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Example of Crazy Genetic strength


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Mar 16, 2007
This video is showing the man's incredible grip strength, but you can see by how easily he picks up heavy dumbells that he is overall very strong. His grip is stronger than Larry Wheels. They say that he doesnt even do strength training at all.

Just think how it would feel if he grabbed your hand and crushed it. Bones would probably snap!
Just think how it would feel if he grabbed your hand and crushed it. Bones would probably snap!
He's impressive. And he's relatively untrained and apparently not on gear like the bros that brought him in apparently are.
He's impressive. And he's relatively untrained and apparently not on gear like the bros that brought him in apparently are.
Yeah, if you watch most of the video you'll see Larry all excited about the proposition of getting the guy properly trained and then see what kind of weights he can push. Sounds like he is strong in his lifts too.

Before I watched this video I had the impression that Larry was a bit of a jerk, but I can see now that he's a nice guy. Id like to meet him.
This genetic freak defeated a world-class arm wrestler despite almost no formal training. He is a total animal in more than one way...

This genetic freak defeated a world-class arm wrestler despite almost no formal training. He is a total animal in more than one way...

wow, yeah thats the same guy. Larry is there too. The two of them must hang out together sometimes.
The best trainers continuously claim that genetics make the best pros. And not necessarily anything else.
The best trainers continuously claim that genetics make the best pros. And not necessarily anything else.
Of course it's genetics, like in any other domain. You think Einstein turned out with an 180 IQ because of a special diet or because he read a lot of books as a child? You can throw all the resources and education at the average child and he would still be retarded in comparison. Similarly, you can create the perfect environment for the average person to grow muscle, and they would still be outclassed by a genetic freak like Phil Heath eating and training half-heartedly with he occasional jab of test.
The best trainers continuously claim that genetics make the best pros. And not necessarily anything else.

Everything else is that amplifier on top

More muscle on a broken mold only creates a bigger hunchback of Notredame, not a world class physique unfortunately
And if a person could understand genetics, then they may be able to mimic the processes rather effectively, but injections of genetic growth factors would pale in comparison to the localized delivery which cells produce themselves by their genetic advantage. The best of exogenous interventions could go far, but a person would have to change their genetics of themselves to rival the best genetics. So forth, it may be said that in this day and age, an average genetic person may still compete with the best genetics, if the best genetics are not maximized properly.

Nonetheless, I got bit again for my intelligent contributions in another thread, so it's just back to those snarky dumb shit comments for me. It's not rocket science. Any jackass can buy tren, and so forth my snarkiness.
And if a person could understand genetics, then they may be able to mimic the processes rather effectively, but injections of genetic growth factors would pale in comparison to the localized delivery which cells produce themselves by their genetic advantage. The best of exogenous interventions could go far, but a person would have to change their genetics of themselves to rival the best genetics. So forth, it may be said that in this day and age, an average genetic person may still compete with the best genetics, if the best genetics are not maximized properly.

Nonetheless, I got bit again for my intelligent contributions in another thread, so it's just back to those snarky dumb shit comments for me. It's not rocket science. Any jackass can buy tren, and so forth my snarkiness.


It wasn't meant as an antagonistic reply my friend. Just a discussion; never shy away from making meaningful contributions. Lot of us read it, then re read it to understand it better.

I've said it before; half the time I can't even understand what you say lol

It wasn't meant as an antagonistic reply my friend. Just a discussion; never shy away from making meaningful contributions. Lot of us read it, then re read it to understand it better.

I've said it before; half the time I can't even understand what you say lol
I get you😁 and thanks. The remainder was just transference. You can't talk to some people directly, so if some enlightened person was looking to figure my attitude, then they could piece it together here. Or whatever, you know. Blah, Blah, blah, the blah never quite suffices, it's just so we did the exercise.

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