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Do you take HCG with your TRT?


Well-known member
May 3, 2016
based on your experience, is TRT better with HCG or without?
Some people swear by adding HCG with TRT therapy,
They enforce the DHEA\Pregnenolone , LH and FSH etc... and the fact that they feel that much better using it.
Other don't use it, and also report feeling well.
I prefer NOT using it, having looked at it at length, my impression was that the benefits reported from bi-thereaphy with HCG, the benefits reported are primarily from the testosterone/E spikes that the HCG can give.
To me it means that you still have NOT found your TRT sweet-spot.
Some people swear by adding HCG with TRT therapy,
They enforce the DHEA\Pregnenolone , LH and FSH etc... and the fact that they feel that much better using it.
Other don't use it, and also report feeling well.
I prefer NOT using it, having looked at it at length, my impression was that the benefits reported from bi-thereaphy with HCG, the benefits reported are primarily from the testosterone/E spikes that the HCG can give.
To me it means that you still have NOT found your TRT sweet-spot.

It's just such a bitch to find the sweet spot. I tried for a year and half with T only and I couldn't. I restarted, took 100mg a week of T, one or two weeks i felt great before high e2 and felt shit, so lowered to 90mg and felt great for a week then i had low e2 and felt shit again. You'd think 95mg be the sweet spot, nope!
I did for a while - I experimented with different dosing schedules. Always felt anxious on it though, even at very low doses, so I've discontinued using it.
I like it with daily dosing to prevent E2 elevation.
I did for a while - I experimented with different dosing schedules. Always felt anxious on it though, even at very low doses, so I've discontinued using it.

same , cycling without it
I don't use hcg and have not in over 16 years
HCG should never be ran over 6 weeks.

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I have been using HCG for over 10 years with good results. It does many things besides mood , testicle size, T boost. There is also keeping the P450 pathway open.
TRT since April and my balls are not very small. Does it take more time? Planning to use HCG but dunno now.
I have been using HCG for over 10 years with good results. It does many things besides mood , testicle size, T boost. There is also keeping the P450 pathway open.

Not sure what you mean by the P450 pathway open. I use hCG too most of the time on TRT. My little protocol is 1000 u hCG and 12.5 mg Exem Thurs, 100 mf 12.5 T Exem Fri, 12.5 Exem Tues. Works pretty well. If I drop the hCG I go flat, nuts shrink and I feel like I'm dragging.

Slightly off topic: If you are only on TRT for a good bit like 8 weeks or more you may notice that GHRP2, GHRP6, CJC1295 DAC and IGF-1 LR3 all work.

If you're on a gram of AAS and 5 iu of GH for a good while you won't see anything from those peptides above.

Think of it like a bathtub full. If you put a teaspoon of red food coloring in it you wont see much color after it mixs in. If the bathtub only has 1 inch of water and you put in the same amount of food coloring you will see a lot tarker color. That's how the hormones activity is like the color in the tub.
Without. Hcg seemed to lead to elevated e2 and water retention (while doing once weekly injects)
Ive recently started emerics protocol and so far i prefer daily low dose injects (10mg/day) with no hcg or ai.
Without. Hcg seemed to lead to elevated e2 and water retention (while doing once weekly injects)
Ive recently started emerics protocol and so far i prefer daily low dose injects (10mg/day) with no hcg or ai.

This is what REAL "TRT" is supposed to be.
Stick to this protocol and your balls will fluff back up as will your reproductive system come back to where it was pre therapy.
This is what REAL "TRT" is supposed to be.
Stick to this protocol and your balls will fluff back up as will your reproductive system come back to where it was pre therapy.

what do you mean? are you saying one doesn't shut down when you take ED low dose?
Generally, testosterone therapy (HRT) does not result in significant testicular shrinkage, especially the topicals (Androgel, Testim, compounding). However, all testosterone therapy will tend to shut off the feedback cycle that occurs from the hypothalamus/pituitary to the testes to one degree or another. Essentially, the body says, "Oh! I've got plenty of plasma testosterone" and, therefore, does not pump out as much leutinizing hormone. (The feedback is actually based on estradiol interesting enough, but estradiol rises with increasing testosterone due to aromatization.) Of course, this is why hormone replacement therapy will almost always negatively affect male fertility. Again, though, testicular shrinkage should be minimal if dosed correctly. So based on the amount of testosterone you are using for HRT, HCG may not be needed.
I use a small amount of hcg (250iu’s twice weekly) for four years. I debated whether or not to add it to my testosterone regimen and decided there was more evidence that pointed to its use. I also didn’t want my nuts to shrink!
Used HCG for the first year and a half of TRT at 300iu 2x a week. Now just running 40mg Test eod. Haven’t noticed a difference since removing it from my protocol.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
what do you mean? are you saying one doesn't shut down when you take ED low dose?

Geardepot answered the question.
I would think it would depend on whether the person had primary vs secondary hypogonadism as to how valuable HCG could be.

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