) in future.
"Blood Detoxification Theory..." "Activation of immune system theory..." "Diffuse Noxious Inhibitory Controls..." What utter and complete bullshit!

Al-Bedah AMN, Elsubai IS, Qureshi NA, Aboushanab TS, Ali GIM, El-Olemy AT, Khalil AAH, Khalil MKM, Alqaed MS. The medical perspective of cupping therapy: Effects and mechanisms of action. J Tradit Complement Med. 2018 Apr 30;9(2):90-97. doi: 10.1016/j.jtcme.2018.03.003. PMID: 30963043; PMCID: PMC6435947.
I am indeed talking about that form of cupping, as well as the Chinese-style cupping I received as an introduction. It was like they used some device that created a vaccuum through my skin if that makes sense, which felt like I was bleeding, and looked like it did some real damage. All that I can say, is that when my training was poorly constructed (too much volume), I felt I needed massage and all this shit to break down adhesions. It turns out, recovery and SLEEP being prioritized more than these variables seems to be better, at least for me, than constantly overreaching and believing too strongly (IMO) in methods that "break down fascial planes." I definitely believe in some recovery methods including massage, ART as mentioned, sauna. I'd attribute this benefit mostly to the power of relaxation during stressful training phases, and partly why I think these invasive manipulations (Graston on the extreme end) of muscle adhesions can do more harm than good.

Prevention will always be better than cure.

If you need massage therapy every week, then you are training poorly or having insufficient rest or sleep.

If you are a pro athlete, then, this may be mandatory and needs massages every week.

But for the majority here, it is better to readjust their rest and training than to keep patching.

I've always had shoulder pain, solution was as simple as doing lighter dumbbell in side and rear raises, and swapping the peck deck machine for the crossover with bands.
Prevention will always be better than cure.

If you need massage therapy every week, then you are training poorly or having insufficient rest or sleep.

If you are a pro athlete, then, this may be mandatory and needs massages every week.

But for the majority here, it is better to readjust their rest and training than to keep patching.

I've always had shoulder pain, solution was as simple as doing lighter dumbbell in side and rear raises, and swapping the peck deck machine for the crossover with bands.

You're going to have to explain this thought process to me..

So if we need massages weekly we're training poorly?

Maybe we just push harder cuz that's what it takes to grow? Sure as fuck not going to grow if not pushing it.

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