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Epistane or proviron?

Are there any non-controlled, easier to get compounds than Proviron?
I also run TRT and would like to enhance any free bound or get the most bang for my buck.
do any sources here carry epistane?
Man I would kill to get my hands on legit epistane again lol
^^^i love the stuff too ..way under-rated, IMO ..it's like a Super-Winstrol that doesn't leave as flat

do any sources here carry epistane?
^^^well we used to carry it

(..i still have a bottle, lol)

►many guys already know this;
..we'r a REAL LAB & our products never fail ..so with enough demand, we'll produce just about any product that the community wants

►so anybody that wants to (..& is eligible) can start a "who wants DIRECT to produce XXXXXXXX" thread in the sponsor's section
^^^& we'll see what it does

(..that how many of our products got on our list ..like: Telmisartan, Lasix, Finasteride, T4, Aldactone, PRIMO Tabs etc etc etc)

..we are here to serve this community

Legit epi is worth the add for lean tissue gains. There were some great ph/ds back then
Strictly physical changes, stuff you can see in the mirror...epistane in a heartbeat.
And i love proviron. But proviron to me is very mild and only realllly noticeable to the eye when you're lean enough.

I loved epistane and clones back in the day. Havoc was a big one.
Strictly physical changes, stuff you can see in the mirror...epistane in a heartbeat.
And i love proviron. But proviron to me is very mild and only realllly noticeable to the eye when you're lean enough.

I loved epistane and clones back in the day. Havoc was a big one.

Sometimes I'll see it on ebay through old companies but sold at like 130 a bottle

Found one recently at 175 lol. Never even heard of this company https://www.ebay.com/itm/203782982735?hash=item2f72698c4f:g:EkoAAOSwnAxhvUEW

Epistane seems amazing
Probably a clone. When it was big, everyone was trying to make it.
Super dryyy oral. Very winny/var like to me.

Once in awhile youll see a sponsor have it on here.

Very nice! How did the clones compare to the actual for you? I'm assuming just weaker at a similar dose?

I have heard it was very dry , but people reported around 7 pounds of scale weight and it had a nice added fullness to it?

God bless
Honestly, identical. The only ones i noticed a major difference were superdrol clones. Other stuff was pretttty damn close.
Yep. As dry as winny but definitely more fullness. A much dryer T-bol might be a better explanation.
Had t back off a couple times because my shoulders would get creeeeky as shit, but if you were under 10%...completely changed your look.
Crispy looking.
Honestly, identical. The only ones i noticed a major difference were superdrol clones. Other stuff was pretttty damn close.
Yep. As dry as winny but definitely more fullness. A much dryer T-bol might be a better explanation.
Had t back off a couple times because my shoulders would get creeeeky as shit, but if you were under 10%...completely changed your look.
Crispy looking.

Sounds absolutely incredible. I'm going to have to try it. I've seen one trusted source carry it , but not a sponsor. Considering the UK supp shops. That sucks it made you'r joints dry , though.

I've also heard that it's great for strength

What do you like it dosed at? Would 20-30 suffice?
Sounds absolutely incredible. I'm going to have to try it. I've seen one trusted source carry it , but not a sponsor. Considering the UK supp shops. That sucks it made you'r joints dry , though.

I've also heard that it's great for strength

What do you like it dosed at? Would 20-30 suffice?
Usually 30-50. Epistane also is the first drug that made me start shedddding, which was a bitch back then.
That was the start of the hair slowly sayin goodbye.
predator in uk carries a new ibe epistane 20mg, have had some packs go thru and 1 get snaggged never ordered again
I still have some old M-drol (superdrol). I run it occasionally but it always makes me super sleepy and feel awful on it. It works amazing but has a lot of sides.
Are there any non-controlled, easier to get compounds than Proviron?
I also run TRT and would like to enhance any free bound or get the most bang for my buck.
No not effective there is no non C-III out; there just mast which again is controlled.
This thread seems as good as any to provide some excerpts from my notes on Proviron. I saw @luki7788 was inquiring about Proviron on another thread, so I'll provide some of what I've compiled on it:

Mesterolone; 1α-methyl-DHT

Contraindicated. Long-term (12 week) use in men caused withdrawal symptoms. Increased serum DHEA concentrations. [99]

Δ4 pathway of T biosynthesis ⇒ <<DHEA & >FSH
mesterolone (1α-methyl-DHT) may block Δ5 pathway of T synthesis ↑DHEA supply from [adrenal] DHEA pool for T synthesis

Neural effects
Itil et al. (1974) have demonstrated quantitatively the physiological correlates of certain previously reported behavioural effects of an anabolic-androgenic steroid (mesterolone) such as an increase of mental alertness, mood elevation, improvement of memory and concentration, and reduction of sensations of fatigue, all of which can partly be related to the central nervous system (CNS) ‘stimulatory’ effects of mesterolone. Electroencephalographic profiles of varying dosages of mesterolone were found to be very similar to those seen with psychostimulants such as dextroamphetamine and the tricyclic antidepressants. Single oral doses as low as 1 mg were shown to affect brain function.

Unnecessary for SHBG reduction, as AAS dose is negatively related to serum SHBG levels.

In order to investigate differential effects of androgens on erythropoiesis, 55 men with clincally and biochemical confirmed hypogonadism were randomly assigned to 4 groups receiving different forms of androgen substitution: Mesterolone (MES) 100 mg/d, testosterone undecanoate (TU) 160 mg/d, testosterone enanthate (TE) 250 mg i.m./21 days or 1200 mg crystalline testosterone (TPEL) subcutaneously implanted at study begin. Previous testosterone medication had been suspended at least 3 months prior to study begin. Testosterone (T), dihydrotestosterone (DHT), hemoglobin (HB) and hematocrit (HC) were assessed before, during and after substitution of androgens. MES did not increase serum T and TU raised average T levels during substitution to 5.7 +/- 0.3 nmol/l, thereby doubling baseline concentrations. TE resulted in a 6fold increase of baseline T yielding 13.5 +/- 0.7 nmol/l and TPEL increased serum T 8.5fold to 23.2 +/- 1.1 nmol/l. Average DHT levels during substitution were 4.3 +/- 0.2 (MES), 3.3 +/- 0.2 (TU), 4.0 +/- 0.4 (TE) and 5.5 +/- 0.4 (TPEL) nmol/l. The groups receiving TPEL, TU or TE showed a significant rise of HB and HC compared to baseline, whereas in the MES group these parameters did not change significantly. MES increased HB by 5.6 +/- 1.8 g/l, TU by 12.7 +/- 2.8 g/l, TE by 21.1 +/- 2.6 g/l and TPEL by 21.7 +/- 4.0 g/l. HC was raised by 1.8 +/- 0. 4% in the MES group, 3.9 +/- 1.1% in the TU group and 6.4 +/- 0.9% and 6.5 +/- 1.6% in the TE and TPEL groups, respectively. Except for 1 subject in the TPEL group, the HB and HC stayed within the normal limits. We conclude that, T, but not DHT, stimulates erythropoiesis in a dose dependent manner. T levels within the low normal range for men are required for maximal stimulation of erythropoiesis.

Binding affinity
RBA (0.21) [weak AR ligand] in rabbit skeletal muscle AR... extraordinarily strong SHBG ligand (4x that of DHT) [2].

Research implications
Further supports the hypothesis that AAS myotrophy is principally mediated by modulating GRs and increasing mIGF-I activity.

Reported use cases:
- Hardening, peaking (physique)
- Promotion of well-being; sexual vitality
- SHBG reduction (controverted whether rational)

Seemingly knowledgeable anecdote:
[Proviron] helps a bit to get rid of some water, but not comparable to masteron. Mesterolone is the steroid with the greatest affinity to SHBG (4.4 times of endogenous dht). It does NOT decrease SHBG, it binds them with great affinity, freeing up more testosterone and dht. Thr problem is that too much free test could increase aromatization to estradiol. Moreover, estradiol is also bound in minimal part to SHBG, so there are chances of increasing free e2 too. Mesterolone acts as a mild steroidal aromatase inhibitor (like exemestane, but the latter is much more stronger).
For me, the more proviron i take with test, the more i have to increase my AI dosage. Wellbeing, strenght, hardness and libido are due to higher free test and dht on proviron.
Mesterolone is also rapidly deactivated by the 3 alpha HSD enzyme into 5 alpha androstanediol, that's why proviron is not directly anabolic per se. 5 alpha androstanediol acts as a neurosteroids (GABA modulator) and it contributes to the weelbeing on proviron.
Generally speaking i feel good on proviron, but sometimes it makes me feel edgy, other times nervous and aggressive, other times emotional. I think it depends by the levels of e2 at the moment.
phoenix2 @ ProM [https://www.professionalmuscle.com/...ads/proviron-when-and-why.166264/post-2898262]

See also:
Epistane (2α,3α-epithio-17α-methyl-5α-androstan-17β-ol; 2α,3α-epithio-17α-methyl-5α-etioallocholan-17β-ol; 17α-methylepithiostanol; Methepitiostane; Havoc; Epi-Strong) is a product of the Designer Steroid Era, a potently hepatoxic orally active compound, but would be highly efficacious as an anti-estrogen agent, as its non-methylated counterpart (epitiostanol) is used clinically in Japan for treatment-resistant, relapsing stage IV metastatic breast cancer, as a form of alternative endocrinotherapy. In fact, it was demonstrated that epitiostanol (20mg) was more efficacious than Masteron (50mg) in treatment of male gynecomastia... its proposed mechanism is that it modulates estrogenic action at the target organ (cellular) level rather than by suppression of gonadotropin secretion.

Proviron is effective, as pickapeck says, as a mild hardening/drying compound. Some use it for libido benefits. It lowers SHBG. Some contraindications are that it (metabolism-dependent) may block Δ5 pathway of T synthesis ↑DHEA supply from [adrenal] DHEA pool for T synthesis in some individuals. It has a notable withdrawal effect upon cessation in these individuals. It is a mild anabolic, whereas epistane is potent (indeed, Epistane's Hershberger Assay results give it a remarkable anabolic/androgenic ratio of 1,100/91). Proviron is not potently hepatotoxic.

How did you arrive at the choice of these two particular compounds for your proposed use, may I ask? I am intrigued by the basic chemistry that ties the two together: their close structural relationship to 5α-DHT. So many throw around the term "DHT derivative," but these are characterized on the one hand, with Epistane, by the replacement of the 3-keto with 2,3 alpha-epithio (a sulphur atom spanning C2 and C3), versus Proviron being 1α-methyl-DHT.

Don't be led astray by their analogous features to (5α-)dihydrotestosterone, though; these compounds are remarkably different in their metabolism which is what really matters. For example, Proviron metabolizes in vivo partly to desoxymethyltestosterone (Madol), a highly dissimilar and highly potent androgen known for causing rage. Really, the grouping of these two as "DHT derivatives" highlights the pitfalls of relying on such simple classifications.

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